See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 Instead of an endless, totally meaningless, series of, "Well, I think..." or "In my opinion..." posts, how about someone offering some concrete evidence (facts, figures, surveys, industry publications) demonstrating the current state of the hobby and its future? CNJ831
Modeling the B&M Railroad during the transition era in Lowell, MA
"The first transition era - wood to steel!"
Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. -AnonymousThree may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -Benjamin Franklin "You don't have to be Jeeves to love butlers, but it helps." (Followers of Levi's Real Jewish Rye will get this one) -Ed K "A potted watch never boils." -Ed Kowal If it's not fun, why do it ? -Ben & Jerry
QUOTE: To paraphrase Winston Churchill, never in the course of human events have so many expressed so much totally uninformed opinion on a subject that actually has so many secondary indicators alluding to the actually [SIC] situation...if they only bothered to do just a little research!