Some SW1200RS locomotives, with a 71 car drag...
More multiple units on a train, please, but steam or electric...
SouthPenn said: "More diesel multiple-unit power please."
A west bound coal drag on the BRVRR.
More multi-diesel power consists please.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
Five 'F' units pulling a long coal drag.
More diesel multiple-unit power please.
Lone Wolf and Santa FePlease show me more diesels with helpers.
A pair of old Pennsy Alcos were cut-in as helpers behind the road engines.
IMG_7933_fix by Edmund, on Flickr
Show me more Diesel multiple-unit power.
A quartet of tunnel motors
Please show me more diesels with helpers.
G Paine I will see your RS-1 and raise by a pair is RS-11s SHow me a second gen diesel(s)
I will see your RS-1 and raise by a pair is RS-11s
SHow me a second gen diesel(s)
AND here are a pair of GP 15-1s.
Let's see some more diesels, 2nd. generation or newer. Bob
Let's see some more diesels, 2nd. generation or newer.
Don't Ever Give Up
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Someone ask for an RS 1??
Please show a C liner or other early diesel. Bob
Please show a C liner or other early diesel.
How about a C-Liner...
More of the same, please.
An SD7.
Please continue with more first generation diesels. .... Perhaps, we can set a record for the most posts with the same request.
A GP7 is setting out a couple Maine Central boxcars at the local lumber yard.
I'm not going to be the one to end the first gen diesel party. Still more please.
How about an RS-1...
...and some more first generation diesels, please!
Switching Ethan's Salvage.
More first generation diesels please.
Another 1st Geneation...
How about more?
Roger Hensley= ECI Railroad - == Railroads of Madison County - =
Can't ever get tired of first generation diesels, show me more!
Rick Jesionowski
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
JOHN C TARANTO Lets see more first gen Diesels.
Lets see more first gen Diesels.
EMD SW 1 entering Twin Hills Mountain Tunnel
Please show more 1st. generation diesels. Bob
Please show more 1st. generation diesels.
Most of my locomotives are first generation diesels including those in this photo.
Please show more First Generation diesels
This is my one and only first gen Diesel. An Alco S1.
An E7 AB lash-up brings the eastbound Commodore into Bedford Falls just before dawn.
Can't get too many first gen diesels. More please.
FM Trainmaster.
More first gen diesels please.
It has been a day and a half, looks like we have run out of food. There will have to be some potatos behind GP-7 MEC 572
Show me another first generation diesel
Ok, here is a drive in.
Another drive in or equivalent please.
NYBW-JohnShow more diners, drive-ins, or dives.
Chef Gustav tells the couple "No Zoup For You!" in this unfinished scene.
Show me more Diners, Greasy Spoons and Eateries...
Since no one has responded to the last request, I'll make one of mine.
Show more diners, drive-ins, or dives.
SouthPenn Show me more 'whoops' moments.
Show me more 'whoops' moments.
Dropped a hot iron on foam layout top
Please show another oops moment. Bob
Please show another oops moment.
This is what happens when you leave a switch in the wrong position.
How about just before a grade crossing mishap...
...and just after impact...
...and clearing the debris...
The only casulties were a few chickens, on their way to market, while the pick-up truck's driver and his brother were unharmed. Apparently, the truck had stalled on the crossing, and while the boys had lots of time to push it clear of the crossing, they were unaware that the truck's driveshaft had dropped at the same time the truck had stalled, its free-end jammed against the rail.
The boys got a caboose ride to Elfrida, the next town, and the conductor had a couple of the chickens plucked and cooked before the train pulled into South Cayuga.
Show me something else gone wrong, please.
Something went very wrong.
Show us more of things that went wrong.
G Paine Show me a sports car, extra points for pre 1960
Show me a sports car, extra points for pre 1960
Here's one I like
Somebody already beat me to a new request so I'll just let that one stand.
G PaineShow me a sports car, extra points for pre 1960
I will take those extra points!
This car bottomed out on the frame while they were trying to unload it to the dock. Right now everyone is waiting for a tow truck to show up and save the day. Hopefully he will get there before tide goes out.
Show me another scene where something went wrong.
Living the dream.