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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 15: September 13, 2004

  • Both good! But I liked the contrast of the reflective signal masts standing out among the dark greenery
  • Erik's photo tells a story with the signal, the crew in the cab windows, and the diesel haze. Mike's picture is great, certainly better than I do, but it is just too mundane. Erik's is my clear favorite.
  • Mikes photo reminds me of riding my bike home after a little league game, trying to beat the rain, while stopping just long enough to whip out my Kodak 110 instamatic to grab the shot. I can almost smell the air and feel the ground rumble. P.S. Erik's shot reminded me of going to the game earlier in the day, but Mike's has more of an emotional connection for me. 33 years later, still have the little 110, somewhere.
  • Both were good this time except for the white paint out of the WC shield logo, those pesky CN shop forces. So I voted for Erik this time at least.
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • I had to go with Erik's shot. I love the WC but there wasn't much to the picture. I liked Erik's shot better because it has so much more in the picture like the signals. They add to the photo so much more. Also I like how you can see the heat coming out of the top and how it makes the rest of the train look! A+ on that one!

    Dave Howarth Jr. Livin' On Former CNW Spur From Manitowoc To Appleton In Reedsville, WI

    - Formerly From The Home of Wisconsin Central's 5,000,000th Carload

    - Manitowoc Cranes, Manitowoc Ice Machines, Burger Boat

  • hi i am new on the site and i liked mike little brother would like this site.he has a colection you would not believe
  • I had to go with Erik's photo again this week. I like Mik'e photo too,but Erik's is more 'dramatic'.

    "May The Horse Be With You" -Norfolk Southern
  • Erik caught it on target. Both great photos, but with the exhaust coming out on the BNSF locomotive is very catching.
  • Although a little too dark for my tastes (or maybe my monitor...), I preferred Mike's picture. I am actually a big fan of cloudy days, it's usually easier to take pictures since you don't have to worry about which way the sun is shining. BTW, Sterling1, that's not a paint-out of the WC logo, that's just the result of it being red and fading quite a bit!!! Too bad... [:(]

    Erik's shot was nice too, but the head end of the train in the shadow with the back end in the sunlight didn't quite agree with me. Still, both great shots, made it hard to decide!!!

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by appst03

    I have to go with Erik this time around. The cool heat distortion effect, the line side singals, unmatched air conditioning unit, ability to see the train crews and the height of the photo location all add up to winner in my opinion. I do like Mike's photo though as we can see an uncommon SD45 on the point and the lovely WC paint scheme as well as the CN stenciled trailing unit.
    Well Said, Railfan Brother !!! Excellent Shots Again Guys !!! BRAVO TO BOTH OF YOU ! You made it tough for most of us to decide again !