NorthBritX please.
Privately owned freight cars end with an X.
Like the P&PX:
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
Show the "Y" next.
Living the dream.
Ed - W
E Welford
IMG_5191 (2) by David Harrison, on Flickr
X please.
To the world you are someone. To someone you are the world
I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
John-NYBWV would be Very much appreciated.
Fresh out of the shop — Lehigh Valley:
L-V_X58_7106 by Edmund, on Flickr
Wouldnt a W be Wonderful?
BATMAN Wanted! A W , please.
Wanted! A W , please.
The West End Diner
V would be Very much appreciated.
War hero Ernest "Smoky" Smith VC (Victoria Cross)
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
NorthBritYou know U is next.
U stands for U.S.R.A.
Please show me a "V".
Kevin asks for T
E. Turner.
IMG_5300 by David Harrison, on Flickr
You know U is next.
BATMAN"S" please.
On the the "T" next.
R it is.
"S" please.
Lone Wolf and Santa Fe Q is next
Q is next
Time for "R"
Rick Jesionowski
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Pacific Fruit Express
NorthBritHo for the letter O
O is for Olin Chemicals:
GATX_Olin-tank1 by Edmund, on Flickr
Now we have a need for a P!
N here for Kevin.
Newspaper Van
IMG_5494 by David Harrison, on Flickr
Ho for the letter O
NorthBritM is required
I missed a lot of the aphabet while Imgur was not letting me access my pictures.
The Miami Lakes And Eastern Georgia:
Please show me the letter "N" if you please.
L here Bear
IMG_4685 by David Harrison, on Flickr
M is required
NorthBritK is next
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
Ed Jumping for a J
J & A
IMG_5670 by David Harrison, on Flickr
K is next
John-NYBWI can't remember what comes next.
D.T. & Ironton fits the bill:
DTI_coil by Edmund, on Flickr
Jump on over to J, please.
Could I please see an “atch.” (H).
New Haven fits the bill.
I can't remember what comes next.
NorthBritGee it must be G
Bear wants F
Fleetwood Fish.
IMG_5317 by David Harrison, on Flickr
Gee it must be G
JaBearHow about an “F,” please.
this is the nose of an EMD F7:
NYC_1607_nose_edited-1 by Edmund, on Flickr
Guess a G would be Great!
gmpullmanThe Eyes have it for the next E.
BATMAND, please.
That would be in the form of Lake Dunmore:
Pullman_10-1-2_Lake-Dunmore-crop by Edmund, on Flickr
The Eyes have it for the next E.
Here ya go.
D, please.
chatanugaPlease show me something displaying the letter B or a scene including something that starts with B, please.
Formerly Bessemer, now B&O.
BnO_F7-4645-3 by Edmund, on Flickr
On to the C please.
Autoracks and Amtrak
Please show me something displaying the letter B or a scene including something that starts with B, please.
SeeYou190Show me another background building please.
The tall, grey building with the lights on is a background building that I sliced on the diagonal:
EL_3638a by Edmund, on Flickr
Please show me something displaying the letter A or a scene including something that starts with A, please.
gmpullmanMore background buildings, please.
Background buildings on the old Gulf Coast Model Railroading HO scale store layout.
Show me another background building please.
Lone Wolf and Santa FeMore backdrop buildings please.
All the structures along the left here are background flats:
PRR_Signal bridge-alt by Edmund, on Flickr
More background buildings, please.