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Jeffreys Track Side Diner - July, 2019 Locked

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Friday, July 5, 2019 8:29 AM

I survived the fourth!


We had some terrible activity from teenage boys in the neighborhood last night. The police were too busy to respond. Fortunately I don't think anyone was hurt and I do not see any property damage. Miracle. We had 2 inches of rain yesterday so that probably helped.


I am working on my layout segment project again today. I updated the thread over in "Layout Building".


TOP OF THE PAGE. I am having a Fresca, you can all have one too. It is too early for a good drink.




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Posted by York1 on Friday, July 5, 2019 8:57 AM

TOP OF THE PAGE. I am having a Fresca, you can all have one too. It is too early for a good drink.

I'll have a Bloody Mary anyway!


Good morning!  Thunder and rain today.  Farmers are happy.  This is one of those million dollar rains.  This time of year, a rain like this means the irrigation is put off another week or two.

After last night's man-made fireworks, we got to see and hear God's fireworks in the middle of the night.  The thunder shook the house.

We have family coming today and tomorrow, so not much will get done on the layout except letting grandkids hold the throttle and watch the trains run.

I talked to some locals this morning at the restaurant who were excited to have a four-day weekend.  Retirement is having four-day weekends strung together.

I, too, love watching for continuity mistakes in movies.  One of my favorites is the little boy holding his ears before the gunshot in Hitchcock's "North by Northwest".  I read that Hitchcock saw it happen during filming, but decided to leave it in the movie.


York1 John       

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Posted by BigDaddy on Friday, July 5, 2019 9:08 AM

At 1:30 am a couple firework morter rounds went off close to my house.  I was wide awake after that.  The rain started shortly thereafter and that put an end to it.

Haven't watch any of the modern TV serials since 24 


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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, July 5, 2019 9:39 AM

LION willgive you FIREWORKS !!!


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 10:52 AM



TOP OF THE PAGE. I am having a Fresca, you can all have one too. It is too early for a good drink.


I'll have a Bloody Mary anyway!




In about an hour we're heading down to a restaurant we were told has very good food for some appetizers and a (Bloody Mary)  good call John,  I call it the nurseLaughLaughWhistlingDinner

Track Fiddler

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Posted by maxman on Friday, July 5, 2019 11:02 AM

Little Timmy
Currently trying to figure out how to hide the future purchase from my wife. She doesn't mind my modeling "habit" ..... she just doesn't want me spending a pile of money all at once.

The idea is to walk in backwards.

That way if she catches you you can say you were taking them back.

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 11:36 AM

Little Timmy.  Where the heck have you been hiding out?  Good to hear from you againYes


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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 12:06 PM



The idea is to walk in backwards.

That way if she catches you you can say you were taking them back.



This one struck me really funny.  I remember this old substitute teacher in high school named Dayjohn.  I'm not exactly sure if that's the way it's spelled but I always told him my name was NightjohnLaugh  Everyone loved this guy.

He was a very nice Native American man.  He told me how he used to walk backwards past the kitchen to leave the house in the morning because there was no food in the refrigerator and it made it easierLaughLaugh

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 12:22 PM

Good Evening, Folks!

It´s been a quiet day, but a busy one for me! Now with me being on the road to recovery, I start to pick up things where I dropped them for my surgery, i.e. looking into ways of being able to permanently move to Denmark. Although you can buy houses for very little money, I don´t see much of a chance to acquire the funds for that on our own - at least not in a decent time. But whenever one door closes, another opens up! A friend of ours in southern Germany, who had lost her husband at the beginning may join us in the move to Denmark. She is currently selling her apartment and that would generate much more funds than we would need for a place in Denmark. I have found a couple of houses which have two separate units, so she and Petra and I could each have our own place. This would certainly speed up the process!

These are our current options:

The option in the middle seems to be the most likely one for us. It´s a bit bland looking from the outside, but a real gem inside. It also has a modern heat pump heating system and two fire places! It´s a bit far north and a little difficult to reach for our son, but he´ll manage, I guess!

Chances seem to be pretty good, that we will be able to take the Danish grandfather clock we bought in 1996 will be back to where it was made!

Keep your fingers crossed!


Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by gmpullman on Friday, July 5, 2019 2:42 PM

Tinplate Toddler
Keep your fingers crossed!

We are! We are.

Best wishes to all —

Ken, yes it was nice to have a chat last night, always a pleasure Big Smile

Regards, Ed

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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, July 5, 2019 4:48 PM

BATMAN So Kevin, who should have been King or Queen and why?

 Sansa Stark, and she should have married Gendry Baratheon to make all of Robert Baratheon's prophecies from season one unfold as true.

I did think of that as a possibility but then remembered in the world of medieval politics the throne would go to the male heir and that was Bran. Once Aegon was out as King the throne was up for grabs and being a fictional piece the sky is the limit. Bran had great power being able to go into the minds of people and animals and control them. Talk about having your finger on the nuclear arsenal. I wonder if he could have recalled that last Dragon?Laugh

Speaking of movies, the kid had an interesting meeting in Vancouver with some interesting people, he has some hard decisions to make. We were up till 2 in the morning talking, as well as most of today so far. I still can't believe this all started as a lark with me signing him up to be a movie star (an extra) as more of a joke than anything. I guess that is how life unfolds sometimes. He spent all afternoon and evening with these people, I picked him up at the end of the line at 2330hrs last night.

Ulrich, I hope you make it to Denmark, that middle house looks to have a trainroom on this end. I could live in Denmark, Sweden or Finland.

Have to take #1 Daughter to ride today as the boss is away.

All the best to all.

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Steveston is where the TV show Once Upon A Time was filmed.


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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 5:29 PM

Lunch was good, crab cakes, walleye fingers and coconut shrimp.

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 7:15 PM


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Posted by hon30critter on Friday, July 5, 2019 9:41 PM


They all look very attractive, but from the prospective of a retired roofing salesperson, .....

The thatched roofs look neat but I suspect that they cost quite a bit to maintain, and replacing one with modern materials (if the local laws will allow you to) would probably cost a fortune! I'm not sure what a new thatched roof would cost. In my entire roofing career, I've never had the opportunity to quote one!Laugh

Is that a flat roof that I see on the first building between the two wings? Run away, run away!!!!Thumbs Down

The metal roof does need a coat of paint though. Don't break your neck doing it yourself!

Good luck!!


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Friday, July 5, 2019 11:13 PM

Is that a flat roof that I see on the first building between the two wings?

Yes, indeed - that´s a flat roof, and I am also concerned about it. Flat roofs can be quite OK if made the right way, but hardly one is.

Thatched roofs are quite common in Denmark and I am surprized the building insurance premiums are still quite low. In Germany, they are extremely expensive.

Currently, I tend towards the option shown in the two middle pictures The roof does need a coat of paint, but I am not going to do that myself. That job has somehow to be factored into the purchase price.

Our friend already has a bid for the apartment she is selling. That would easoly cover buying the house and leave her with a nice nest egg. She has no relatives to consider and she is very happy with the rather remote locations of each of the options. Denmark has a wonderful efficient emergency system, which may come in handy, although I do not wish to give it a try.

The thought of making that dream come true is pushing up my spirit!


Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, July 5, 2019 11:40 PM


Hi Gang, I wonder if I have been missed,  I sure have missed you guys.

We were gone the month of June on a trip to Spokane where my Billings Son has moved back to. Then I accomplished a few of my "Bucket List" items... So Good.

With all my driving all over North America, the one thing I missed seeing and wanted to badly was to drive through the Redwoods in northern California. Such magnificent trees. On the way there we stopped off in Toppenish Washington and took in the Northern Pacific Museum there. They are doing a great job for a small town. After leaving the Redwoods we toured the Feather River Canyon and all the various towns that the W.P. serviced there, ending up in Portola and checking out the W.P. museum there. It was great to walk through and around all that equipment and memoribilia there. A lady at the visitors center told us that we should go a little further to Loyalton and see their museum in which they have a layout and collection of W.P. locos and rolling stock and a layout of about 25' x 5-6' showing all the industries that it served there and a great replica of their town. 3 men built it in four years. They also won 2nd place in a MR. Contest for the model of their local Hotel using one front piece of a DPM kit and kitbashing from other kits and scratch building.We spent a wonderful morning there veiwing it in operation and touring the rest of their Museum.     So, 2nd Bucket List item down for this trip.I have longed to see the Portola yards and museum for years and of course the wonderful bridges in the canyon.

So that is where I have been, if anyone is interested.

Sure glad to see German Buddy. Ulrich back amoung us. as well as others who had skipped out for awhile like JR.

Just finished mowing the back lawn this eve. It was about 12" to 16" high, so I mowed it on the highest setting and will have to do it a little lower in a day od two once it starts to stand straighter again.

Pleasureway Motorhome worked like a Champ on the trip, We put an about 6000 miles, trying to buy as little gas as possible in California. Darn near four dollars a gallon, a little worse than here at home. Great fuel prices in Idaho though.

Going to call it quits for tonight, Just wanted to let you all know that I am not ready for the R.I.P. Track yet, still a few miles left on this old bird.

Night all, sleep well, that is one thing I do real well, thank goodness.

Ulrich, I will keep you in my prayers that your health will remain strong and that you three will be able to pull off that move to Denmark. My wife toured there two years ago and loved it..

Johnboy out.......................til later

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by hon30critter on Saturday, July 6, 2019 12:56 AM


Sounds like you had a great trip!!

What's all this stuff about "if we are interested?". Of course we are interested!! That's why we are all here! Tell us more!!


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Saturday, July 6, 2019 1:31 AM

Johnboy - good to see you gain! I am glad you had an enjoyable trip!

Dave - according to a number of studies, the Danish are the happiest people around. Txes are high, but they feel the get the value for it. They love their cigar smoking queen and they are proud of their country. That´s a lot more than I can say about my own country.

Just a couple of pictures of the interior of the house:

The Scandinavian folks like it bright inside - no wonder with those long, dark winter months up there! The house is at 56° 47′ N, which puts it on the same latitude as Saint Paul Island in the Bering Sea or the northern part of Kamchatka in Russia. Thanks to the gulf stream, it is much warmer in Denmark than in those two places!

I think we would add a little more color to the interior...


Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by hon30critter on Saturday, July 6, 2019 2:14 AM

Okay Ulrich!!

I'm in love with the place!!! Bright is good! Bright colours would add a lot! We just brightened the interior of our house last fall after years of darkish beiges. It is almost white but not quite. We also got rid of an old pump organ that had dominated my families' livingrooms for more than 100 years and added a couple of pieces of brighter furniture. So much more refreshing!

Please post more pics if you get the place.

My fingers are crossed too!!!



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Saturday, July 6, 2019 3:20 AM

I'm in love with the place!!!

Me too! It sells for less than $90k, has a little over 2,000 sqft. and 3/4 of an acre land to it.

Some more pictures of the interior and the surroundings.

The floor plan.

I have to stop looking at it! I wish we could just move right into it!

Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"

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Posted by BigDaddy on Saturday, July 6, 2019 6:50 AM

Ulrich great looking home!

This would have been a better video if the caught the cleanup or a derailment, but it's from Pennsylvania


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, July 6, 2019 8:39 AM

Good morning .... Just briefly checking in...... We still have family members here visiting. ... It looks like I won't have a normal schedule until Tuesday. and I won't be here much before then. .... 

I hope all of you are doing well ! 

Ulrich .... That looks like a beautiful home.

I'll try to catch up next week.






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Posted by York1 on Saturday, July 6, 2019 9:12 AM

Good morning.  A slow morning with family and grandkids all here.  I get up early, they all don't.

Ulrich, the house looks great.  My wife painted our entire interior white several years ago, although our paintings and furniture are very colored.  She, too, wanted it bright after years of darker colors.

The grandkids will swim today. We caught the spiderman movie last night - theater was crowded.  We love having them, but it's nice to relax when we get back to normal.

York1 John       

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Posted by mbinsewi on Saturday, July 6, 2019 9:23 AM

I just checked VR and I don't see the usual link to the camera at Horseshoe Curve.  It would be interesting to watch some of the clean up.

Thanks for that, Henry.  I do see see they have a new camera location in Waupaca, WI., on the CN line.

Ulrich's proposed new home looks excellent!  I'm sure pullin' for him and hope it works out !

Nothing exciting here in SE WI.  I've been driving back and forth between our home here in SE WI., and our small place in the North Woods, about 300 miles each way.  We're on the Pike Lake Chain, about 20 miles W. of Minocqua, WI.

Plumbers done, and we now have a working bathroom.  One step at a time.

Taking scaffolding down last Saturday, I twisted the heck out of my right wrist.  Once that all heals, I'll be going back up.

Healing does take longer  Grumpy  As Mel says in his signature, aging is not for the whimps.  Added to it is Warfarin, which creates hematomas, and the healing of minor injuries drags on.  Super Angry

Anyway, just thought I'd stop in.  I'm really excited for Ulrich and Petra, did I mention that? Whistling

Have a great day! 


EDIT:  I just noticed that Virtual Railfan's Horseshoe Curve camera is up and running.  You can watch the clean up.

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Saturday, July 6, 2019 11:39 AM

First Saturday in July, you know what that means ... Tour de France. Yeah, baby!


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Posted by BigDaddy on Saturday, July 6, 2019 11:54 AM

First Saturday in July, you know what that means ...

Nascar at Daytona tonight and the Big One, which always happens.


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Posted by BATMAN on Saturday, July 6, 2019 3:05 PM

Good afternoon all.

It is a nice day with a high O/C and I was just on the bike and need to stop sweating so I'll sit down and keep you all company, I'll try not to drip on you. Burned off a 1000 calories, got into the rum last night so had to pay the piper (not really). I'm down eight pounds this week so will be pigging out this weekend with all green on the eating signals. I love it when that happens.

Still no word from Rapido on sending my second Hudson back.Grumpy I would really like to have it back by September as both kids will be gone for the first time (maybe) They will help fill the void.

Ulrich, is that a garage on the right end of that house? It looks like a great place and far enough away from the neighbours to make me happy.Laugh

Bacon and eggs and whatever else for lunch and then yard work.

All the best to all.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, July 6, 2019 5:38 PM

 Afternoon Diners

 Flo, give the gang and I a Beer please and I will take a block of ice to sit on!

 Cleaned out the right front gutter today and it was a pain. Well the heat and humidity made it feel harder than it should.

 Steam Engine Train Front, been a odd day. Whistling

 My BLI QSI Hudson had been on the RIP track a few years. Was not picking up power from the engine. I would sometimes help it around the layout by using a pusher engine. Last week it would not move, just made sounds. (forgot to she if it was in sleep mode)

 Did a hard reset, changed the engine to its long address and took her for a spin. I be dang, no stalling!

 Mighty Quite BLI PRR I1sa Yep the chuffing sound has stopped working. Bang Head I swear I should for get about steam power! Depending if the chuffer starts working again or not, it will be heading back to Broken Limted Imports all so knowen as BLI.

 I am not upset by the PRR I1sa tonight. Running it doubled head with the Hudson and I love the Hudson Whistle!

 Ulrich I sure hope this will work out for you and Petra!

 Later, none smoking Ken

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Saturday, July 6, 2019 7:18 PM

Evening everyone. A bit rainy this eve. Not much going on here in the wilds of West Ky > I did get the popcorn popper fixed at the Cinema I do some part time maint work for. They called last weekend that part of the popper would not work, The lights would not , the kettle motor would and the kettle was not very hot. I told them the prob lost one leg of the 240v going to the popper. Sure enough I found a burned up leg on the plug to the popper. I replaced the plug and the lights came back. I started flipping siwtches and when I turned the kettle on it tripped the breaker immediatly. I opened the kettle and found a wire was too close to a bracket and created a dead short. This short had contributed to the burn up of the plug. I think the plug already had a loose wire in it causing high resitance and the burn up instead of it tripping the breaker. 

It is popping now. 

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Posted by OldEngineman on Saturday, July 6, 2019 10:39 PM

Looks like the Horseshoe Curve train was a westbound, judging from the empty lumber flats (loaded, they'd be going east, down the hill).

Wonder if there were a bunch of loads somewhere down the hill, behind them? Looks like they "stringlined" towards the inside.

Seems like the RR's want longer and longer trains lately, but make them too long, and stuff like this is much more likely to happen.

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