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Steam In Penn Sta

  • Did any steam locomotive ever venture into Penn Sta N.Y.C.for experimental, emergency purpose or anything similar?
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  • I would find it quite unlikely, considering that the Hudson River Tunnels are long, steep and not ventilated well enough to permit operation of diesels. Note that the third rail was kept in place (along with some DD-1's) up to the west portal for wire trains after Penn Station was re-electrified in the 1930's.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • I agree with the previous post completely but never say never. they did try to run freights at night but the steepness of the grades through the tunnels caused sufficient slack action to break trains in two. So it could have happened but I'd bet it was less than ten times if it ever did.
  • The contractors that built Penn Station may-and I stress -May, have used "fireless cookers", but I haven't seen any in the available sources of pictures of the station under construction.