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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 18: October 25, 2004

  • I voted for #1 this time though, as everyone else is stating, it was a very tough choice. At first I thought #2 because of the action it shows but the more I looked at #1 the more I liked the background and sky, Keep up the good work guys.
  • i voted for #2 because it was a sharper picture
  • I had to vote for number 1 because I grew up near UP tracks and even The Old CN&W tracks I Think UP has bigger and better engines Than any other RailRoad
  • Photo one; the sky really contrasts well with yellow locomotives.
  • As much as I hate GEs, I had to got with #1 this week. Its a wonderful photo, we've all seen those old photos of a UP freight traversing the open prarie, with the tall prarie grass, this shot almost seems like a new age version of that idea. Great job! Also some very dramatic lighting.

    Here is a recent photo of mine, of the RailCruise America dinner train . . . . . .

  • I remember when Seaboard Airline Railroad, now CSX, had tracks one mile from my house for the local. In the afternoon, when I came home from work, the local would be wobbling down the line at slow speed to the next drop off/pick up. [:(]

    This picture reminds me of those days. [:D]
  • #1 Is one of the best pictures I've seen in a long time. I love the fact that there is no train behind the engines. It lets me think of what the engines will do next, head home, or set out to pick up train or some cars. #1 also has an incredible undistubed backround. [:)]
  • Seems like the people who voted for #1 all comment on the sky.
    That's what stood out for me right away. The way the clouds and
    engines glow .Very moody.
  • I voted for #2. UP's AC's just don't do it for me, especially with no freight cars behind 'em. (Now a SD90MAC would be another story...)

    Actually, the second picture looks a lot like the train I shot this morning -- Action Red on the point, Candy Apple Red trailing -- but mine had a loooooong train behind it!!! It sure is impressive how good some of those Action Red units still look!!!

  • I voted for #1, either they were power moving or going to assist another train, Union Pacific is not in the habit of moving locomotives without a train attached to it. #2 appears to be a standard photo.
  • I to had to go with the working crowd. UP looks like it was posing for this shot.[^]
  • I did vote #2...though the UP shot was nice...the engines seemed so blanche. By that I mean we see them everywhere...the faceless, new engine. Photo itself was great....but Number 2 had more character.
  • #2 displays railroading doing what it gets paid to do....move freight.

    #1 displays what you don't want to have happen....power moving with no revenue behind it.
  • Both were really nice. I loved the contrast, the big engines with no train, and the angle of the sun. I voted for number 2. Why? Although 2 doesn't have the dramatic lighting, you can see the haze of the exhaust, the smaller, beautiful units versus those big lugs I'm too used to seeing these days, and a full train in tow on what looks like a hot summer day.

    edit-I will guess that number 1 is Mike's, as it is a heavy mood shot; number 2 is Erik's, as it is a fancy general shot.