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Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 6: April 19, 2004

  • I like # 3. It is up close and centered in the picture and seems to be more clear. I also like the motion in # 2 but vote for # 3. Thanks for the pictures and the information on the location of picture taken.
  • I preferred photo #3 because the train was closer than in #1 and thus the detail on the shaded nose was sharper. Also the loco image was larger with the trees to the left on just shown but obvious by their shadows. there is more detail of the train which is lost in the tele shot as it necessarily is more head on.
  • Photo 2 got my vote through the use of compression and the inclusion of a change of grade by design or fluke. Both the other shots also get my vote because the colour is better and you get to see more of the train. As noted by another post, the capture of a aircraft contrail was and interesting capture.

    I do not, however, agree with Livehorse about P2 not being compared with the other 2. My understanding of this column is: it is about the composition by the photographers rather than taking identical pics.

    An observation about who took what; I think P1 was taken by Tom D. The give away for me is the shot is "loose" compared with P3. As for P2 and P3, I suspect Erik took P2 which leaves Mike for P3. [:)]

    As for safety, anytime you are around trains of any size, staying safe is a message we all need reinforced at regular intervals. Those kids were not too bright.[#oops] A timely reminder. From memory in NZ they would be considered trespassers and I'm rather sure that would be true (or more so) in the US. Rail corridors are after all owned by a company so it is technically private property.

    StephenDx: Computers and trains are my greatest interestsWhistling GMT +12hrs (+13 in summer)

  • Have to go with #3 this week. It seems to have the best color balance and the best impact.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Livehorse

    # 1 and # 3 were shot near the same place, while number 2 was shot either up or down the tracks from the other two, thus it's not from the same place and therefore shouldn't be compared with the other 2 for voting on.

    Actually, all three of us were standing within a few feet of each other.
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  • I like all three for different reasons. I like the use of a framing object (the tree) in #1, but feel that there is a bit too much tree to be a winner.

    I like the sense of "being there" of # 2, but don't like the white sky. (Especially since I know it wasn't hazy that day.) I don't have a problem with the shady nose, since this isn't supposed to be an inspection shot, and we already know what a trains nose looks like. Besides, you can see a profile of the crew which adds a bit of character. I also wi***hat the loco wasn't so centered.

    The sky in #3 is great, and the rest of the shot looks good, too. But it has a feeling of static-ness (as does #1). That we're looking up a bit at the engine, helps.

    I predict that Erik took #2, Mike took #3 and Tom took #1.

    Before I vote, let me add to the chorus of safety consciousness. It really is surprising how something that big and noisy can sneak up on you. I am curious whether you chased off the kids or they left on their own.

    That said, I put the question to myself: "Which one would you want on your wall?" Hmmm. I voted for #3.

  • They were all great, but I liked #2 the best. You can just feel the power of the train coming toward you and feel like you're right there watching it.
  • #3. Nice and bright, as well as up close.
  • #2 is the shot I choose,
    You can see that this train is climbing up a Hill-
    A one unit wonder working all it's Raw power!!
    ArtistikFunk Image Poet/ Master Digital Retoucher Cramer-Krasselt, Phone: 414- 227-1517 Fax: 414-276-8718
  • Tough choise this time! I was really split between 1 and 2, there're both great shots of the very uncommon clean locomotive!!!!! I like the setting too, it's interesting to see a train next to a neat and good looking area.

    Check out my Web Page!
  • I liked photo 2, because of its feeling of power. It seemed to evoke more action and emotion than the other two shot.
  • #3 for obvious reasons. I don't have a photo to post this week! OH NO! My camera shot craps and is in the shop for repairs [:(], I hope to have it back soon! But until then, keep up the good work guys. [;)]
  • I voted for No. 3 for much the same reasons as other voters. No. 1 had that intrusive tree. No. 2 looked, generally, as washed out as those sorta brown trees in the background. Usually I do like trees in the background but those trees just didn't do it and the color seemed washed out of the whole picture. I did like the composition of No. 3 and the great color and I could swear that No. 3 was sharper then No. 2.
  • Thought the trees in #1 were distracting, while in #3 you naturally focus more on the train. Picture #2 has the train framed nicely and I like the feel of the train coming right at you, but I didn't like the coloring. The sky looked washed out and the bare trees in the background are not pretty.

    Photo #3 shows more of the train, the contrail is clearer then #1, and overall has better composition than #1 or #2. I voted for #3.

    I also agree that the shots don't have to be identical. Actually it might be better to have different shots so that you can decide on who took the better picture, not who had the best shot of the same thing.
  • #3 as it shows more of the train. As always safety first