I know some of you dial-up users are going to hate me, but...
Crandell sent this pic to me before he posted. He wanted to be nice, but you really have to see it like I did.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Everything looks just excellent! I have one of the life like coaling towers, after details they look pretty good. Didn't do anything this week, cleaned off my main line and ran the Chessie GP38 with a mixed freight around the layout a couple times. List of things to do sometime:
1) Finish cork roadbed for the new figure 8.
2) Ballast the figure 8.
3) Replace inside line track and work in figure 8.
4) Finish painting railings for my Athearn BB GP35 and install them (this is a 25 yr old kit that is just now getting assembled!)
5) Have two trains operating at once, one on main line, one on inside industrail main line.
tomkat-13 wrote: Here is a six-pack set of BREX Reefers that I'm getting ready to run tomorrow, the 17th, on the clubs modular HO layout. We are going to set up at the clubs spring swap meet.Click on image to enlarge.
Here is a six-pack set of BREX Reefers that I'm getting ready to run tomorrow, the 17th, on the clubs modular HO layout. We are going to set up at the clubs spring swap meet.
Click on image to enlarge.
Tomkat, is the swap meet something that is open to the public in the St. Louis area? If so, details please I might make the trip across the river.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
FastTracks wrote: This week I completed a couple more sections of my Bronx Terminal...
This week I completed a couple more sections of my Bronx Terminal...
Okay, since you are showing me this again, I have to ask. Why does that turnout stub into the points of the other turnout at the top right of this picture? It seems a curved track would be more appropriate.
I have also created a new site specifically to document this build. It can be found here...
Bronx Terminal
I'm attempting to try and make the back part of my layout a little more appealing by using left over piece's of foam i've had laying around the garage.
yep , these are made out of that evil white foam , as are all my mountains ,I'm down to the painting and covering process of the build.I still have to finish all the lights for the remaining 12 or so houses and then I can start the detail work.
Great shots so far.
Between finally got all buildings in place and preliminary landscaping done.
Arock got a new scale to measure actual ore output from the mine.
Thanks, selector.
My guess would be about 11-14 hours. The thing that usually makes them really time consuming (50+ hours) would be the detail kit, so the fact that this one already had most of the detail cut a lot of hours off!
Nice work all around, Darth. That Pacific looks like it was a lot of work, and well done, to boot. About how many hours have you in the making?
About the open frame motor....why not? And I guess we all know to never throw anything out!
Nice pictures guys!
Here's what I posted in my photo topic when I didn't see this one get started.
First are some pictures of my almost finished Bowser K-11 4-6-2.
I decided not to get the super-detail kit for this one, because most of the detail was already cast on, and the detail kit has few parts for what you pay. I also already had an extra turbo generator, which I glued on near the cab. I also added a couple steps in front of the cylinders. All the engine needs now is some Dull Cote and it will be done.
My other project was remotoring an Athearn RDC, after the gold motor I had in there died.
SpaceMouse wrote: Dave Vollmer wrote: My new staging yard (last Saturday's project):Detachable I assume. As my son would say... Cooooooooooollllll!!!!!!!...Niiiiicccccceeeeee!!!!
Dave Vollmer wrote: My new staging yard (last Saturday's project):
My new staging yard (last Saturday's project):
Detachable I assume. As my son would say...
Thanks. Here's how I built it:
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
Dave, that is awesome. Nicely done!
Sue, I can't remember what those little 40'ers are, or even who made them, but I do know they are not models of my namesakes (Overton). I like them alot, and tow them behind my Tsunami'd WP&Y IHC Mike as an excursion. They track way better'n my MDC Harriman cars.
The coaling tower is a Life Like (first LL I have encountered or made...only needed some mods with the ladders and stairs, they didn't fit quite right). I don't recall about the water tower...Heljan, maybe? Sorry. If you like that style, and would like a craftsman-like kit, Kanamodel sells CPR style that look essentially the same. I have one, and will tackle it over the summer. It has a short piece of PVC tubing around which wooden staves are to be glued. Rest is wood.
Nice shot. I like the low perspective with the passenger cars up on the high tracks.
Who makes you water and coaling towers? I've been a diesel man, but I'm planning to dual-era my layout so I'll need to add those.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
selector wrote: I took this shot on a whim and have decided that I really like it. I have searched for a manipulation software that comes with the camera to see about fixing the backdrop with an inset sky, but I can't find one. Anyway, I hope you like it. I look forward to everyone's contributions this week.
I took this shot on a whim and have decided that I really like it. I have searched for a manipulation software that comes with the camera to see about fixing the backdrop with an inset sky, but I can't find one. Anyway, I hope you like it. I look forward to everyone's contributions this week.
Crandell, The gray in the foreground looks like he is relaxing and swatting flies. I would like to zoom in on the cars on the upper track. Looks like you are having great fun with the camera.
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.