QUOTE: Originally posted by cmrproducts If this hobby was doomed how is it that only ONE person is stating it. If it were true would there not be more that held this position and state it (Oh! wait a minute they have already left the hobby!). While anyone can predict the end of (put name here – world – USA – hobby) some people just love to do this as it sparks controversy and gets others to respond (like myself). They are just sitting back and getting a kick over everyone trying to defend their position and not having any proof for it. Keep on trying to defend this and feed the Tr---.
QUOTE: Originally posted by jfallon Model railroading will be doomed only if all model railroaders retreat to their basements or train rooms and hide from the public. The area I live in, Norfolk, VA, would seem to have a lot going against it for the hobby. There are very few basements, the high military population is transient, and there are a whole lot of other activities (beaches, parks, museums) to occupy your time. The nearest club with a permanent layout is about an hours drive away if the bridge-tunnel is not congested. Despite this, model railroading is surprisingly popular. We have modular groups in N-scale (both N-trak and table-top), HO scale, S scale, and O scale Lionel and tin-plate. Our Big Train Operators group sets up and runs their G scale trains at shows and events year 'round. Within a 20 mile radius, we have 10 hobby shops that carry model railroad stuff, four of them exclusively. The HO module group has been using an empty store space at a local mall for several months as a clubnouse. We have set up a large layout with the modules and have an open house two or three times a month. The response has been outstanding. Several people have joined our group, including some teenagers. Many visitors recall the trainsets they had as children and are amazed at how much we have advanced. Model Railroading is alive and thriving.
The Dixie D Short Line "Lux Lucet In Tenebris Nihil Igitur Mors Est Ad Nos 2001"
QUOTE: Originally posted by on30francisco The following are strictly MY personal observations and biases on the current state and future of the hobby.
QUOTE: Originally posted by RR Redneck I know I made a promise to myself not to swear on here any more, but this time it is justified. Any one that says the hobby is doomed is a *** liar. I know for a fact that it is just as strong as ever before. I even converted two goths last week. (See Lionels Still Appeal To Everyone.....even goths on the Classic Toy Trains forum).
QUOTE: Originally posted by IRONROOSTER Whether things cost more or less (adjusted for inflation or not) now than at some arbitrary point in the past is irrelevant to the hobby continuing or not. Prices today relative to disposable income determines how much can be bought. Individuals who are priced out altogether wouldn't be helped much by lower prices since they need to devote their resources elsewhere.
QUOTE: Magazine subscription figures are irrelelvant. Newspaper circulation has been declining for years, the number of newpapers has been declining. But no one claims there are fewer people in the U.S. Just as people get their news elsewhere, so do model railroaders get their info elsewhere. (As an aside, compared to 35 years ago when I started, there are a lot more magazines available. Second aside, no one actually knows how many different people purchase magazines or did in the past.)
QUOTE: Number of hobby shops is irrelevant. There too many other ways to shop - mail, shows, Interenet, etc.
QUOTE: Increasing average age of hobbyists is to be expected with increasing average age of the population.
QUOTE: No one knows how many model railroaders there are or how much they spend , except the WGH site which claims More than 500,000 American adults enjoy the model railroading hobby, spending $500 million annually. Unfortunately, while this looks good, they don't reveal what's included in this figure or now it compares to the past.
QUOTE: Since this type of thing is usually measured by number of participants, sales, or a combination of the two over time and since no one has this information the only indicator left is breadth of product line. It's not as good of course, but it's really all we have. And good news, the number of products has been increasing alot. Therefore the hobby looks to be in good shape.
If everybody is thinking alike, then nobody is really thinking.
QUOTE: More than 500,000 American adults enjoy the model railroading hobby, spending $500 million annually.
QUOTE: Originally posted by dave9999 Could someone please bump that record player... it seems that we have a broken record. Or, someone with way too much time to spend on one subject. And CNJ831... if that is your real name... I read what the others found as your evidence of the demise of the hobby and it was pretty thin. My evidence, as I have stated before, is simply the number of products and manufacturers of these products. The well stocked hobby shops in my area and other areas that I have visited. The number of online dealers and their enormous list of available products. The number of members of this forum and others. The new products released each and every month. The advancing technology of DCC and sound. The impressive rise in quality of detail in the locos that are available and the endless list of roadnames available.
QUOTE: These points don't have to be documented by some overbearing researcher, they are right there in your face.I'm not saying that the hobby is bullet proof, I just don't see the "doomsday theory " that you see. Again, this is ONLY my observation. Now, go ahead and debunk it with your tired line about the lack of documented evidence. While you're at it, please give us something more than magazine subscriptions and old folks. I, personally haven't bought a copy of Model Railroader magazine in months, but I have purchased quite a few pricey locos. Maybe if I spent my cash on magazines, the hobby would survive[%-)]. Dave (that is my real name)
QUOTE: Originally posted by edkowal QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 ... I had expected to find at least a few verifiable indicators or trends that would at least imply things were better than the many downward facts, figures, and trends were at first suggesting. Unfortunately, I never found a single one. I've asked posters here and on other forums for 4 years now to please post any verifiable, published, positive indicators or figures about the hobby's recent changes in direction. To date not a single instance of this has been offered...only endless, baseless, opinion. From this, I can only conclude that there simply are no upbeat signs anywhere.... CNJ831 Your conclusion does not follow from your statement of findings. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 ... I had expected to find at least a few verifiable indicators or trends that would at least imply things were better than the many downward facts, figures, and trends were at first suggesting. Unfortunately, I never found a single one. I've asked posters here and on other forums for 4 years now to please post any verifiable, published, positive indicators or figures about the hobby's recent changes in direction. To date not a single instance of this has been offered...only endless, baseless, opinion. From this, I can only conclude that there simply are no upbeat signs anywhere.... CNJ831
QUOTE: Originally posted by Eriediamond Nope, and I'm a 64 year old teenager!!!!!![(-D][(-D]
Joe Fugate Modeling the 1980s SP Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon
Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. -AnonymousThree may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -Benjamin Franklin "You don't have to be Jeeves to love butlers, but it helps." (Followers of Levi's Real Jewish Rye will get this one) -Ed K "A potted watch never boils." -Ed Kowal If it's not fun, why do it ? -Ben & Jerry
QUOTE: So IMHO model railroading is not dying. It will probably contract some in absolute numbers. But the number of interesting, operating, scenicked layouts will expand. And that is what the manufacturers are counting on.