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Chinese Steam ?

  • Still nothing new going on that I know of. Sounds like 6988 and 7081 are still stored at Newton.
    Robby Gragg - EJ&E fan Railpictures photos: Flickr photos: Youtube videos: R-V videos:
  • I bet they have big nameplates on the sides of the boiler with "Made in China" stamped on them My 2 cents [2c]

  • Ok I know i'm beating a dead horse here but still nothing new? What happened to the other engines that were supposedly on the way?
  • garthor

    RJ Corman unloaded a QJ at thier yard in Lexington in Jan. Since then they have been working for a spring steam-up. Talk yesterday was that the QJ was almost ready for a test run.


  •  garthor wrote:
    Ok I know i'm beating a dead horse here but still nothing new? What happened to the other engines that were supposedly on the way?

    Of the 5 locomotives identified for possible export to the USA by RDC, 2 are in Iowa, 1 in Kentucky, and the other two were scrapped in December 2007. See page 58 of the April Trains.

  • One other Chinese engine is in the US, NYSW 142, a mikado. Plus 141, which never ran because the ship it was on sank.(frown)
    Two MP engines got scrapped, an RS3(last one without EMD engine in it) and an RS1(same thing)
    were supposed to go to Pine Bluff, sat in a Chem refinery in Houston because Rs3 coupler broke, and Mp had diff. couplers from everyone else, and replacment didn't fit, so the refinery just scrapped them.

    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • Scrapped you have to be kidding me? Why import an engine and then scrap it? Ok now i'm looking for the magazine article.
  • Older locos, not the newer steamers. Those are still fine. WyomingRailfan was talking about different locos that were imported before.
  •  garthor wrote:
    Scrapped you have to be kidding me? Why import an engine and then scrap it? Ok now i'm looking for the magazine article.
    The two (of the 5) scrapped locomotives never left China. The 3 locomotives which did make it over still exist.
  • 6988 and 7081 are still stored at Newton, but the good thing is they should be stored indoors by now instead of sitting outside.

    Robby Gragg - EJ&E fan Railpictures photos: Flickr photos: Youtube videos: R-V videos:
  • any new  pictures of them, or there location ?
  • I can't believe no one has any interest in these engines or news? have they been stored inside yet , have they been damaged ?