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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 18: October 25, 2004

  • This time I will go with photo number two. I like the railroad CP rail very much. In photo number one, I think it is too dark. But both photos were very good! Great shots.
  • As always a tough choise. I went for #2 because of the very distinct showing of the grade. I don"t see that many good train pictures where the grade is very obvious.
    I think the color and contrast in #1 was better whereas the sky in #2 was almost washed out. From a photographic standpoint #1 is a very good photo however the subject composition in #2 overrides that for me.
  • Capturing the trackage to the right of the train in the distance did it for me in photo #2. It shows the train's working environment.
  • Had to go with #1. The sky, the angle of the sun and the surrounding grasses with the elongated shadows really set it of as better than #2.
  • They are both great photos. It was close,but the threatening sky in #1 was the deciding factor for me[:)]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • [X-)] They were both good and #1 the look of power. I voted for #2 because!
  • This was one of the toughest votes yet! I went with "Big power, no train" though.
  • #1 has a lot going for, lighting, overall composition, but.....the shadow obscuring the running gear of the last locomotive and the rear truck of the first locomotive, distracts your attention when you look at the photo the first time (a touchup with Photoshop would bring out the shadow details). I voted for #2 on the basis of overall correct exposure.
  • I voted for photo number 2. It seems to illustrate the power of the engines pulling up the grade. The clear bright colors stand out in the shot.
  • Though it was close, I voted for #2. I found the difference was the fact that 2 was obviously working. They were both good shots.
  • I really liked the lighting, the stormy sky - and the wondering, "hey, did you guys loose something?" happens on my model layout all the time!
    Edwin Miller
  • I really like the sky, the sunlight and the shadows of #1. #2 was a good shot also, but I had to go with #1.
  • Loved both... But voted for # 2. More "drama"... and that grade... WOW!
  • Hello to you all.
    It is No1 this time. There are no cars and it is a bit hazzy but the color is fantastic. The scene is great so there ges my vote.
    take care everyone until next time
    Thessaloniki, Northern Greece
  • I went with "Big Power, No Train" simply because I like the light of dusk and this pic is a fine example of dusky lighting. The spot of sunlight on the nose of 6602 really bumps up the impact of the pic. The storm clouds in the background add an ominous quality to the photo. It's also a fine 3/4 shot of a pair of light units.

    I like "Making the Grade" almost as well... it was a hard choice. Each had many, many good qualities.

    Regards, Ed