Life is simple - eat, drink, play with trains!
Go Big Red!
PA&ERR "If you think you are doing something stupid, you're probably right!"
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
"No soup for you!" - Yev Kassem (from Seinfeld)
QUOTE: Originally posted by Muddy Creek Mr. DeShane discusses a "possible phase-out of simple to moderate complexity...kits" and requests a guarantee from RTRs that this won't happen. Certainly no modeler owes him anything because their purchasing preference differs from his. Frankly, when I buy an RTR boxcar, I don't give a hoot how it affects anyone else's modeling. Lot's of anecdotal claims and worry about "possible phase-outs." If one needs assurances of some sort, perhaps it should be the manufacturer that provides it? Are there any real industry statistics indicating phasing out one offering in favor of another or is this just another "us-vs-them," non-issue? Wayne
QUOTE: Originally posted by DeSchane Muddy creek, Saying you don't give a "hoot" how (what you do) effects anyone else's modeling, is certainly not going to win you too many friends in this hobby! Also, I wasn't really looking for anyone to guarrentee me anything! It was simply a statement that I believe RTR is affecting kits, but, kits are not affecting RTR. Excuse me for talking about a subject that IS important to me! Now, if you'll excuse me, the sky is falling!