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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, January 2017 at Bretton Woods, NH Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, January 1, 2017 9:15 PM

Rich ... It is great to see you in the Diner. .... Sincere condolences regarding your father's passing away. .... Feel free to visit the Diner anytime. 




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Posted by hon30critter on Sunday, January 1, 2017 9:25 PM

SS Express:

Rich, condolences on losing your father. Sorry to hear about your employment situation too. I am blissfully retired and I wouldn't go back to work if you offered me a million dollars an hour! (Well, I might go back for a couple of hours at that rate but not much longer!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughLaugh) I hope you find a rewarding position soon.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by steemtrayn on Monday, January 2, 2017 12:58 AM

My first trip up Mt.Washington was by cog, second by bike.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, January 2, 2017 4:38 AM

Good "day after," to all of you!

CNCharlie: best of luck that you finished with the prostate cancer. I am at least 3 Rd in direct line for it and maybe more. But: my father's father died a ripe old age of 92 or 93, from eventual complications of the cancer. My father was about the age I am now(53) when he was diagnosed and opted for" cryosurgery", where they freeze the tissue, ideally not giving the cancer anything to feed on. He is now 82 and consider ed cancer free for what about 30 years. I have had BPH issues since I was 25, I found that out when I started hemoraging (SP?), And so I am really getting concerned about the possibility of cancer connection now. And YES anytime I've had a catheter in it was More than just a nuisance, it drives me nuts as it tends to pull on me, due to er ah " natural expansion and contraction" then it pulls and Hurts like a um er Bear. So Best of luck that you are Now cancer free. If you do have ED issues, as someone's noted, ask your doctor! It's not as embarrassing as you might think, especially if the Dr is a he.

To all who suffered needlessly in 2016 like me, why I certainly hope you and I have a far better year!

Condolences to those who lost someone this past year!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, January 2, 2017 8:09 AM

Good morning everybody.... Coffee and a dounut, please. 

It is foggy and 50 here. ... I saw a pair of bald eagles yesterday. They were high in a tree near our house. Magnificent ! 



Condolences to those who lost someone this past year!




Galaxy .... Thanks. I used to call my mother almost every evening at about 8:30. ... Now, I think of her at that time every evening. She was 96 when she died in May 2016. 





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Posted by Beach Bill on Monday, January 2, 2017 9:02 AM


so hopefully that side effect you mentioned won't be such a problem but you really never know.

Just to be certain on the good luck for 2017, I'll have some black eyed peas again today in addition to those enjoyed on Jan. 1st.   

CN Charlie:     I can well understand if our fellow readers are approaching the level of "cringe" with the discussion on prostate cancer and treatment side effects.   I'll just add one more observation from my experience and then try to avoid further discussion here at meal time.

When diagnosed with cancer, I did some serious thinking as I expect most folks would.   I recognized that I really like living and wanted to do everything that I could to stop the cancer and allow me to enjoy those things as long as possible.  I like sitting down at a nice restaurant and reviewing the menu with the opportunity to order what I like.   I like walking on the beach.   I like the smell of a new train book when the shrink-wrap is first taken off.   I like the opportunity to see my grandchildren smile.    Those things were more important to me than the not-uncommon side effects of treatment.   SO, before surgery I told myself that I was going to focus on recovery and just not worry about the side effects, and would evaluate things after 6 months.    In retrospect, I should have told myself 8 months;  it takes a while for nerves to recover.    I thus recommend patience and speaking honestly with your doctor.

A rainy day here on the Carolina coast.   Mrs. Beach Bill wants to go to the movies today and who am I to argue with that?


With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost. William Lloyd Garrison
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 2, 2017 9:14 AM

Good Afternoon!

I think I´ll have some of that apple strudel Flo is hiding under the counter, please. I don´t mind having a generous helping of warm and thick custard poured over it!

It´s been a cold, but mainly sunny day here. Winter has not yet decided to come back after its short stopover at the beginning of November. Well, Winter has just begun, so I guess we will be in for some surprises this year!

Saw a few deer grazing on the meadow behind our house, thoroughly enjoying the sun. Nature is always so pretty, I think we still have to learn to be more respectful!

No plans for the rest of the day. I have not yet run a train on my layout this year, but I don´t feel like doing it today. I have thoughts of relocating the layout from Switzerland to the Harz mountains in Germany by exchanging two of the building into structures of the appropriate architecture. It´ll be only a small investment, which should help me sell it. I can then sell my Swiss locos and cars separately, which should also make a pretty penny - all proceeds going into the piggy bank labelled "The Great Escape".

Have a good one!


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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, January 2, 2017 10:25 AM

Hello all

Happy New Year.

Train front - This Thursday we should be forming and inspecting the fdn walls to be poured either Thursday afternoon or Friday. Yesterday I went through the plans and made a very detailed count of all framing, windows, doors, hardware etc.. for the Hobby Barn. Then I emailed that list to my vender. Today I called him to review the list and verify that he understood the details. Should be getting the real cost today. Hope to be framing next week.

DER - How is Mrs. DER ? Hope she is home and doing well - saying a Angel for both of you.

Ken - Thank you so much for posting the photos. I will ask around a w**k when I go back return.

Ricky W. - How is your uncle ?

Lonnie - The steam festival was that trains or farm equipment type stuff ? Either way sound like fun !

Ulrich - Some good resolutions. Like your first one very much. Shame they have repalce teh Steam. I am with you I like the diesals much better. It is very interesting how German and American cars and locos are built so differently. I find that very fascinating. Same purpose, same princples etc...but put together differently.

Tom - If you cant get out You Tube has some wonderful rail fan videos you can actually watch some live !

ROR - What makes that place so windy ?

Bill - Sent you a PM. Love black eyed peas !!! Maybe that is why last year was so tough on us. We didnt eat any for the new year !

V8 - Did the law change there ?

Howmus - You are always talking about your solar power. I watched some videos this weekend on you tube where people have taken washing machine motors and alternaters and hooked them up to creeks or windmills and generated power for there houses ! Maybe you should research that too ?

Angel - Why  are you having a hard time design a RR with New York central ?

CN Charlie - Hope you heal up and your health returns. I know what you meant about the catheter. I WAS SO GLAD when they took the tube out of my chest !

Rich - Welcome So glad you took us up on the invite. Hope you decide to stick around. Flo the cup of Joe is on me and I will even cover his Dinner : )  Sorry for the loss of the job and your Dad. that is tough double hit. Hope you find emplyment soon and I think it wonderful you are completing your fathers projects Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up very nice.

Today I am going to skip the history qoutes for one day instead I am going to share some lessons learned as I battled the cancer with my late wife:

1) You should eat desert first. You never know if you will be around for the main course

2) Doctors dont know everything

3) If you dont want to you dont have to. There were times when the hospital wanted us to wait for the stupid wheel chair ride out at the end of treatment. They took to long so we left. Nothing they could do abot it

4) We are all terminal. No one leaves this world pulling a Uhaul behind them.

5) Because we are all terminal. Enjoy the trip. Its not about surviving the storm but learning to dance in the rain

6) Spend time with the ones you Love. Always say I am sorry and I value you.

7) Anger and resentment are destructive time wasters. Why use up God given seconds wasting time being angry and bitter when you can use that time to enjoy the good things

8) I found that no matter how bad things got and there were some really, really, really rough times - God loved me so much that he still was there for me when it was bad. He sent peopel to lift us up, he sent people to help us out, he sent people who gave resources ( time, money, prayers etc..) to help us out in our most desperate hours

9) Each day is like a chapter in a book. One can write a book on each day.

10) When leaving someone always say - I love you - not for you, but for them. It is the greatest gift you can leave someone with.

11) Time is one of the most precious commidities. Once gone it is not recoverable. Use it wisely.






Mike - Were you able to get your sons furnace up and running ?

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Monday, January 2, 2017 12:19 PM

Good afternoon all.

Flo - Wow, them BBQ ham sandwiches look and smell great, a nice extra sized helping, a side of fries, and a Coke please. Thanks.

Galaxy, YGW, Cudaken, Garry, and all others whom I have missed - Thanks for the well-wishes for me, and my family. It is noticed and appreciated.

CNCharlie - Good to hear the surgery went well. Now hoping for a full, quick, easy, complete recovery.

SS Express - Welcome to be he diner! Have Flo & the girls get you whatever you would like, my treat. 

Family update - Well, somehow my uncle has managed to make it another day, though I really do not know how. His vitals still were falling, up until a brief reprieve late last night, so we are expecting "it" at any time now. For some reason, your vitals will ramp back up, shortly before everything stops functioning, and that is where he appears to be at now.

Weather - Warmer today, near 45, with rain showers off-and-on, but expected to fall back down to "winter-time" temps later this week.

W**k - Off today, but go in next two, for full shifts each day, and get to unload our appliance truck in the morning.... Hopefully my "hint" to the DC (Distribution Center) is remembered this time. I had to tell them that "Just like Clark, I don't wear my cape to work!" after the last truck. They had double stacked front-load washers, dryers, both gas and electric ranges, and had tripple stacked a chest freezer with two dishwashers... And I have to unload these by hand! Our store simply does not have power equipment, other than a hydraulic lift to get from ground level to truck level, and back. So, I am pulling from the truck by hand, then using the lift to get them down to ground level. I still have to unstack them somehow.... So, while I am using the lift, to lower them, I am then pulling the top one back into the truck to unstack them, but then have to bring the lift back up to pull from the truck again, this is extra moves, w**k, muscle power, and time, that we could be avoiding. There is more than enough room to unstack them before they load the truck, to load it single-stacked, and they have power equipment to do so. They need to be sending them single-stacked to my store. Double-stack the ones who have a fork-lift available, fine, but unstack for the rest of us.

Trains - Boy am I ready to start on something train-related, whatever scale it might be.... Now if I could only find enough time.....

Hope all are well, and all have a good day!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by BigDaddy on Monday, January 2, 2017 2:38 PM

Made my grandmother's desert yesterday, there is enough for the whole diner.  Gibanaci is what she called it, however it was only called that in a small section of Crotia.  Serbian gibanici is much different.  It is called potica in Poland and similar deserts can be found all the way to Norway.  Mine is filled with walnut, but prunes (better than it sounds) and poppy seeds are also used.


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by angelob6660 on Monday, January 2, 2017 3:00 PM

Afternoon Diners,

Henry- I'll have some of that Norwegian dessert.

SS Express- Nice to see a new face.

Weather has been cloudy lately, but no rain. We will see.

Since my railroading hobby is making no process. My mom decided to give me a loom knitting kit to make hats.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, January 2, 2017 4:56 PM

Henry ... That sounds like it would taste very good. 

Ulrich ... I know apple strudel is good . Yum ! 





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Posted by SS Express on Monday, January 2, 2017 6:50 PM

Gentlemen, thanks for the invite and the condolences for my dad. He was a train buff since the 40's when he was a kid and got me hooked on the hobby at a young age. I got a phone call from the dispatch office on the HV basement line that a string of empty boxes needed to be sent back to the yard. I had to high tail it down the pike and open up the yard. So after that quickie, those Boston creams and a cup of hi-test sounds about right.......




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Posted by jlehnert on Monday, January 2, 2017 9:35 PM

Evening all! 

Cool and rainy night, so I'll have a warm slice of cherry pie to help keep my spirits up. 

I'm very familiar with the Cog Railway and Mt Washington, having visited the area yearly with the Boy Scouts for the past 40 years. I agree with Ulrich that something was lost when the Cog switched from steam to diesel. The first train of the day is still steam, but everything else is diesel. Meh. 

One other thing Mt Washington is known for is unpredictable weather. A multitude of people have died over the years, and a significant number have been from exposure. A couple of years after I started going with the scouts, a bunch of us decided to climb Washington using the trail up Tuckerman Ravine. Around a dozen 12 - 17 year olds, accompanied by two college age adults. This is the first weekend in August, and when we start out it's sunny with temperatures in the high 70's - low 80's.  By the time we get up to the bottom of the headwall (a several hundred foot expanse of bare rock) the summit is in the clouds. Not a biggie, as the summit is in the clouds >200 days a year. We get half way up the headwall and the temperature is dropping and it's starting to drizzle. 

We get three quarters of the way up the headwall, and now we're getting freezing rain. Big question now is should we continue up where the temperature is most assuredly NOT going to get warmer, or try to go down over the already very slippery rock. Since any fall would most likely be fatal, the decision was made to continue up. By the time we reached the summit, there was 4 inches of snow on the ground. We were good scouts and followed the motto "Be Prepared", but there's a difference between preparing for rain and cool temperatures, and preparing for snow and ice.  We didn't have $20 between the entire group, and back then college students didn't have credit cards. We were pretty miserable.  Luckily the operators of the Cog took pity on us, and we caught the last train down of the day. Weather at the bottom...... Overcast, dry, with temperatures in the 60's. A memorable day in more ways than one. 

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, January 2, 2017 10:14 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed will have a Crown Royal, give SS (Hope that is not a Super Sport Chevy thing being Cuda Ken) Richard and my self a Beer.

 Richard  Welcome Well if the SS is a Chevy thing, I am fine with that. I like all HP cars, OK most of them. Whistling Sorry to hear about your dad, nice it got you into trains and you have some of his. Far as your job, what did you do? While I am working I have not had a good job for 10 years. Last year I made what I made in 1985? If it was still 1985 I be sitting pretty.

 Big Daddy Hum Hmm While I am sure it is just in my head (I seemed overly hard wire in the brain to look for faces) I swear in the first  photo (one on top) your Grandmother Desert looked pissed off and is going to eat my faces! Even has little claws! Looks great cut up (killed) and bet it taste great!

 Later, Ken




I hate Rust

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Posted by SS Express on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 8:20 AM

Ken, the SS reflects my other paasion from a very young age. I have owned an original 1970 Camaro SS 396 for almost 32 years now. I bought it in 1985 and drove the wheels off it, raced it, re-painted it, re-built it twice (the engine 4 times) but now sadly, she just sits in the garage while I raise my 3 and 4 year old. I put a little less than 200 miles on her last summer. Damn shame right there!!

The work thing has been brutal the last 8 years. I been in the medical device manufacturing industry setting up and running 5 axis Haas cnc machines, but last december my company decided to pick up and move to ohio. I was there a little over 4 years and I loved the place. I then took a shot at another shop, much smaller and much less organized and lasted 8 months. Dude said he could no longer make payroll and I was out. I blame myself for that move, should have never made a hasty decision like that. Think I'll grab me some hi-octane and a jelly fill for the ride home.


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Posted by Steven Otte on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 8:46 AM

Discussion of guns (and especially gun laws, which falls under politics) is specifically forbidden under the rules of the Forums. Even here in the Diner.

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by inch53 on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 9:46 AM
Mornin,,, an irish coffee please Zoe….  Rain n fog here to start the day, but the temps are in the 40’s n 50’s; winter returns Wednesday.
Glad most everyone one had some good holidays, ours was ok to much company for to long. Oldest daughter and hers left for ohio today.
 CHARLIE,,, glad to hear the surgery went well and your recovering. Our thoughts be with you for further good news.
RICKY W,,,,, our thoughts also with you.. Mother n me have both been there
RICH,,, welcome, hope ya enjoy yur vists. Our thoughts with you also on your loss.
Don’t know bout 2017 being betters than last. But, Dec of16, wasn’t good, J-bird [G-daughter] broke her leg first day volleyball practice, surgery n plate. 10 days later her older sister [jocko] gallbladder surgery.  That same day my little brother slipped on ice n broke his knee cap, surgery of course. All are recovering n in Phys therapy.
Jan 1, 17, we found out Mother’s step g-pa is in hospital for his dementcha [spelling]. They’re still running test. Seems his legs are no-longer working
Me, I go to the Indy VA for surgery on my RT upper lung the tomorrow. They found a spot on x-rays during a lung infection in the late summer. No big deal, they’re goin in n take out the dark spott, and then we go from there on what’s goin on. Mother’s gonna stay in the veterans house while I’m there. 2 g-sons gonna stay here n kept the house from freezing.
No mrr’ing to speak of, but the rail fanning out the window’s been good. I started this last night, listening to CSX shoving empties into the elevator siding. CSX has also been running double trains with 5-6 engines or 4 lead an 2 mid train. One of them was to long for 12,500 FT passin track. They had 5 engines and 5 auto racks, parked in the elevator siding. The bad part is every time CSX blocks the Cline Orchard crossing, all the traffic comes by here.
Had two Schnabel cars come through, one carrying an extra big transformer. The other a very large tank of some kind.
Well I best gets round ta chores n packing. Thoughts n prayers for all those in need and hope ya’ll has a gooden.   INCH53


Sure wish I could get my old account to work.

DISCLAIMER-- This post does not clam anything posted here as fact or truth, but it may be just plain funny
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Posted by tcwright973 on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 9:53 AM

Yesterday was very busy. Out the door & on the way for breakfast befor 8:00am. Then grocery shopping. That was followed by a trip to the library, then shopping at different stores, then lunch, & then more errands. We got home in mid afternoon & that's when i got the biggie of the day done. All the outside Christmas lights & decorations taken down. It was in the mid 40s & just too good an opportunity to avoid freezing fingers to pass up. It was raining lightly, but not that much of am inconvenience.

Today is laundry, but I'll start taking down the inside decorations as well.

I'm starting to get a little more comfortable with Windows 10 on my new laptop. Got everything transferred over from the old laptop without any problems. I decided to keep the old laptop just for my railfanning photos, etc. But ran into a problem there. It's hard drive is too small to hold all my railfanning photos, so I may look into another external hard drive that will be dedicated just for that. It appears that they are available for under $100.00.

Have a great day & stay safe...


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:41 AM

Good morning .

Inch ..... Prayers for you and your having surgery tomorrow... Please make sure we are informed of the results. ... Thanks. 

In a rush..... Catch up with everybody else later. ...... Coffee and donut to go. 




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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 2:47 PM

Good Evening!

An uneventful day today, which suits me fine these days! The only "thrill" I had was running a train on my layout for a few minutes. I will shoot a few pictures of it in the coming days for putting it up for sale in "The Bay". I decided to sell it as it is, without any further additions or changes made. I am not going to auction it, but will ask for a price and offers, so I can control for how much money I will let it go.

Heading for the hay - see you tomorrow!


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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 3:04 PM

Good Afternoon Diners,

Flo, I'll have an extra large coffee with lots of cream, please.

Yesterday, I watched the Rose Parade.  Had it on both NBC on the tube and KTLA (independent channel in LA)on the computer, which ran it mostly commercial free.  If anyone has never seen the parade live in person, it is worth the trip to do so at least once.  Television just can't do it justice.  

When MOH and I were younger, OK...much younger, we camped out for the parade a couple of times.  It was a lot of fun.  A couple of years later after our son was born, I wrapped him in a "snugly" and my coat and my wife and I walked virtually the entire parade route and back on one New Year's Eve.  It's a six mile long party!  Ah, good memories.

After the parade, I watched the Blackhawks' outdoor hockey game on the tube.  I've only seen a couple of hockey games live.  I was surprised to learn how much the puck is actually in the air.  TV doesn't convey that aspect of the game very well.  And as for watching a game outdoors in the cold, no thanks, I'd rather not.

I was unaware that there is a cog railway in New Hampshire.  That would be fun to do. 

It seems that there's a lot of health issues going around in the diner.  I hope everybody gets well and have no complications.

Hello to everyone, and I hope everyone is OK, safe, and warm.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by Jimmy_Braum on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 3:23 PM

Hey all, just a quick check in.  Started doing an inventory of my roster.  Why, WHY didn't I do this sooner? my hand is cramping and I'm not even halfway done.

(My Model Railroad, My Rules) 

These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway.  As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).  

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Posted by yougottawanta on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 3:57 PM

Hey all

Brutal first day back at w**k Black EyeDeadSigh oh my. Couple of HO had a large puddle of water in teh raod and they were not HAPPY - They called the sales agent, the VP of the company and the county site inspector ! Took a beating from the site inspector, Had to listen to the VP who was not happy... Geez I tell you some people are so spoiled if they get a hitch in their get along they are raising cane and whining to anyone who will pacify them - glad the day is over.

Train front - Not much today. Need to get my vender some info so he can price up some of the material.

Hope to have time tomorrow to read post. Hope everyone has had a great day ( at least better than mine ) and a better tomorrow.



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Posted by BigDaddy on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 7:38 PM

Milk and apple pie please, yes my gibanica was on the verge of exploding.  Those silicon pads make clean up super easy.

Jimmy I need to catalog my rolling stock too.  I'm afraid I'll find too many cars for the RIP track

Was trying to help another poster with photos and checked out  It seems to be slightly more user friendly that Photobucket without the popups and glitches and easy to figure out how to link to the forum. 

My son gave me a late Christmas present, it's a "coffee table book" maybe 16" x 16" of pictures of his daughter, my granddaughter in her first year.  It's a big book, maybe 70 pages and the photo quality is excellent.  A really touching gift.



COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by ATSFGuy on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 7:58 PM

Happy New Year!!!

Saw the Ball drop on Dick Clarks New Years Rockin Eve on TV just before Midnight!!! I don't watch the entire celebration, usually tune in at 11:57 and keep the TV on until 12:10/12:15. This year, I watched it from 11:56 until 12:20am, going to bed afterwards because I had work the next day.

Trainfront: Saw two ATHG SD75M's on evilbay, (No's 200 & 248)  I will purchase them on Thurs/Fri.  It will be a great addition to the one I already have (No. 226).   Some of you may find this following statement wierd, On my railroad the SD75M would be in every way Santa Fe's "Dream Locomotive".

Work: Off Today, extra shift tomorrow (1pm-6pm) off Thus, Back on Fri.

School: Final Grades came in on Dec 20th,

CMT 230: A

HIST 17: P

I go back to School on Jan 23rd, It's nice to have 4 weeks off.

The semester ended Dec 18 and starts Jan 23rd.

Other: Last month I renewed my Siruis XM subscription for my phone, it was only $18.21!

Outside of Trains, I also spend time on Siruis XM's Fansite, Radio Discussions, and Radio Insight.  Certain topics regarding Oldies/Classic Hits tend to get pretty hot.  I find myself cracking up over the circular arguments the discussions take.

But I also gain knowledge at the same time.

Just remember this one thing; The day YOU pay for radio, you will get what YOU want.

Sidenote: The radio is hard to listen to these days because every station pratically overlaps each other. Plus all the 55-74 stuff has largely disappeared as well. Mad Ave was hesitant about the oldies format being played on then current stations so CBS started adding in currents about one per hour in 1973. It was a good idea and over the decades it evolved into a natural evolution. The playlists were scaled down in the early 90's and the station became a stagnant museum. Then the demographic rot caught up with them in the early 2000's and they panicked. The stations were up s--t's creek by 2005 and killing them off was an act of mercy. It also gave the format another shot on HD-2 a few years later.


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Posted by ATSFGuy on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 8:13 PM

If the radio is going to turn classic hits into pure backgound noise by playing the same dam songs over and over and over and over and over and over again ad nauseam, then I will stop listening again. Come on FM,

Show some Creativity,

Show some GUTS

Bring Back the Top Ten at 10 and other specailty programs you used to have.

A few have told me local radio is not what it used to be.

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  • From: Western, MA
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Posted by richg1998 on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 8:24 PM

Happy New Year.

Great to see this discussion. Did the trip in front of the old steamer, summer 2010. Back of the passenger car and could feel the heat from the loco. Managed to climb the pile of rock at the observation platform.

Next day, zip line at Bretton Woods.

Not bad for seventy at the time.


If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.

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  • From: Bradford, Ontario
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Posted by hon30critter on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:14 PM

Started doing an inventory of my roster.  Why, WHY didn't I do this sooner? my hand is cramping and I'm not even halfway done.


Are you doing the inventory manually or using a program? I used this:

It works ok but I wouldn't describe it as being well organized. Maybe that is just me and the way I am using it.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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  • From: Cumberland Plateau
  • 393 posts
Posted by CentralGulf on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 11:26 PM



Started doing an inventory of my roster.  Why, WHY didn't I do this sooner? my hand is cramping and I'm not even halfway done.



Are you doing the inventory manually or using a program? I used this:

It works ok but I wouldn't describe it as being well organized. Maybe that is just me and the way I am using it.


The trouble with canned programs is they are all somebody else's opinion of what you need. I use a spreadsheet instead. It's free and I get to set it up the way I want it.  Geeked



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