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NCE PowerCab: A Quick Look review - PLUS Resolving issues

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Posted by fwright on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:14 PM
This is perhaps the most useful thread I have seen on DCC in a long time. It points out the little quirks and gotchas of some of the systems that you would have to buy the system to find out on your own. Most have work-arounds, some can be lived with, and there's always one or two that are real annoyances. The real annoyances have become my differentiators in determining which system to invest in. Which quirks are real annoyances is an individual matter, so finding out about as many quirks as possible in advance is really helpful. Keep the great posts coming in.

thanks to those who are going before me!
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Posted by tstage on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:16 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Larry Boyd

I understand the the main throttle has to remain plugged in the left side of the power panel. My question is if you are running a loco using the main throttle, how do you transfer control to the second cab to run the loco farther down the layout when the main throttle will not reach far enough?


I trust I'm understanding your question clearly. The remedy would be to use the additional throttle to run that particular locomotive the whole time. You can still use the PowerCab to run one or two locomotive(s), and the additional throttle to run a second or third.


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Posted by draftingplans on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:50 PM
The recall button only holds 2 trains so if you try to stack a 3rd train it will forget the 1st one. (Copied from your earlier post).
I have the Powerhouse Pro Radio and I can tell my system how many loco's can be on my recall list from 2-6 loco's. (Default from factory is 2) I am wondering if that is an option with the Power Cab?
I have ran 6 loco's on my layout using this recall feature. Great feature by the way.
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Posted by tstage on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:26 PM

As I understand it, if you use the PowerCab as a Power Pro throttle on the PH Power Pro system, the PowerCab throttle will allow you do what you have suggested. However, some features of the PowerCab are only accessible when using it as an additional throttle with the Power Pro system.


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Posted by davekelly on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by fwright

This is perhaps the most useful thread I have seen on DCC in a long time. It points out the little quirks and gotchas of some of the systems that you would have to buy the system to find out on your own. Most have work-arounds, some can be lived with, and there's always one or two that are real annoyances. The real annoyances have become my differentiators in determining which system to invest in. Which quirks are real annoyances is an individual matter, so finding out about as many quirks as possible in advance is really helpful. Keep the great posts coming in.

thanks to those who are going before me!
Fred W


You are sooooooooo right! Even though I don't have an NCE system, nor am I planning to get one, I find it very interesting to read the comments here. Some of the "quirks" are things that I would not have thought of on my own, nor are they things that are easily found in existing literature. This is a fantastic thread filled with observations and factually based opinions. A joy to read!
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Posted by rrinker on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:53 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage

Craig can correct me if I'm wrong. What I think Craig is saying, Randy, happens only if you are attempting to run 3 locomotives at the SAME time and not two - i.e. Locomotive #1's speed setting is removed from the stack now that Locomotive #2 & #3 are in motion or called up. Running the two locomotives that are recorded in the stack, you don't have that problem. Is that correct, Craig?


I just read through the PowerCab manual and it doesn;t mention this, only that it can recall 2 locos and can run up to 12 at the same time (if there's enough power of course). What I'm saying is that even if you do enter a third loco, pushing the first one off the recall stack, not only should that old first loco keep runnign at the same speed and direction it used to be runnign at, but when you go back and once again select that one, even if the throttle is not in the same position, or even the direction is not the same, the cab should adapt to the already running loco, not the other way around. Otherwise, I wonder why they bothered with an encoder. That sort of behavior is to be expected with a potentiometer throttle - if it's turned halfway up then it's half way up, you can't make that a new zero point. This is the way the Zephyr console and the UT4 throttles work. But with an encoder - the throttle can read the loco information from the command station and simply go from there. This is how my DT400 works.
I'm guessing we're just a little crossed up here. I really think you can go back to any running loco and it's not going to change speed or direction until you push a button or adjust the throttle wheel. Seems silly to me if this is not the case. Anyone with a full NCE PowerHouse system want to comment on how that system works in a case like this? Specific steps would be to select a loco and start it up. Then do whatever it takes to get that loco out of the recall stack, but still running. Select a differnet loco. Run it at a different speed, and then stop it. Now reselect the original first loco that is running. Does it stop, or keep going?


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Posted by draftingplans on Thursday, March 2, 2006 5:49 PM
Interesting about that recall that it only holds 2 loco's, that is okay if you can't change the recall number like the Power House Pro system.
I was very curious about the Power Cab and think that with the information generated in this post you have made my decision to get one for my "N" scale layout. My Power House Pro is used on my "HO" layout.
NCE is the best investment I have made, my first system was Atlas and is now used by our clubs modular traveling "HO" layout, my second system was a Digitrax and it was not user friendly so I sold it, now I use NCE and I really like this the best.
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Posted by tstage on Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:36 PM

I understand what you are saying about the encoder. My Bachmann had a potentiometer and exhibited the immediate acceleration or deceleration when switching between locomotives. I wouldn't expect that with the thumbwheel design. I'm going to try the same experiment with my PowerCab and see what happens.


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Posted by knewsom on Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:39 PM
On the DCC 4 Everyone Yahoo group they discussed the issue of 2 trains in the recall stack and then calling up a third loco which takes off at the speed of the last one being used. Someone had called NCE about it and the response was that it would be fixed in the next release of software. So I guess it is just a glitch that we have to live with for now.
Thanks, Kevin
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Posted by Tim_Seawel on Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:43 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Larry Boyd

I understand the the main throttle has to remain plugged in the left side of the power panel. My question is if you are running a loco using the main throttle, how do you transfer control to the second cab to run the loco farther down the layout when the main throttle will not reach far enough?

Larry it seems your question hasn't been answered yet. You have to assign the 2nd throttle an address just like you would a loco. You bring up the loco you want on the Power Cab and then bring up a screen that asks you which throttle you want to assign it too and then press enter, it's has simple as that. The PC has tthe ability to run one additional throttle on its own or 3 additional throttles with the addtion of the smart booster. Hope that's what you were looking for.

Tim--------Happy new Power Cab owner!!
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Posted by tstage on Thursday, March 2, 2006 11:24 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by knewsom

On the DCC 4 Everyone Yahoo group they discussed the issue of 2 trains in the recall stack and then calling up a third loco which takes off at the speed of the last one being used. Someone had called NCE about it and the response was that it would be fixed in the next release of software. So I guess it is just a glitch that we have to live with for now.

Kevin, thanks for the input about that. [:)]

I just had a chance to verify Craig's findings a little while ago. I first called up and ran two locomotives simultaneously. I then added a third locomotive, and it started at the same speed step that the second or last locomotive was running at. As Craig stated before, if the two speed steps are similar - no problem. But if one locomotive is running considerably faster or slower than the other locomotive, you really notice the sudden surge or drop in speed.

I also found another interesting peculiarity with the PowerCab. When I pu***he emergency stop button, it ONLY stops the locomotive that is called up. I found this VERY unusual because when I pressed the emergency stop on my Bachmann, it would shut EVERYTHING down that was running on the track. When I referred to the Users manual about it, I found that on pg. 15, it concurred my findings with the following blurb:

Pressing EMERGENCY STOP will stop the active loco/consist for this Cab only. Speed will be immediately set to zero (no momentum). Loco is restarted by changing the speed step or direction."

I discovered that if I run two locomotives, in order to shut BOTH of them down, I have to press EMERGENCY STOP, then RECALL (for the other locomotive), then EMERGENCY STOP again. That just seems so bizarre to me. [%-)] Removing the PowerCab from the Power panel also does the same thing but that seems pretty drastic.

Is this the case on any of the other DCC systems like Digitrax, Prodigy Advance, Lenz, or EasyDCC? I personally would rather have it shut everything down when I press that "big RED panic button".


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Posted by Tom Bryant_MR on Friday, March 3, 2006 4:46 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage
Pressing EMERGENCY STOP will stop the active loco/consist for this Cab only. Speed will be immediately set to zero (no momentum). Loco is restarted by changing the speed step or direction."


The Power Pro manual has a couple of additional statements in addition to the quote from the Power Cab manual above. Pu***he Emergency Stop button 3 times to shut down track power with subsequent message "LAYOUT STOPPED" on the display. Only the cab that initiated the full stop can clear this by pressing the enter key. All other cabs can then resume by issuing a command to their respective loco's.

Maybe manual has a bug (e.g. missing info) ?

-Tom B


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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 5:28 AM
I think I tried pushing the emergency stop button several times but nothing else happened. I'll double-check that this evening.


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Posted by simon1966 on Friday, March 3, 2006 11:02 AM
Tom, since there is already mention of a firmware upgrade (I would think this emergency stop issue would qualify for an upgrade as well) how is this accomplished with the Power Cab?

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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 11:46 AM

Since I'm new to this particular aspect of DCC, I'm not entirely sure. My guess is that you'd need to replace either a small board or some type of plug-n-play chip in order to upgrade the PowerCab. I'll let someone else chime in that has more experience in that area.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 3, 2006 11:48 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Tim_Seawel

QUOTE: Originally posted by Larry Boyd

I understand the the main throttle has to remain plugged in the left side of the power panel. My question is if you are running a loco using the main throttle, how do you transfer control to the second cab to run the loco farther down the layout when the main throttle will not reach far enough?

Larry it seems your question hasn't been answered yet. You have to assign the 2nd throttle an address just like you would a loco. You bring up the loco you want on the Power Cab and then bring up a screen that asks you which throttle you want to assign it too and then press enter, it's has simple as that. The PC has tthe ability to run one additional throttle on its own or 3 additional throttles with the addtion of the smart booster. Hope that's what you were looking for.

Tim--------Happy new Power Cab owner!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 3, 2006 11:54 AM

Finally, Thank you!!! This is the answer I was looking for. There had to to be some way to transfer control to a second controller. The fact that the main hand held controller is also a walk around powerpack of sorts was confusing. Thanks again.
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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 12:01 PM

To go along with what Tim said, the extra throttle HAS to run on address "3" of the PowerCab in order to work.


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Posted by CraigN on Friday, March 3, 2006 3:11 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage

QUOTE: Originally posted by rrinker

Ouch! Tell me that's not true! The PowerCab and NCE ProCab use an encoder to control speed, not a potentiometer. There is no reason why if you have Train 1 running at 50% throttle, and then select Train 2 which was not previously selected that it should take off instantly at 50% speed. It shoudl do exactly NOTHIGN until you move the speed control.
They way you describe it, it works liek the potentiometer control on the Zephyr. Select a new address withotu first settign the speed control to 0 and the new loco will instantly take off (or slowly, if you programmed momentum into the decoder). Yet another reason I prefer encoder throttles and seldom use my Zephyr console now that I have a DT400.
The Zephyr and the UT4 potentiometer throttles have an option that allows the newly selected loco to slowly adjust to the knob setting, rather than all at once. However, an encoder throttle shouldn't have this issue.
Likewise, if you stop one train, and the select one that is already moving - with an encoder throttle it should keep moving at the original speed, not stop just because the previous loco was stopped. It shouldn't matter about a recall stack, at least, that's not the way Digitrax functions. I do this all the time, select a train, start it running, and then release it to run a different one. When I go back to the original, not using the recall option but just keying in the number and selecting it, it does not change speed or direction until I move the knob.


Craig can correct me if I'm wrong. What I think Craig is saying, Randy, happens only if you are attempting to run 3 locomotives at the SAME time and not two - i.e. Locomotive #1's speed setting is removed from the stack now that Locomotive #2 & #3 are in motion or called up. Running the two locomotives that are recorded in the stack, you don't have that problem. Is that correct, Craig?

That is correct.

Another issue that I am now having concerns the select loco button. When I 1st power up and select a loco everything is fine. But for some reason when I select another loco to operate, the speed and direction of the last loco controlled is displayed. This is without using the recall button at all.
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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 3:15 PM

Does Locomotive #2 then jump to/take on the settings of Locomotive #1? Or, does Locomotive #2 behave/start out like it's supposed to, even though the speed steps for Locomotive #1 are displayed?


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Posted by simon1966 on Friday, March 3, 2006 4:01 PM
This issue of using a 2nd cab deserves some further investigation. According to Tim above, the 2nd throttle gets control of a loco from the PowerCab. The description suggests that the Powercab has to select the loco and then assign or dispatch it over to the 2nd throttle. Surely the 2nd throttle operator can key in the address of the loco that he/she wants to control on the throttle and needs no intervention from the Powercab? Otherwise the 2nd operator would have to disturb the Powercab operator every time they want to run a different loco.

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Posted by rrinker on Friday, March 3, 2006 4:15 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage

QUOTE: Originally posted by knewsom

On the DCC 4 Everyone Yahoo group they discussed the issue of 2 trains in the recall stack and then calling up a third loco which takes off at the speed of the last one being used. Someone had called NCE about it and the response was that it would be fixed in the next release of software. So I guess it is just a glitch that we have to live with for now.

Kevin, thanks for the input about that. [:)]

I just had a chance to verify Craig's findings a little while ago. I first called up and ran two locomotives simultaneously. I then added a third locomotive, and it started at the same speed step that the second or last locomotive was running at. As Craig stated before, if the two speed steps are similar - no problem. But if one locomotive is running considerably faster or slower than the other locomotive, you really notice the sudden surge or drop in speed.

I also found another interesting peculiarity with the PowerCab. When I pu***he emergency stop button, it ONLY stops the locomotive that is called up. I found this VERY unusual because when I pressed the emergency stop on my Bachmann, it would shut EVERYTHING down that was running on the track. When I referred to the Users manual about it, I found that on pg. 15, it concurred my findings with the following blurb:

Pressing EMERGENCY STOP will stop the active loco/consist for this Cab only. Speed will be immediately set to zero (no momentum). Loco is restarted by changing the speed step or direction."

I discovered that if I run two locomotives, in order to shut BOTH of them down, I have to press EMERGENCY STOP, then RECALL (for the other locomotive), then EMERGENCY STOP again. That just seems so bizarre to me. [%-)] Removing the PowerCab from the Power panel also does the same thing but that seems pretty drastic.

Is this the case on any of the other DCC systems like Digitrax, Prodigy Advance, Lenz, or EasyDCC? I personally would rather have it shut everything down when I press that "big RED panic button".


Well I guess that answers that question. You SHOULD be able to keep calling up locos until you either run out of capability of the command station to manage them or you run out of power, whichever comes first. Now I'm really curious as to how many trains you can start up and just let run on a full PH system with just one throttle.
As for the E-Stop on Digitrax, it can be programmed to either stop just the train you have control of, or shut down the whole thing (at least on the DT400). And even if the stop is programmed to only kill your train, with a DT throttle you can kill trakc power as well - UT4 users cannot control track power.


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Posted by sledgehammer on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:15 PM
In my book it says that the power pro will run 63 cabs at once and 250 trains simutaneousely. I'm not sure if this is the 5 amp or 10 amp model.
does this help
My train of thought gets interupted by the whistle Derrick Jones
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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:22 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage
QUOTE: Originally posted by Tom Bryant_MR

QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage
Pressing EMERGENCY STOP will stop the active loco/consist for this Cab only. Speed will be immediately set to zero (no momentum). Loco is restarted by changing the speed step or direction."


The Power Pro manual has a couple of additional statements in addition to the quote from the Power Cab manual above. Pu***he Emergency Stop button 3 times to shut down track power with subsequent message "LAYOUT STOPPED" on the display. Only the cab that initiated the full stop can clear this by pressing the enter key. All other cabs can then resume by issuing a command to their respective loco's.

Maybe manual has a bug (e.g. missing info) ?

-Tom B

I think I tried pushing the emergency stop button several times but nothing else happened. I'll double-check that this evening.


Tom B,

I had a chance to try the emergency stop with two locomotives again this evening. It looks like the "LAYOUT STOPPED" feature you mentioned is only available on the Power Pro on in Power Pro mode.

Even after pressing it several times, the emergency stop on the PowerCab will only stop the locomotive that is currently called up. In order to stop the other locomotive, you have to press RECALL, then press EMERGENCY STOP. I don't expect NCE will probably address this particular issue in their updates.


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Posted by rrinker on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:30 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by sledgehammer

In my book it says that the power pro will run 63 cabs at once and 250 trains simultaneously. I'm not sure if this is the 5 amp or 10 amp model.
does this help

Well that tells me that, assuming you had enough amps, you could take one cab and load up 250 addresses, one at a time, and start all those trains running. However, the PowerCab says it can run up to 12 trains - but apparently only if you have additional throttles since selecting a third loco on the base cab makes it take off at the speed of the last loco selected. What that tells me is that the cab stores all info about speed and direction, and the command station polls it to send the DCC packets to the rails. Thus each cab can only manage X number of locos, X being 2 on the PowerCab and more (16? 32?) on the PH Pro.
Seems a silly way to do things. But I don't know if what I said is accurate.


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Posted by sledgehammer on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:45 PM
I'm going to look into this further. Im very interested on how many train my PH PRO will run at one time. I don not have enought trains at this time to find out. But someday I hope I will.
The is a train show tomorrow that i"m going to and the LHS is advertising he has a Power Cab. I will see him an ascked him some question on it . He is A direct dealer for NCE.

My train of thought gets interupted by the whistle Derrick Jones
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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:47 PM
Well, it seems that this thread has turned into a more in-depth discussion of the NCE PowerCab than I had originally intended...but that's okay. I trust that this review is of interest to many, unbiased in it's discussion and observations of a new product, and free from complaining and bashing.

With that said, here's another interesting "phenomenon" that I just ran across that only happens intermittently. I shut the power to the PowerCab by pushing the toggle switch to OFF on the power strip. When I power it back up again, a "mystery" locomotive # will sometimes appear in the address area of the LCD; a locomotive # that is nothing even close to the ones that I have programmed into the PowerCab.

Has anybody else run into this one?


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Posted by tstage on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by sledgehammer

I'm going to look into this further. Im very interested on how many train my PH PRO will run at one time. I don not have enought trains at this time to find out. But someday I hope I will.
The is a train show tomorrow that i"m going to and the LHS is advertising he has a Power Cab. I will see him an ascked him some question on it . He is A direct dealer for NCE.


I will be very interested in hearing what you find out.


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Posted by sledgehammer on Friday, March 3, 2006 6:56 PM
I might almost bye A POWER CAB to play with tomorrow. I can use it on the n scale coffee table layout me and dad are going to build.
My train of thought gets interupted by the whistle Derrick Jones
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Posted by sledgehammer on Friday, March 3, 2006 7:00 PM
On my Pro once in awhile i would turn it on I would have one loco take off at top speed. I called my NCE rep and he toled me to reset my machine and decoder of that train. Im not shure you can reset the power cab or not.
My train of thought gets interupted by the whistle Derrick Jones

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