QUOTE: Originally posted by uspscsx No offense to the mimes out there. uspscsx
QUOTE: Originally posted by Tracklayer I was looking through the members list here on the forum, and found that there has got to be at least a couple of thousand members, yet only a couple of hundred (if that) ever actually create topics or comment on topics. Why is that ?...
QUOTE: Selector: I wonder if there is an auto-de-register when a member does not post for several weeks...?
QUOTE: Tracklayer: I think there is a sort of re-register system in place, though all it asks for is your pass word if you haven't been on the forum for a while (30 days ?).
QUOTE: Originally posted by jawnt Just maybe there's a bunch like me --- figure I can learn more by listening[:D]--- 'sides, I haven't seen anything where I have any expertise to add ------------- John T. aka jawnt
QUOTE: Originally posted by selector I would guess that there are many more who are not even members, but who drop in regularly to see what is going on. I think that is normal. Also, some may have moved on, but are still registered. I wonder if there is an auto-de-register when a member does not post for several weeks...? In some ways it is probably better for those of us who do post regularly that more aren't so talkative...fewer posts to weed through.
QUOTE: Originally posted by 06archerd I talk alot, only been amember since june and have 473 posts![:D]