Sorry guys, but this has degraded far enough so I'm locking it.
If you have specific problems, please, please, please e-mail me directly. If you post a question directed at me in the forum there's a chance it will be missed.
trainfan1221 wrote:...I think the fact that to post you have to act like you are personally replying to the last poster is a bit strange though.
Well I guess maybe I will say something after biting my tongue for a while...... the 'new' forum works OK for me, no glitches, everything still 'works' the same. ie posting pics from rail images, quoting, read threads changing colour ..... in my view things that have changed are the built in features..... it seems that even though we have got a new colour scheme to spruce up the place we have actually lost more than we have gained with this new 'improved' version of the forum ..... I'm still waiting to find some great new developement hidden under a secret subscriber link somewhere...... ie :
Seeing whos on the forum when I am Seeing who is in the same thread as I amSeeing the entire thread when I write a reply .... this is my biggest gripeA plethera of posters either arent here anymore or are too busy bitching about problems on the new forum to make it an enjoyable visit.Maybe its just me but the atmosphere (to me) definately seems to have changed
I was gonna quote PC "I'm going to the train room" but I couldnt scroll to his post and copy it,,, oh well.
As for gramatical correctness.... lets leave that for another bitching thread all of its own, thats just plain downright off topic for this thread
As always, have fun & be safeKarl
Bob Boudreau
Visit my model railroad photography website:
dave9999 wrote:In this new fangled forum ease, the use of asterisks is used to denote a tone or emotion. You see, I was trying to express that what I was saying was to be taken as sarcasm. I was not quoting the word sarcasm... if I were I would have used the quotation marks. Example: This is five minutes of my life that I will never get back. *sarcasm* Good luck. Dave
Bill H. wrote: BTW: Taking my hand off the mouse is cetainly "no problem", not as much as reading posts where the differences between asterisks and quotation marks seems unknown, but then, I was never one to claim to know everything, either...
That's another way to do it. I'm from the dawn of DOS days, so key commands are natural for me.
Ok does anyone else experience this issue I have.?
When I get the reply window and start typing the damn screen goes up and down so it keeps moving and I always think I hit a wrong key. It does it constantly and every single time. In fact it is doing it right now as I type. It is the weirdest thing and this has happened since the new forum. When and if I make a mistake I have to hit the backspace button to delete it, it may take me hitting it 5 times for three letters because of the way it jumps up and down. It is aprobably hard for you to understand iunless you are having the same issue?
pcarrell wrote:If you want to paste something and you right click and aren't given that option, you can still do it using the key commands built into windows. Just hold down the control button on your keyboard and while doing that hit the "V" key and it will paste whatever you've got copied. To copy like that just hold down the control key and hit "C" and whatever you've got highlighted will be copied. That's a basic windows function that goes back many generations of the program. I don't know if IE7 kept that, but it works going back to at least windows 95, and maybe further.
tigerstripe wrote: Me too, I'm glad to see all the polls and trolls are gone. but it just ain't the same. A lot fewer posts and new topics. Also before you could see the threads that are new and new replys since your last visit that were a different color. I dont know if I'm just stupid or what but I can't figure out alot of the new features. I also miss my daily Spacemouse fix.
Me too, I'm glad to see all the polls and trolls are gone. but it just ain't the same.
A lot fewer posts and new topics. Also before you could see the threads that are new and new replys
since your last visit that were a different color. I dont know if I'm just stupid or what but I can't
figure out alot of the new features.
I also miss my daily Spacemouse fix.
Just hit the refresh button and the post you just read will turn to grey. I did not use the previous version for very long and really don't remember how good or bad it was compared to this version. But this current version is not bad. As with everything else there is a bit of a learning curve. Perhaps as time goes on additional features will be added to help us along. But, it really is not all that bad.
Okay, guys, let me try and explain my situation in the calmest terms possible. I was born in 1939, so unlike a lot of later generations, I wasn't born with inbred Computer Genes, LOL! I am a casual computer user. I do not use any kind of Internet Explorer that I know about--I use AOL to get on line and then Google up this site, like I Google up all of the sites that I am on. Before the change in the Forum, I was able to post pictures with no problem (well, I needed a little help, but I got it, and it worked).
Now, I like posting pictures. I understand from quite a few of you that you like seeing my pictures, because you think my model railroad is kind of neat. I like sharing my model railroad with you guys and I like having you guys share your model railroads with me, because in turn, I think YOUR model railroads are neat. It's a kind of nice co-operation we have, realizing that we share the same hobby and--yes--occasional frustrations with the hobby, and letting each other know that when we've done something well, we're ALL proud of it.
I have tried every hint that everyone has given me about posting pictures (even Bergie) and they STILL won't show up on the site. Which makes me wonder about the new MR software (or hardware, or whatever it's called) being 'user-friendly'. I'm on another site for model railroaders, and I have no problem at all. Now I don't know diddly about Firewalls or Notepads (isn't that something you use to take notes on?), or IE 6, 7 or 1066, and I really don't think that my 66--soon to be 67--year old brain is ready to go back to Computer Kindergarten and start all over again---even up to replacing a computer just to be on a site that I like.
Bergie's message to me was that I wasn't being specific about what I don't like about the new forum, and that change was necessary, and that we all have to even learn where the turn signal switch is on the newer model cars.
Hey, Bergie--I DON'T DRIVE!! I haven't driven for thirty years, ever since I found out about Public Transportation. I wouldn't even know where the turn-signals were on a 1978 Mustang, for cryin' out loud. And I AM being specific--I CAN'T POST ANYTHING BUT RANTS LIKE THIS ON THE NEW FORUM. Okay?
Sorry, I meant to start out calm about this.
But from this old fart, it seems like the current Technology runs by the motto: "It ain't broke, but let's fix it, anyway!"
Stupid motto.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Man, isn't this thread getting ugly? Everybody is all worked up, tempers are flairing, everything!
Guys, anger isn't going to solve anything.
Identifying the problem and then working through it objectively will go a long ways towards fixing some of the "issues" that we are seeing.
I'm sure Kalambach want's to appeal to the largest audience possible and so they won't want to leave anybody out. It wouldn't be in their best interests to do that. But the problems they need to address first are those affecting the greatest number of people, so if you're using something that is not exactly mainstream, I would expect that it might take them a bit longer to get to those issues, but they will get there.
Tell ya what, since most of the main problems have been identified (a lot of that happened because of this thread by the sounds of it), what say we all go work on our trains and let them work on it a bit. Then, after they've had some time to goof with it, we can see what they've done.
As for me, I'm off to the train room!
I dont get it. Copy and Paste photo posting is a big improvement. Everything else seems to be the same. I never really noticed much of a change other than the background color. Anyway, lets talk trains!
selector wrote:Is it just me, or have load times begun to creep back up to the stratosphere, too? I have had some unsettling waits lately. Cuts into my train time!
Sometimes it seems to hang forever. I have found that if a page does not come right up, that re-clicking can get it moving. It just took 45 seconds to accept this message by the way!
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at
Well, blow me down, folks; I'm glad to find I'm not the only one who feels he's lost the plot. OK, perhaps it's because I'm technologically challenged ------ ! But I understood the old Fora!
Eric Stuart
Yes it is FREE. The reason why Kalmbach hosts this Free service is to drive people to their web site. The more "eyes" they can get on the site for more time, the greater the opportunity to get advertising revenue and sales from Kalmbach products. This is purely a commercial venture and taken from Internet Marketing 101. So yes it is free to us, but it is not free to Atlas, Trainland and any of the many companies that are paying to get their message in front of our eyes. Merketing on the web is all about getting eyeballs on the site and then holding them for as long as possible.
There is a substantial drop in traffic on this web forum. Some folks never re-registered, some have drifted quietly, some have been quite vocal in their complaints. I don't like the new format all that much, and the drop in posting has made it far less interesting to visit the forum. For the first time I have actually looked around the web for somewhere else to spend my MRR screen time.
So you folks can say "It's free, live with it!" all you like, but I assure you that if traffic is down substantially and the advertisers don't see the same response from their adverts placed here, then this forum "upgrade" will be considered a commercial faliure.
I do not see any advantages of the new format. It strikes me as offering fewer features and has obviously introduced technical barriers that were not present before.
If dropping the polls and stars has had the impact of making visitors lose interest and drift away, then it has had the exact opposite result to that intended.