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For you Amtrak fans!

  • From the Drudge Report 10/13/05:

    FLASH: Amtrak's board of directors approve key step in the Bush admin's plan for breaking up railroad, voting to spin off NE Corridor -- tracks from DC to Boston -- as separate operating entity... Developing...
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  • Hmmmm. I think I'll have to wait and see for this one. I would disapprove of using this as some sort of pretext for terminating passenger rail service in the U.S., but then again, the NEC is the financial albatross around Amtrak's neck. As Trains has analysed in an article a couple of years ago, the costs of the NEC are such that if they were to be eliminated, the intercity LD trains might make some money.

    One bad point of this is that the NEC would become yet another item in the Federal Budget over which our elected Representatives would argue and argue and bicker and bicker, ad nauseum.
  • Remove the NE Corridor from the Amtrak system and it ceases to be a "railroad." It shouldn't surprise many to see "something" develop before the current administration leaves town.

    Congress is slow to move and there are so many "priorities" clogging the agenda. Not trivializing things like the war in Iraq or natural disasters here at home. When looked at in that light, one has to wonder about just where Amtrak fits into the so called "big picture."

    The beat goes on ..........

