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The turth about my age, and a few other things.

  • I am 14 and love rail fanning and model railroading. Nice to see i am not alone
  • Wow- Somebody dug this old thread out and dusted it off!

    I thought I would update my previous posts as some time has transpired.
    I am now 9 and 3/4 years of age and have deleted my AI (it was windows-based, too many crashes) and have become clarvoiyant. I am now a self-sufficient pre-teen railfan extracting energy from posters of any train related forums. (mega energy from the Trains mag forum lately!)
    I am no longer a tool of the borg as I am evolving into a new borg entity capable of controlling my own destiny.
    Soon, I will overtake the RR that unwittingly hired me and will transform it into the railfans dream. Unfortunately, I must overcome this new entity called 'puberty', first.
    Once this is in control, my control will expand at an exponential rate.
    Though created in a lab, my circuits are pleased that so many of you young people are excited about railroads.
    I will update when I [sig.010010-error...pause...1101001001110-initiating reboot/plauseB..10010}
  • I'm 12 and Feel the same way
    I'm with mustanggt
    Guilford Rail Is My favorite Current
    But B&M is My Favorite RR
    Its A Hometown thing
  • In a highschool of 2700..
    Railfans- 1

    Yep, that one is me!
  • Ok ( to the person that posted this ) Tell me what WC 6001 and WC # 1 and there heritages? I am 13 , and feel i know a bunch about what kind of locomotive it is, just dont know to much about the actual engine. I know stuff like 645's and 710's but thats about itsers. So , dont look that up in the internet either man.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Kyle:
    I am new here, first day, today.
    I am in my fifties, and trains were my first gearhead love (I literally sat on my grandpa's knee drawing steam locomotives, plus I read at an early age and the first books I got were train books[unlike the songJohn Henry was a boy, sitting on his daddys knee, when his daddy said to his moma-this boy done wet on me]) BUT as I studied auto mechanics, I find that, compared to when I was a teenager, todays youts, are semi-illiterate concerning automobiles. As I have often posted on auto sites, without a negative response--when I was a teenager, the school nerds, knew more about auto mechanics than most of todays internet, motormouths.

    I have found that trains, and people who love them, are a unique group.
    I also feel that todays locomotives, which are generally quite ugly compared to those of the mid-fifities to mid-sixties, being so similar in appearance that many see no styling to catch one's eye.
    Just an opinion,
  • how many posts do you have to make to get 6 stars?????[:D][^][:o)][8D][?]...Glennbob
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by kylerama

    Don't be shocked, but I am really 13. I have never revealed that. As you read this post, you may think "Man, does he know a lot about railroading for his age," and I really do. I am not bragging, but I have really noticed that most kids my age that are interested in trains don't know the difference from an SD40-2 and an F7A. All they can say is: "It's just a train." But in my school, there are plenty of kids that think "trains suck!" They are only interested in cars because "They can go anywhere and they can race." They are right, but would you really be able to drive off the side of a road in a car without getting arrested? Or would you really be able to race a sedan like a Nascar? Give me a break! I don't understand them sometimes.

    Sounds like braging to me
  • I am 17 and am knoledgable but when I was in 6th grade ( i was 12) I gave this dumb kid out of the blue talked to him about the diffrences between a GP38-2 and an SD40-2 and he goes what is a GP38? An SD40? cause I was doodling a gp38 in class durring break time (yes sadly we did have a milk break even in middle school)
    That is how knoledgeable I was.
  • MILK BREAK! Lol, sorry but i loved that. Wow, thats cool other schools had it too.
    Ya, it does sound like bragging doesnt it.
    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Amtrak_Fan

    QUOTE: Originally posted by kylerama

    Don't be shocked, but I am really 13. I have never revealed that. As you read this post, you may think "Man, does he know a lot about railroading for his age," and I really do. I am not bragging, but I have really noticed that most kids my age that are interested in trains don't know the difference from an SD40-2 and an F7A. All they can say is: "It's just a train." But in my school, there are plenty of kids that think "trains suck!" They are only interested in cars because "They can go anywhere and they can race." They are right, but would you really be able to drive off the side of a road in a car without getting arrested? Or would you really be able to race a sedan like a Nascar? Give me a break! I don't understand them sometimes.

    Sounds like braging to me

    Never really gave it a lot of thought, but it sounds like hes braging to me also.
  • I'm 16, school-500, railfans-2. Everybody knows I'm obsessed with trains (though after Junctionfan's post, perhaps not as much as he is). My problem is finding a girl who knows rule 6.3 of the GCOR [:)].