tstage wrote: simon1966 wrote:Is it possible to discuss this apparent rivalry in a cordial way?Yes! Now shut up!!!
simon1966 wrote:Is it possible to discuss this apparent rivalry in a cordial way?
Yes! Now shut up!!!
Typical, the poster child for fair and balanced debate in DCC, the man that once took a barb for "being too nice to Digitrax" responds like this!!!!
I look forward to your real thoughts Tom.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
Whoever buys what, defends their choice to the death. It is better to be right than accurate.
Heck their both good companies. And there are other good companies. Which is "better" depends on your criteria, but neither one is a bad choice.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
(P.S. Seriously, I comment later, Simon.)
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
OK, first off I admit I am an idiot for even asking the question. My intent is not to create a flame session, just to try and understand the historical basis for this, if indeed any exists.
I am really curious about the apparent animosity / rivalry between user of these 2 fine systems. When ever a thread is started about Digitrax is does not take long for the NCE fans to weigh in with the usual list of perceived Digitrax shortcomings and frankly the Digitrax gang is more than happy to weigh into an NCE thread with assorted opinions. So often utter minutiae becomes the spark point for less than cordial inference and discussion. Neither camp is guiltless.
Are the principals of NCE and Digitrax openly hostile to each other?
Both companies seem to be doing rather well. Both seem to be offering products and services that are well received and accepted by the respective users. Both offer innovations and features that appeal to different folks.
How long has this been going on?
Why do we seem to care so passionately about this?
Why does anyone care what Joe Blow in Ohio selects as his DCC system of choice?
Is it possible to discuss this apparent rivalry in a cordial way?