Bob Boudreau
Visit my model railroad photography website:
Well I guess maybe I will say something after biting my tongue for a while...... the 'new' forum works OK for me, no glitches, everything still 'works' the same. ie posting pics from rail images, quoting, read threads changing colour ..... in my view things that have changed are the built in features..... it seems that even though we have got a new colour scheme to spruce up the place we have actually lost more than we have gained with this new 'improved' version of the forum ..... I'm still waiting to find some great new developement hidden under a secret subscriber link somewhere...... ie :
Seeing whos on the forum when I am Seeing who is in the same thread as I amSeeing the entire thread when I write a reply .... this is my biggest gripeA plethera of posters either arent here anymore or are too busy bitching about problems on the new forum to make it an enjoyable visit.Maybe its just me but the atmosphere (to me) definately seems to have changed
I was gonna quote PC "I'm going to the train room" but I couldnt scroll to his post and copy it,,, oh well.
As for gramatical correctness.... lets leave that for another bitching thread all of its own, thats just plain downright off topic for this thread
As always, have fun & be safeKarl
trainfan1221 wrote:...I think the fact that to post you have to act like you are personally replying to the last poster is a bit strange though.
Sorry guys, but this has degraded far enough so I'm locking it.
If you have specific problems, please, please, please e-mail me directly. If you post a question directed at me in the forum there's a chance it will be missed.