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Am I a Cheapskate?

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 5, 2005 10:04 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by htgguy
Am I a Cheapskate?

Nah, more likely you're a a "discerning buyer."
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Posted by grayfox1119 on Saturday, March 5, 2005 10:02 PM
I think what we may be seeing here is the "I want it NOW" generation speaking. It takes "time" to build something worthwhile, step by step, one piece at a time. Take pride with every new thing you save up for, or build. Things were pricey for me back in 1949 when I was 10 too. I wondered how I ever was going to build a layout when all I could earn was $2 a week cutting grass...and that was only during the growing season. All the guys my age can tell you, Lionel accessories back in 1949 were FAR from cheap, and cars? It would take me weeks to afford ONE car.
Of course no one likes to spend $20 to $25 on a freight car today, so you shop around and do the best you can with the money you have. And over time, you will build your line. Patience.........
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Posted by egmurphy on Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:48 PM
QUOTE: The hobby is being priced out of the range of the average , younger (new) model railroader.
I hear that a lot but I'm not convinced it's necessarily true. No doubt there's a lot of high priced equipment out there these days. And I don't doubt that prices on a lot of stuff is high. If you want the best locos, the most detailed rolling stock, the latest electronics, dcc, sound, etc, it's no doubt pricey.

But I didn't have that stuff when I started out in the hobby years ago, and I don't think that every modeler who starts now has to have it either. Nothing wrong with starting with more popularly priced equipment, kits (if available), regular old sectional track and manual switches, and a few toggle switches if you want block control. Scratch build structures, they don't have to be perfect. Scenery can be done relatively inexpensively. How about purchasing used equipment and either upgrading, reconditioning, adding detail if you want, or just running as is?

It's easy to let "wants" get to be "needs", but I think you can start and build a layout on a budget. An empire costs more, but we're talking about starting out. As modelers get older, and earn more, they have more money available for newer, better or just plain more stuff.

Obviously, jmho. Your mileage may vary.



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Posted by dragenrider on Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:47 PM
If you are a cheapskate, then so am I! I think charging above $15.00 for a RTR kit is piracy [oX)] ! I will not spend $25.00 on a car. In my mind that equals over $100.00 for four measly cars (tax, remember). Here's one way of looking at it--how many hours of work do I have to put in to bring home $100.00 after taxes?

Nope, not me! I'll scrounge train shows, hobby shop closets and Ebay and I will pick up all the Athearn BB, Accurail, and Roundhouse/MDC stuff I can find. Superb detail is not important to me. Solid build and good quality vs. value is!

I'll get off my soapbox now! [soapbox] As you can tell, frugality is important to me, even in my hobby. [2c]

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:43 PM
BLW rules for N!!!!! Discount Trains Online has also saved me $100s. I model N and dont go above $15 for rolling stock unless its something really nice or a passenger car. I loved the detail on the new MT autoracks, but nearly died when I saw the $32 pricetag at my LHS.
My job now is making things a little easier, but it is still quite expensive. Work and Christmas got me 4 nice kato BNSF diesels though
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Posted by agaga on Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:06 PM
Second to all the above comments. The hobby is being priced out of the range of the average , younger (new) model railroader. in turn this may reduce the growth of the hobby which ultimately will decrease the demand for both the higher priced models and
the blue boxes. Look at the trend for membership in the NMRA. Look at the recent sales (special inventory reductions } for higher priced models.

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Posted by tatans on Saturday, March 5, 2005 8:49 PM
Cheapskate? skinflint? miser? these are terms applied to people that leave 50 cent tips on $25 meals, or try to cheat every salesperson they deal with, a far cry from a person who will buy a kit and bash it to ultra-realism for $8.00, conversely, if you have far too much money and believe everyone else is in the same economic position as you(we aren't) don't admonish someone who can only afford $8.00 kits, they are not cheapskates. living within your means is not a crime yet, and it takes restraint and upbringing not to purchase every expensive thing you see even if you can afford to. you will have exactly(if not more) enjoyment remaking an old oiltank car into a firefighting unit. remember, when someone calls you a cheapskate, it is NOT a compliment !
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Posted by bcammack on Saturday, March 5, 2005 8:16 PM
Me, too. [:)] All I can say is, "Thank God for Industrial Rail and Captain Blaster at!"
Regards, Brett C. Cammack Holly Hill, FL
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:53 PM
Occasionally, i will buy some items for my layout. I saved up money from doing odd jobs around my dad's office to help buy my DCC system. I am very lucky to recieve generous gifts of train-related items from relatives. I am careful with my money, and will think carefully before buying something. The concept of a money-wise 13-year-old may seem strange, but i am not your average teenager.
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Posted by dano99a on Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:24 PM
My name is Dano and I am a cheapskate. Call me silly, but I probably waste more time trying to find the best deal. I'm pretty darn good at remembering prices from shop to shop be online or one of the many LHS's here in columbus. But I will say this:

RTR stuff is priced for rich people. Kits are better and cheaper, I like the Athrean blue boxes but they are disappearing. I find a savings in buying used stuff and then go back into them and super detail them (replace grab irons and such). Kit bashing helps with structures and all. So, there is NOTHING wrong with being a cheapo'... if there is a shorter path of less or the least resistance your bound to find me on it somewhere along the line. [:)]

Don't get me wrong, I do put my fair share of $$$ into the hobby but, I am particular about what I put my money into.

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Posted by egmurphy on Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:12 PM
I'm in N, but I think twice in spending more that $15. $20 is kind of my upper limit. My target range is $10-12.

I'm also happy to buy used cars if I can find them and if they are what I'm looking for. That also helps bring down my average cost/car.

I prefer the term "frugal" to "cheap".


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Posted by Morpar on Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:09 PM
Since I am a cheapskate myself, I have no problem saying YES, you are a cheapskate! I personally think the prices for the current R-T-R stuff are WAY TOO HIGH!!! I have a problem spending more than $10 for a freight car myself. Yes, I too have a couple of expensive cars, but most of mine are Athearn blue box, followed by modified Tyco, then MDC. I think for the occasional car, over $10 is fine, but for the majority of my fleet, the cheaper stuff is just fine. I personally prefer to have more cars than better detailed cars for the norm.

The saving grace is that my LHS doesn't raise the prices from what he paid for stuff. I could go in there Monday and pick up an Athearn 86" flatcar for under $5 (and I have too)! He has a decent stock of older Athearn and MDC that is still for sale reasonably. I am not really up to date on the modern stuff, so his selection is fine with me. The new stuff he has is going for the new prices. You might also watch E-bay, I have gotten some good deals by buying groups of cars, then selling or trading what I don't want. Good luck.

Good Luck, Morpar

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Am I a Cheapskate?
Posted by htgguy on Saturday, March 5, 2005 6:12 PM
Had a rare chance to spend an hour or so in a not so local hobby shop yesterday. The nearest hobby shop for me is 90 miles and this one is farther so it was my first trip to it. They had a good, not great, selection of HO rolling stock and locos. Many of the cars were high end and spendy, for example Genesis. Not much less than $20.

My question is how many of you are comfortable spending $25 and up for a single HO freight car? As someone who has been blessed with the ability to spend a few dollars on this hobby and has space for a mid-sized layout, I wonder if my resistance to spending more than about $16 to $18 (preferably less) for a car is unusual. Of course there are a few "must have" cars for my layout that I will grit my teeth and spend the $25 to $30 on but I am not at all happy doing it.

Along the same line, two more questions. Where can I find a selection of Atheran kits to help me populate my layout in an affordable manner, and what mid priced lines of modern freight cars does everyone like? I have some Atlas, some Athearn RTR (no Genesis), and P1K and am very pleased with them. P2K kits (covered hoppers) I can build but they are not fun for me. I would appreciate any suggestions. I especially love modern boxcars, 50' and 60', midwest prototypes. Thanks in advance for any input.

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