QUOTE: from aardvark The other thing I've noticed in my other modeling hobbies is that even factual information becomes dated. Drawings that were made in 1962 or whenever are found to be in error or weak on small details as research uncovers more data, new pictures show different colors for the standard schemes, structures are seen to be freelanced rather than prototypical, and so on. Wouldn't that make the old info less valuable?
QUOTE: Originally posted by CARRfan A couple years ago I realized I had about 5 or 6 years of model railroad magazines, and about 15 years of drumming magazines. I was fed up. So, enter the modern age: I took a razor blade and cut out all the articles I "couldn't live without". This was my favorite layouts, or favorite articles. (In the case of my drum magazine, basically favorite drummer interviews). Then I scanned these into the computer and organized them into a few directories. I name the file by magazine, then date - for example, MR 1988-11, Cat Mountain & Santa Fe would be Model Railroader, November 1988 with David Barrow's layout (I made up the date, so don't quote me on that one). Scanning or some sort of photocopying is the only way to guarantee one article won't end on the same page that another one starts on, and get filed in the wrong place. My drum magazine came out with a digital archive on DVD for $200, so I always knew if I ever felt like jumping off a cliff because I got rid of my old magazines that I could buy the archive. How many times have I regretted tossing the old magazines? ZERO, but I have less "stuff" to keep track of. If you follow the philosophy of "holding onto something because I might need it one day", you will quickly need a warehouse to house all of your stuff. Career stuff, fun stuff, childhood stuff, your own kids' stuff, etc. - it's endless. Now I have a cool digital archive of all my favorite stuff - and I have to thumb through ZERO adds to read it. Nice, huh?
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 Two points those who advocate cutting out articles and throwing the rest of the magazine away should consider: 1. Especially in the case of newbies and semi-newbies (anyone with less than 8-10 years in the hobby), you are clipping what interests you right now. You have no idea what info may come in handy next year or five years from now. Generally, it turns out to have been in the portion of the magazine you discarded.
QUOTE: 2. If you amass any significant collection of clipped articles, how are you going to reference what you've saved? If someone here, or in a current issue of MR, refers readers to the article on page 58 of the July 1978 issue, how will you go about finding it (if you happened even to keep it)?
QUOTE: Incidentally, my MR reference library spans from January 1940 to the present and I wouldn't part with a single page.
Have Fun.... Bob.
QUOTE: Originally posted by TomDiehl Well, I have a collection of Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman going back to the mid 60's. I don't keep them for the collector value, I don't think they have any, I keep them as a personal reference library.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpitFireV12RR unless you're pressed for space, put them in a box. What have you got to lose?