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Student Fare!

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Posted by bluepuma on Wednesday, December 3, 2003 3:31 PM
Always read it in the older issues, sometimes good stuff, but what would we lose? Perhaps it should appear now and then. If it's really value, there should be a forum topic that addresses modelers under 25.

I read for entertainment and information, perhaps a smile.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 4, 2003 3:42 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BRAKIE

I think student fare would be more wasted space and not in the best interest of improving the magazine.I mean all you will have is this,see my layout, see my SD40-2,see my what ever and no real modeling information..More like a show and tell at the local high school like it was before...

Well, picture this. You're a teen, write a letter to Model Railroader, and have it published in their magazine for thousands and thousands of people worldwide to see. Do you know how big of an honor that is? It basically makes the teens feel welcomed by having a place for them to be able to voice their opinions and whatnot in the world's largest model railroading magazine. This is a good way to help teens in the hobby and even get more teens into the hobby instead of having them get frustrated one day trying to lay track or whatnot on their layout and just quit all together. Besides, we're trying to save this hobby and youth is the key. That is the exact reason model railroading went downhill in my opinion: adult modellers being prejudice towards teen modellers. Why? Because most of these people believe the average teen is a punk kid who hangs out on the streets, destroys and vandalizes public property, and constantly blasts loud music in the middle of the night. In reality, however, this is far from true, as only a very small percentage of teens are this way. So, in my opinion, this column would help the model railroading world and certainly help WGH's campaign towards saving model railroading from utter abandonment. Now, I'm not pointing any fingers, but it still seems to me that there is still a large number of modellers out there who are prejudice towards teens. To those people, I simply have two words: GROW UP!
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Posted by detting on Thursday, December 4, 2003 4:07 PM
When I was a student, I hardly had extra money or time for hobby stuff. I think that this basic fact is ignored in our dealing with students.

What can they do with the materials on-hand or cheaply available to further their efforts in the hobby. I think that we should go back to the days of the $1 model how-to articles. Present simple one evening cheap projects that students can get a sense of accomplishment without trying to squeeze the "Middle Division" in the dorm room.

For example RMC had an article on rolling 55 gallon drums. This would be the kind of article that everyone could use.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 6, 2003 1:18 AM
Yeah you should bring back student fare,although on secoud thought I dont know maney students that could afford to stay in this increasingly high cost
hobby .I`m 65 retired,living on soc. sec.and a pension that gets eaten up by
my medical plan.If I didn`t already have motive power ,rolling stock,track&turnouts,I would not be able to afford to get in the hobby now !!!! Good luck kids.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 6, 2003 6:49 AM

I wasn't a reader of MR in the period when Student Fare was a feature of the magazine. So my input is strictly theoretical.

If the aim is to interest teens in model railroading why not make the Teen Fare feature a part of the online Model Railroader? The teen target audience is the most computer literate of any age demographic so it makes sense to take advantage of the fact.

Second, I'd like to see a regular feature (monthly) of the print version of MR targeted to novices in the hobby, regardless of their age. From the comments it seems that the 'Paint Shop' filled that bill.

Third, how about adding a topic heading in this forum for Teens/Novices and testing the ideas presented so far for interest viability. From what I can tell many of the current forum posters are teens or near teens.

I'm all for encouraging beginners in the hobby in any way which offers promise of success.

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Posted by AltonFan on Saturday, December 6, 2003 10:41 AM
First things first...

QUOTE: 4884bigboy asks:
What is the student fare?

"Student Fare" was a long-running column in Model Railroader, which was devoted to young modelers ranging in age from about ten or twelve through high school and college age. IIRC, the column was started in the late 1960s and disappeared in the 1990s. (IIRC, "Student Fare" readers were directed to an internet feature - where is that feature now?.) In the columns heyday, say the late 1970s-mid 1980s, it was moderated by a semi-retired MR editor, Willard "Andy" Anderson, who took letters from young readers and edited them into a coherent article. On one occasion, an article written by a high school student was billed as a "'Student Fare' Special Feature". During one of the Olson layout series, a column led off with a picture and a few paragraphs about then 12-year old Heidi Olson, who was working with her Dad on the project layout being featured.

QUOTE: pwkrueger reminds us:
..."I'm a 14-year old living in Peoria, IL who models BNSF - how do I keep my track clean?"...

pwkrueger's comments here do accurately capture the flavor of the typical "Student Fare" column.

About a quarter of a century ago, when I was a teen, I routinely skipped "Student Fare" to look at the other articles. (I must have read the column to some extent, given that I remember so much about it.) I have to agree with pwkrueger's complete assessment:

QUOTE: I enjoyed Student Fare, but I hope it doesn't get resurrected in the magazine again. A moderated forum on the MR web site would be a better venue for that type of thing. The "I'm a 14-year old living in Peoria, IL who models BNSF - how do I keep my track clean?" sort of thing is made for this media. Rather than wait 8-16 weeks to see his letter in the magazine and get one response to his question, the 14-year old from Peoria can connect a dozen other modelers who model BNSF or have ideas on track cleaning within a couple of hours.

I have to say I'm not sure sure a specialized, age-specific column is necessarily the best idea to promote young people's involvement in the hobby or interest in the magazine. (The "young author contest" seems a better approach in this regard.) ISTM that efforts to promote youth involvement would be best done apart from the magazine.


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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 6, 2003 6:42 PM
Student Fare was at it's best when it was like paint shop. A nice article with a letter's section at the end. That was before my time as a subscriber, but as I'm collecting the old issues (Way better deal than buying new ones, I'm afraid), I do read the older Student Fare's.

The best solution for both is probably a moderated forum here, and an obvious reference in the magazine.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 6, 2003 8:00 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TAMR159

[ That is the exact reason model railroading went downhill in my opinion: adult modellers being prejudice towards teen modellers. [/b]

I was unaware that model railroading "went downhill" at all.

Please elaborate on what you mean by this.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2003 4:00 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by ACL Fan

QUOTE: Originally posted by TAMR159

[ That is the exact reason model railroading went downhill in my opinion: adult modellers being prejudice towards teen modellers. [/b]

I was unaware that model railroading "went downhill" at all.

Please elaborate on what you mean by this.

I meant in terms of participants. Model railroading has been slowy decreasing in it's amount of participents, hence the creation of WGH. However, WGH still doens't seem ot have it right, as it seems like they are still targetting the older audience when the real audience to target is teens & youth. Why? Because people usually develop their interests when they're relativeley young and go by experiences from those times. So, if you sort of like trains, but also like cars, and don't feel appreciated in the hobby of model railroading (like you're insignificant), well, you're going to get into the hobby of cars and whatnot. That's why I say target the youths!Get them hooked on trains when they're young and keep them hooked. There are MANY other perfectly good hobbies out their mesides model railroading and railfanning, so they can easily join one of those instead. That's one of the reasons I'm part of the TAMR (Teen Association of Model Railroads): Because I want to help make a difference and save this hobby.
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Posted by AltonFan on Sunday, December 7, 2003 7:13 PM
I doubt "Student Fare" had an effect on the number of young people entering the hobby one way or the other. There are a lot of other explanations why people are not going into model railroading. One is that railroads are less visible and less important than they were even in the 1960s. There are more hobby activities to compete with model railroading.

Moreoever, more than one of the "old timers" has reported that they dropped interest in model railroading during their teen years as school, cars, and girls occupied their attention. It was only once these guys got themselves established that they resumed the hobby.

However, there must be some growth in model railroading: the prices keep going up and new stuff keeps being introduced.


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2003 7:16 PM
I sure have'nt read all of the posts to this topic, but I would imagine with the WGH being pushed so hard by MR, it would only seem natural that Student Fare would be brought back. Kinda seems silly that it even has to be posed in a poll on this site.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2003 8:46 PM
We are never to old to learn and somewhere along the learning curve we invariably miss something important. A "back to basics" or "Student Fare" section is always a quick and simple way to keep on track.

How many kids are intimidated by all this DCC and Voodoo Electronics?

K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple Silly as Complicated just looses the masses before they even get started.

Yes I like the high tech stuff too but that is why books are made available. This everybody's hobby.

Personnally I get the majority of my ideas from the pictures.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 8, 2003 12:34 AM
It isn't the kids that are intimidated by the electronics, they live in an electronics world; for them, there never was anything else. Its us getting old farts who are more likely to be intimidated by electronics.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 8, 2003 9:39 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by rsn48

It isn't the kids that are intimidated by the electronics....

Point taken, regardless I'm more intimidated by the price of electronics and the down time to get it all wired properly and functioning. Darn those pesty Gremlins!![}:)]
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Posted by randybc2003 on Monday, December 8, 2003 5:42 PM
I rember the very first "STUDENT FARE" column.
Yes, I think it should be returned. This would give a forum for youngsters and teenagers to have their work appreciated. If this hoby is to grow and propigate, the younger crowd needs to be acknowledged. Simple questions could indeed be answered by e-mail, or "perminantly" posted on a web page, but the younger groups need something they can react to, and not be over-whelmed.
I was very disapointed when the collumn was relagated to I-net, and then appearantly droped.

As for "Paint Shop", yes, I would like to see it return. I appreciated the exact formulations for some of the paint jobs, and other information contained in the collumn. Rember: SOME OF US ARE (ALL/PARTLY) COLORBLIND!
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Posted by dwick on Monday, December 8, 2003 11:36 PM
Since Student fare was directed to new comers, young pre-teens, teens, teachers and even college students, I was disappointed when MR droped Student Fare. after all, wasn't the section directed to the groups that I mentioned? Dumbest thing the editors ever decided to do. If you want to bring new blood into the hobby, why not bring back Student Fare? Rick Silby did a great job with that inclusion. The Student Fare was not meant to be racked over by rivit counters/nit pickers or such. It was for beginners who liked to show case their first efforts or learn more about the hobby.
Let's give Student Fare a chance. After all, I was a student over fifty years ago.
Don Wick- West Bend, WI
Donald F. Wick
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 3:09 PM
Yes!!! I wi***hey would have it again.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:16 PM
it really would be great if MRR could put the student fare section back into the magazine. i'm a teen with a so-so layout, and small in comparison to everyone else's. I need a place to show my hard work, without trying to get a big article on my layout, which i doubt general readers would be interested in, since it is not up to what seems to be the standard.
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Posted by AggroJones on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by rsn48

It isn't the kids that are intimidated by the electronics, they live in an electronics world; for them, there never was anything else. Its us getting old farts who are more likely to be intimidated by electronics.

I'm not an old fart, and I am intimidated by electronics. [V]

"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:17 AM

I'm all for having 'Student Fare' reinstated as an educational effort and an outreach program. Student age modelers do require some special handling and encouragement, lets extend it to them and see what the results are in 2 ot 3 years.

On another tack, I would also like to see reprints of the best "how to" articles from MR past issues. These cost nothing, other than the time to scan them into the computer, and would I think be well recieved by the readership.

Last, I to would like to see the return of the Paint Shop section.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:38 AM
I would be intrested in a more begining type magazine. With the current MR I only dream. I liked trains when I was a kid and we had a flat piece of plywood that had bright green simulated grass, and brass track. I have been trying to get started on a layout for over a year, I have Digitrax Zepher, 2 steam Loco's with dcc/sound, some track and some cork. But I still a'm not quite sure where to begin, I'm on a budget, I have space, and I want something besides flat wood, it would be nice to see a magizine with some starter layouts that arn't just flat 4X8 or just a big square.
I have asked the guys at the local train store and it's like they don't understand because I have seen thier layouts that just the building they are housed in is as big as my house, and cost over $50,000. Some one needs to help the beginers or returning modlers, and not with just a 4X8, which if fine for alot of people but not everyone.
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Posted by Noah Hofrichter on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:46 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by rda1964

On another tack, I would also like to see reprints of the best "how to" articles from MR past issues. These cost nothing, other than the time to scan them into the computer, and would I think be well recieved by the readership.


Randy, you can acess some how-to articles on line. When you come to the model railroader home page, over to the left hand side I think there's an area that says "how to articles" or something like that.

I too would like to see the return of paint shop, it was a really nice collum about special painting tecniques and all, and I miss it, along with student fare.

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Posted by trainfan1221 on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:00 PM
As we have been discussing, it would be nice, but it probably won't happen.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:09 AM
hi all
I did not vote I stoped buying MR because it was so full of stuff I did not have hope of ever achieving and there was nothing in it I could achieve I got disolusioned with the mag as it was no longer a hobby mag.
it should have basic projects, intermediate projects and dont bother uless you are a master craftsman.
The same goes for layouts not every one has room for a million miles of main line with double header bigboys hauling 150 cars besides LARGE space +1 only modeler = mediocre layout as you never get anything done too busy trying to fill all that space with just the basics.[2c]
regards John
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 11, 2004 1:21 PM
I voted a yes to Return Student Fare. When it was closed it was the first time I ever remember being absolutly pissed with the Magazine and almost let my subscription run out. I also dearly miss the Paint Shop. That was where I generated about 2/3s of my modeling ideas. I agree that while stuent fare might not directly contribute to recruiting younger members to the hobby, it will (did) give them a place to show what they have accomplished and make them feel like they are a welcome and valued member of the model railroad hobby.
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Posted by darth9x9 on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:13 AM
Yes, as the industry needs to pay more attention to the younger generation as the average age of a model railroader get higher and higher each year.

Bill Carl (modeling Chessie and predecessors from 1973-1983)
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Posted by joegideon on Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:32 PM
I'd like to revive this thread... It's been three years and STUDENT FARE is nowhere to be seen. And, just maybe that's OK. Younger folks are more likely to use the internet and on-line portions of Kalmbach's(and others') efforts. There are a lot more on-line features than there were three years ago, f'r'instance. When I was a young modeler- and I was doing narrow-gauge when I was 13, in the 1960s- I didn't quite understand the age delineation of 'Student Fare' when it appeared. Possibly articles hiliting simple- or simpler- projects- maybe even written by young modelers- might be more "inspirational" to the students. I was probably capable of writing about a number of subjects, from layout design (I am building a layout now that I basically designed in 1964...) to car and structure building. Also, the magazine could do a small feature- a bio about a young modeler each- or every other month. This probably would have been more attractive to me as a young modeler. WGH is a good idea, but to me, it seemed stuck almost as soon as it was launched. Kalmbach could have used their clout- along with outfits like Walthers- to create and sponsor television and other media and media-event types of things. The secret to success with public relations is frequency, frequency, frequency- and, if exposed enough, bombarded enough, the young public will respond. Of course, we also must get used to the fact that there are many more things competing for the attention of young people these days.



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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:54 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by skibbs4

Why bring back Student Fare when the whole magazine is devoted to beginners now?

If MR went back to publishing the best of the best and stopped dumbing down their content in an attempt to gain readership, then there would be more of a need for Student Fare type content. Right now, all the articles are shorter, less detail is given, articles are of a more basic nature, and in an attempt to make all articles as widespread as possible, everything feels washed out.

I think MR needs to rekindle some WOW factor, and show everyone some amazing modeling so that we can dream about being better modelers and then work to become better modelers. Give us something to strive for.

Mike Skibbe

Thats funny...I was just thinking about starting a thread that said "Does model railroader only focus on the HUGEMONGOUS layouts?"

To tell you the truth, I think there needs to be more basic how to! The only problem I have with the magazine is that they are becoming mundane as far as how they are writen. There are also about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 adds and it seems that that is all I'm reading!
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Posted by csmith9474 on Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:30 PM
It makes sense that MR cut some of the "fluff" to make more room for advertisements.
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Posted by UPJohn on Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:24 PM
Yep!!! I loved that column

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