Little Timmy More names that only exist in "fictional reality".
More names that only exist in "fictional reality".
My own New York, Binghamton, and Western Railroad.
More fictional roadnames.
One of my other fictional railroad names.
Rust...... It's a good thing !
John-NYBWMore interesting or offbeat roadnames on rolling stock.
I don't know if it could be considered as interesting, but the lettering was a combination of respect for Six Nations (which are not too far from here) and also a reference to the beginning of WWII, as my layout is set in the late '30s...
I have several more made-up roadnames, but I'll leave it to someone else to offer something more interesting.
SeeYou190 More intersting road names please. -Kevin
More intersting road names please.
G PaineShow me a boxcar with an interesting name
The Upp Stayers & Eastern:
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
I am guessing the layout was in the attic.
Living the dream.
NorthBritMore loaded freight please
A 70 ton capacity pulpwood car
A Boston & Maine well car used to deliver ships turbine reduction gears from the factory in MA to shipyards
I built both cars for the Boothbay Railway Village layout
Show me a boxcar with an interesting name
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Wayne - Rolling Stock with loads.
Wooden Pit Props heading south to France.
IMG_5610 by David Harrison, on Flickr
More loaded freight please.
To the world you are someone. To someone you are the world
I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
Little TimmyHow about both at the same time. More flats or gons please.
...more flats and gons...comin' up!
More rolling stock with loads, please.
How about both at the same time.
More flats or gons please.
doctorwayne Show us another loaded flatcar, please. Wayne
Show us another loaded flatcar, please.
SeeYou190Show me another loaded flat car. -Kevin
Here's a flatcar with a load of sheet steel...
...and note how the longer sheets are held down, so that the shorter ones won't be allowed to move...
The model is based on a real car, at the steel plant where I worked, which was loaded with sheet steel that was restrained from sliding in-transit.
thomas81zlove this keep it coming
One if by land:
PRR_Brakeman_tone by Edmund, on Flickr
Communicating with a hand lantern and communicating a 'complete' train with a pair of marker lamps.
Please show the end of another train.
love this keep it coming
NorthBritMore Communications
The guy on the left is using the 'squawk box' to talk with the yard master:
GP7 Fuel by Edmund, on Flickr
Anything else communications-related, please.
John-NYBW More communications.
York1 Please show me more of anything related to communications.
Please show me more of anything related to communications.
BATMANPlease show me anything related to communications.
York1 John
I see an open window on 2850.
I also see a phone booth. Please show me anything related to communications.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
TF -- Anything open.
IMG_2584 by David Harrison, on Flickr
Anything open please.
gmpullman Let's have more of anything open, please.
Let's have more of anything open, please.
Little TimmyMore open anything please.
An open baggage door:
REA_Siding-handtruck by Edmund, on Flickr
It's hard to see, but both sides of the windshield are open. I had to "hack" two trucks apart to do it.
More open anything please.
More open windows. Regards, Peter
BATMANShow me an open window please.
I think the top half of a Dutch door counts as a window. Judges?
Conductor Dutch Door by Edmund, on Flickr
PRR conductor by Edmund, on Flickr
More open windows, please.
Open door at the elevator.
Show me an open window please.
John-NYBWMore open doors
An open loading dock door:
Please show me another open door.
HO-Velo More open doors. Regards, Peter
More open doors. Regards, Peter
An open service bay door
More open doors
gmpullman More cars with doors open, please.
More cars with doors open, please.
Chicago & Illinois Midland, always did seem to have an open door or two.....