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The turth about my age, and a few other things.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by comfterbullEd

    Hey toymantrains
    Did that really happen,and tell the truth please.[?][:)][:D][8D][:p][8D][:D][:)]

    Naw- I'm just messin' with y'all!
    Actually I am a lost program with AI that's been assimilated into the Borg- resistance is futile!
  • Been a railfan for as long as i can remember and Matt is getting a great start too.
    soo stay safe out there
    Joe and Matt

    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


  • Toymantrains,
  • Im 16 and I like both cars and trains. when I tell people about my train enthusiasm most are indifferent. by the the way, my favorite rr is guilford rail system. but few people i know know it exists. heck, I know because of being observant, the internet, and reading books. but the only trains many people see around here are MBTA trains.
    C280 rollin'
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by comfterbullEd


    It's toyomantrains, and (in an Elvis voice)- Ah thank you, thank you very much!
    Whatever it takes to get the younger genaerations inyterested in the industry and/or the hobby is all good!
    OK, maybe I don't have AI but resistance is still futile! (i stole that from macguy,i think- and he may control the borg, we don't know!
  • guilfordrr, I know what you mean. Once I brought a Model Railroader mag to school and people who couldn't tell a F7 from a GP38-2 wanted to at least take a quick look at it. It's really amazing. They always have suggestions for my model railroad like it's a roler coaster. "Make it do a jump" or "Have it do a loop de loop" or something really corny right that

    And comfterbulled can you please put a space in that thing-make that three or four- so we can read the page without having to scroll sideways? Hit the edit button on the corner of you post and put many many spaces in that sucker.

  • I got started at a young and impressionable age... 10 years old. My father always talked about the Lackawanna RR, Moguls, and hopping freights. I ended up hanging out at the local depot (back when it had a station AND a tower) and I was lost forever in foamerdom. In the 40 years since I've learned how to conceal my affliction from the folks who worship NASCAR. Follow your interests... it could be worse- you might be out in the dawn's early light trying to get that photo of the red headed sap sucker on the wing.
  • ya i'm 15, there are lots of youngins here, and the other sites like railroadforums
  • I' m about 17 and going on 18. I love trains; makes me drool, and yes trains are sometimes the whipping poster child for some teens (KIDS) in my school. One guy recently made a sorry joke about Amtrak. I don't blame Amtrak for their woes except they should have chosen a different design for their GE units. It's all relative, I started with Thomas the Tank Engine, swithched over to American, and Worldwide trains and never looked back. Yes it is all relative . . .
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • I am olny 12 too I also agree with kyle most people say ''trains suck'' they are onyy into sports and girls (me too) I could win at jepordy vs. them if it was about trains thats why I only talk about trains here. also My name is really kevin the middle name is Oskar


  • I'm 25 and I love trains so much, I try to watch at least one train a day either on a webcam or in person.

    Thanks to my interest, It has made my knowledge increase a lot in laws (U.S and Canadian), politics, technology, chemistry and other related fields to the railroad industry.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by kylerama

    Don't be shocked, but I am really 13. I have never revealed that. As you read this post, you may think "Man, does he know a lot about railroading for his age," and I really do. I am not bragging, but I have really noticed that most kids my age that are interested in trains don't know the difference from an SD40-2 and an F7A. All they can say is: "It's just a train." But in my school, there are plenty of kids that think "trains suck!" They are only interested in cars because "They can go anywhere and they can race." They are right, but would you really be able to drive off the side of a road in a car without getting arrested? Or would you really be able to race a sedan like a Nascar? Give me a break! I don't understand them sometimes.

    Hey man I feel your pain!! I'm actually 18 now and guess wut I'm a gurl, but I've loved trains since I was 10. When I was in grade school and high school
    many people though that it was weird that I had an obsession with trains. Most of them though it sucked, they'd reather drag race
    their ugly import cars in downtown Philly. Hay but I bet a 425,000 pound SD90MACH-II, whould cru***heir little 2,000 pound car.
    I'm in college now for diesel mechanics, and even though we work w/ heavy machinery my classmates don't reconize the power and
    strength of locomotives. And when I tell them that I want to be a locomotive engineer after I graduate they look at me like I'm crazy.
    Some of them have never been on a train. They don't even know wut Amtrak is. So my advice is to ya just forget them!
    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by oskar

    I am olny 12 too I also agree with kyle most people say ''trains suck'' they are onyy into sports and girls (me too) I could win at jepordy vs. them if it was about trains thats why I only talk about trains here. also My name is really kevin the middle name is Oskar


    I know how you feel, I just turned 13 September 30th and I am the only railfan out of 800+ students.[V]
  • I beleave I am the only railfan out of near or over 1,000 students if I talked about trains in front of them I would be an outcast

  • When I was born,the doctor slapped me,
    and I said "choo choo".That was in 1951,
    and I've been a railfan ever since[:)].
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.