but the train that one of the guys gets on when he's leaving his small mid western US community is the same train he gets off of in France...
It must been one hell of a tunnel. All the German RED tri-planes ruin the movie for me.
Budliner wrote: I hate when movies do that its like oh well looks good its a wrap just looks so dumb K
I hate when movies do that
its like oh well looks good its a wrap
just looks so dumb
Come on Budliner. Let's hook up and go to Hollywood and show them how to make movies!...
I will spot your points, and yeah, should have checked alittle farther on their facts. But considering that everyone who worked on the movie project was born WAY (most likely several generations) after the War, I am just glad to see a movie about it. If it has been a little Hollywooded....I suppose so be it. Its still a story that needs to be told the generations of our time.
Best Regards, Big John
Kiva Valley Railway- Freelanced road in central Arizona. Visit the link to see my MR forum thread on The Building of the Whitton Branch on the Kiva Valley Railway
I went to see Fly Boys last night. It was a good movie as far as the action and all went, but the train that one of the guys gets on when he's leaving his small mid western US community is the same train he gets off of in France... Also, the tri-wing planes that the Germans were supposedly using didn't come out until late in 1917, not 1916... I wish Hollywood would get their **** together!.