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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 9: June 7, 2004

  • Of the three, #3 for sure..only better if the CP train was going the other way (or if those were helper units and we could not see the headlight)
  • Photo 3 was my choice in spite of the unfortunate lighting (Photoshop can
    easily remedy that). Reason was that I've been in that situation myself with
    2 moving trains and you're trying for the optimum visual effect with some
    informational component. The timing was good so there's a clear view
    of the CP units and hopefully in the original image all loco numbers are
    Composition-wise the track orientation leaves the lower right corner of 3 a
    bit uninteresting. The composition on image 1 was good for trackage patterns
    (fulfilling the rule of 3) but that lousy bridge reduced CP Rail info by 1/3.
  • I like the exhaust in 3, but it is too bad that it happens to cover up BOTH CP locos.

    Mike looks like John Ritter