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ZugDCC really works well
ZugDCC really works well
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From: Thornton, CO
763 posts
ZugDCC really works well
Posted by
on Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:45 PM
I've got the computer control system ZugDCC up and running and I really like it! This is just for the Lenz system so if you have Lenz and a spare computer, I would recommend it. I know there are some other highly recommended programs as well, but for $33 for the registered version, this is a good one for me.
Here's the equipment that I have:
*Spare Windows 98 computer (of course it works with later versions also)
*Lenz LI101F Serial Computer Interface ($89.98)
*ZugDCC download ($33)
Here are some of the things it can do:
*8 on-screen thottles offering very smooth operation. Can access up to 500 locos to bring into any one of the 8 throttles.
*Your DCC system throttle can take instant control away from an on-screen throttle, and vice versa.
*Looks like easy adding and deleting MU consists (but I haven't tried this yet)
*You can make a layout diagram and turnout map in a matter of minutes. Red and green lights indicate + or - settings. Easy to through the switches. I have 22 DCC controlled turnouts and I really like this feature.
*You can set any kind of turnout routing you want to throw all the switches for a particular route.
*Sets stationary decoding.
*Decoder programing, both programing track and POM.
*Has a throttle on the programing screen to test your new settings.
*Prompt product support from Kent Software.
Just for fun, I had 7 trains running at one time......it was like playing a video game that really kept me alert. Of course in my normal operations, at the most I will only be running 2 or 3 trains simultaneously. Much of the time I think I will be using one of my Lenz system throttles and use ZugDCC to throw turnouts, and for programming, but, I will just keep playing with it to see which combinations work the best.
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