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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, November 2016 -- Belen, NM Locked

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, November 7, 2016 10:17 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed and I will have a Beer please.

 Work Front I need a job where napping is not a option! Yep, it was that sloooow today. Did get a good nap in and I needed it.

 Time Change Bang Head My clocks says it is 9:46 and my body say's it's not. Sigh

 Train Front Messed with the Might B&O F7's some tonight. I thought the drive shaft nosie was coming from the B unit. Seems the noise is coming from the A unit. Now it sounds more like the motor needs to be oiled, not draft shaft problems. I looked at the bottom of the engine and it looks like there might be just a chances I can oil the motor after I remove the fuel tank! But I am 95% sure they would not make it that simple!

 I really wish they would take in acount that owners need to be able oil the motors with out cutting wires!


We have a lot in common and I think he would make a great neighbor!

 Hee, Hee, Hee. I am the last person you want living next to you Ed. I be bring over all my broke junk for you to fix! Whistling You feel like you where working full time again!

 Now, I would not mine living in your Potting Shed! If I was single I be more than happy to live in a 570 sq foot room with a patio. (pretty much do, sizes of the garage) Room for a good size layout, twin mattress, work bench / desk, TV, computer, rest room, sound system, and grill on the patio. 

 Beat again, Cuda Ken





I hate Rust

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Monday, November 7, 2016 10:28 PM

Good evening all.

Chloe - A mint-chocolate milkshake please. Thanks.

Weather - Cooler at night, but still 60ish daytime. Later this week they are calling for a sharp cool down and some lake-effect s**w... Yikes! (But only one days worth... Then back above 45 by Sunday...)

W**k - Well, I caught one of Cudaken's slow days today... I Didn't sell a single cent! My boss sold a freezer, but that is all. By the time I left, we had a whopping 260 in sales after a return. (Going against a 3100 goal.) Seen a whole 8 people, one return, one sale, 6 window shoppers. Should have made it "national take a book to work day". (Or "take a model train to work day"!) Have tomorrow off, per the schedule, but our appliance delivery is tomorrow... That means that the store manager, and a helper sent from a nearby store while the other employee is on vacation, will be alone to do customers (non-existant today!) and unload the appliance truck... While I have not met the helper from the neighboring store yet, the store manager cannot move those appliances off the truck herself. (We do not have a forklift, so we unload via hand trucks {AKA dollies} and a pallet jack. Not knocking the store manager, as I have a hard time moving some of those appliances by myself. Some of those fridges and freezers take all 5'6" of me to handle! I didn't think I was as out of shape as I am, but those big items prove I am.) If the helper is like the store manager, and myself, I just might be going in, just for the appliance truck. (Again, yikes!)

Trains - Well, the SD40-2 project that had stalled might be moving forward again. The rear light is what is got me stuck, but I think I have a solution. (Will be trying it out shortly,  and it should* work... *I hope....) Maybe my day off will be a productive one.... Whistling

Well, hope all are well, and all have a good night!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Monday, November 7, 2016 10:35 PM

Hi guys

It's been awhile since I've stopped by.  For one thing, the Kalmbach site kicked me offline repeatedly over the last couple months for some unknown reason.  For another, I've been busy with RL stuff, largely family but also the never-ending fiasco that is this year's election campaign.  Good luck to your assorted candidates, but win or lose, hopefully this eternal trudge through the sewers will end tomorrow.  Enuf sed.

Thursday AM will be cataract surgery number one.  I'm not looking forward to this (pardon the pun), even if I'll see better afterward. I'm a wuss, no two ways about it. It would be nice to get through a calendar year without at least one or two trips to the OR, though!

Yesterday was our seventh wedding anniversary.  It was low-key.  An awful lot of our plans got waylaid by life, which bothers me a lot; it bothers her, too, but she just sighs and goes on with things. We both went through a lot before we met, but hoped-for trips and adventures and a small army of kids didn't materialize.  Oddly, my brother, who always hated kids, has two. Go figure.  I just feel like I've let her down, even if a lot of it is just "**** happens" type stuff.  Oh well, we all have our problems and regrets.

Sorry for rambling.  And see you guys again soon (or as soon as I'm able to get back here anyway!).

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Posted by hon30critter on Monday, November 7, 2016 10:45 PM


Great ideas for the throttle and uncoupler holders!

Your re-use of the (very nicely sceniced) hill was quite well done. I'm curious to know what types of trees you used, both decidious and coniferous? They look good.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by FRRYKid on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 12:15 AM

Hobby Front: Got the door problem figured out: Ended up having to order new doors as the ones supplied in the kit weren't right. One didn't have the correct detail. The other was neither the right width or the right type. Should have them later in the week. Also found that I will need to use part of a decal sheet that I had left over from a quintent of coal cars that I built last year. (I had just filed them in one of my storage area.) The car is turning into more of a project that I had anticipated but the car does fill a hole in my freight plan.

"The only stupid question is the unasked question."
Brain waves can power an electric train. RealFact #832 from Snapple.
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Posted by "JaBear" on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 3:17 AM

Gidday Chloe, I see der5997 is having a Jamaican Goat Curry, never tried one but certainly enjoyed the Fijian Indian Goat curries, can be very hot and spicy but moderated with coconut milk and mango chutney on the side and washed down with a Fiji Bitter (or two, anyone for 3 or 4), YUM!!!DinnerBeerBeerBeer
Speaking of goats I guess Heartland Garry is one happy camper!!!

I'm not looking forward to this......

Uncle Bob, while cataract operations are a common everyday occurrence around the world, I’ll still wish you Good Luck. As for the fiasco, as a point of history it is well televised here, and boy it’s certainly enough to scratch the head and roll the eyes, Thank goodness for small South Pacific Paradises. Paradise
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them,
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 3:46 AM

Hi, Folks,

Just a quick night cap before I turn in... I hear Brunhilda makes a mean Brandy Alexander. I seem to recall it was a favorite beverage of Mr. Lucius Beebe so I'll have one, or two, in his remembrance.

Just love the shades of blue & gray on those B&O units, Ken!

 Hee, Hee, Hee. I am the last person you want living next to you Ed. I be bring over all my broke junk for you to fix! You feel like you where working full time again!

True, Perhaps... but I know you have experience with putting up good fences. and you know what they say about neighbors and fencesWhistling

You shouldn't have to cut any wires to get the motor bearings lubed, Ken. I have a super-skinny needlepoint applicator that fits between the flywheel and motor end. I'll throw one in the "Goodwill" box for you. I like to use the very light CRC 6-26 for motor lube.

DER, I like your throttle pockets. I picked up some clear plastic baskets that, I guess, were intended for use in the shower or something. They had suction cups on them, easily removed. Anyway, they made great throttle holders for Digitrax throttles. I'll have to get a photo posted.

Rick, maybe everyone has election-day jitters and that is keeping away the customers? I think everyone in the U.S. will breathe a sigh of relief come Wednesday, just to get it behind us.

Good to hear from you again, Uncle Bob, Dave and Bear... among othersSmile

Hey! With all the goat dishes being ordered, I'd better go out to the barn for a nose-count!

Patty: "If I stand in my food bowl and look cute, will you fill it up again"???



I'm making a real mess on the north side of the layout but making good progress, too. Ballasting, blasting tunnels into solid rock and slopping plaster all over! What fun... I have a couple of RR friends visiting Friday so I have to get everything cleaned up and trains running by then Indifferent

Photos next time!

I hope everyone is fairing well and is safe, healthy and happy.

Regards, Ed

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Posted by yougottawanta on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9:12 AM

Hey all

Sorry I missed everyone yesterday. It was one of those days that was supposed to be slow but wasnt ! Had a very "intense discussion" with the Elevator comany who installs elevators in our houses. They are building custom elevators to fit the shaft we build, then they install it and go through a series of inspections. At their final inspection their inspector and their mechanic is there and we get a FINAL APPROVED inspection. Then the Elevator mechanic comes back in after the HO moves in for service and FAILS the Elevator and tells the HO they will not warranty the product AngryAngryAngry Now I am taking the "discussion" up the chain of command. This is not going to end well for them. They are in danger of loosing a LARGE contract !

Then the carpenter super schedules a doctor visit the same time he has several tractor trailer loads of wall panels, roof trusses, floor trusses to arrive, so guess who gets the call to do the job they are being paid to handle ? SoapBoxBang HeadAngry so as a result I missed my lunch and hanging out with you all !

Train front still waiting on the stamped drawingd from the engineer so I can resubmit the plans Sigh Oh lord snail mail can be painfully slow sometimes.

Ed - Having fun playing with blasting equipment ? Using black cat firecrackers Laugh Geez that is a fat cat ! Did you build all of the caboose by scratch ? Well done ! Where did you get the yard lights ?

Bear - Watch the Beer - Johnny law is watching and he loves to give out DUI ! Here in teh states I am told the average DUI will cost the driver about $25k once all is said and done.

FRRYKid - Dont you hate it when a project turns into twice the work !

Ricky W - My vote would be model train day ! Sales has to unload inventory ? We are installing Kitchenaid frigs here. They are so stinking heavy we factor that into our floor engineering and it takes about 3 guys to move those beast !

Ken - Yea I know what you mean. I woke up thgis weekend at 5:30 twindling my thumbs. My internal clock still on the old time. What came of your saga with the fence and the local officials ?

Der - Howdy ! So glad you made it in. Pretty nifty work with the hill. Well done ! Loved your statement " tight budget = desperate measure" so true. Nifty control holder. The first photo of the basket looked like a "holy tub" no need for a drain there !

V8 - What in the world - why would anyone sit in a car with police yelling to get out and a lot of guns pointed at you ? What is a Jack in the box ?

Mr. B - No one likes to listen to rock hammering equipment including us in teh buisness. Just than God you dont have to run that thing 5 days a week !

Richard - Have a safe trip

MoeLarry - Hope your sinus headache gets better. What is "" ? 10 for 2 positions ? We used to have to look at 20 to find one. Then 50% of the time the one didnt work out.

Tom - What ? Christmas lights already ?

jecorbett - Chili burger ? How do they keep the chili from oozing out ?

Howmus - Molala -That is a brave little girls . That is a good oath.

Garry - Did you make any purchases at teh hobby shop ?

Central gulf, Lion, Robert P., Angel, Dave .....Howdy hope you have a great day.

History qoute of the day:

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
- Anne Frank

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth

George Washington




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Posted by Steven Otte on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9:13 AM

A friendly reminder from Cousin Vinnie that there is no political discussion allowed on the MR Forums, not even in the Diner.

Now let's all sit down peacefully together and have some milk and cookies. There's a fresh batch right over --

Dangit, Chloe! Super Angry

Cookies will be distributed randomly... no requesting a particular shape, please.

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by BigDaddy on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9:46 AM

Just when I was going to order a Mazel Tov cocktail, Vinnie shows up to put a lid on things.  Oh well probably too sweet for most of our A1C's.   Anyone who doesn't get the joke will have to google it.

Did my civic duty at 9:30 and it didn't seem any different in terms of crowds than 4 years ago.  There are always a bunch of campaign workers in the parking lot trying to stuff literature in your face, there wasn't one today.  We have early voting for the last week.

On the train front, Sunday KD coupler springs and I went to war.  I had to retreat until Monday when the spring gods were suitably appeased.

Typical day on the webcam from Rochelle

It was 35 when I woke up this morning.  It's supposed to go to 69.  It's very clear this time of year and one of the Baltimore TV news choppers got a shot of the Washington Monument 40 miles away in DC.


COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 6:20 PM

I voted.  I feel like a nice dunk in some nitric acid to get clean now.  I think the voting is heavier in past years, in our area anyway.  I think the mood there was more one of grim determination than of "I actually want my person to win."  There were no people electioneering, but there were several near-cornfield meets in the lot.  Fun times.

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Posted by CentralGulf on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 8:07 PM


I voted.  I feel like a nice dunk in some nitric acid to get clean now.  I think the voting is heavier in past years, in our area anyway.  I think the mood there was more one of grim determination than of "I actually want my person to win."  There were no people electioneering, but there were several near-cornfield meets in the lot.  Fun times.

Yeah, I did my civic duty too. I am now drowning my sorrow in red wine. Drinks (pretend its a wine glass)

This was my first time voting at this precinct. It is the most rural I have ever seen. Only four officials and just two voting booths. There was no line, no electioneers, and no poll watchers. I was in and out in just a few minutes. 



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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 8:59 PM

Good Evening Diners,

Brunhilda, I'll have a glass of Pinot Noir, please.

Howmus:  When I was a scout, way back in ancient history, the motto was always "Be Prepared."  I purchased a comemorative pocket knife that said "Prepared For Life."  Did they change the motto?  I hope not because the two phrases have vastly different meanings.

YGW: you don't contain the chili on a chili burger.  That's part of the attraction.  I suppose one could say the Gooey-er the better.  Add cheese and yummy!


Der:  Nice repurpose of the hill. 

V8 Dennis:  To my knowledge, Jack in the Box is a West Coast chain.  They are in Seattle, but I don't think they are east of say Phoenix.  

Hello to everyone, and I hope everyone is OK, safe, and warm.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9:10 PM

YGW: Last time we interviewed 25 for one.  we got a bunch of the same people applied again and culled the known bad ones before the process. 

Burn in = run the radio for about 2 hours to make sure it is truly fixed. sometimes after you fix some parts anotehr old part will let go and tear things up. you want to make sure before you send it out the door that your repairs worked and nothing else fried in the process. Remeber you are talking 75 to 87 year old parts in a lot of these radios. The built them good but somethings will degarde over time.

Not much new had a NRHS meeting tonight. 

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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 10:50 PM

Remeber you are talking 75 to 87 year old parts in a lot of these radios. The built them good but somethings will degarde over time.


Have you looked at the great photos of the AK factory and sales floors over at the Shorpy site?

Great stuff. A radio qas quite an investment back in the day!

Regards, Ed

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 10:57 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed and I will have a Beer

 First time I have not done my civic duty. I wonder if there is any way they both could lose? Whistling

 Work and bend over front! I was so PO today I wanted to walk out! Got my commission check and Tea Totaly Ash Pitt Up! Worse part? I did not want to talk with the GM about the mistake. He is a fellow modle train guy and pretty darn smart! Problem his brain is N scale and mine is HO scale. We never seem to be able to get on the same track! (I am not the only one that feels that way) I all so need my old pay stubb's (report showed I was paid more than I was last month) which I don't keep at work.

 YGW Zoning is off my caboose, have not got a nasty letter for some time now. One of the reason I have not done anything much in the backyard for a month or so.

 Ed All I know about Fence's is how to charge the work to my charge card! Then buy more stuff to fix what was not done right! Bang Head

 By the way Ed, so you have a Garden Railroad as well? I saw a bridge in the Goat Photo. Would you mind sharing some photos?

 Not Looking Forward To Thursday At All! Sigh My only child Sharon is going into surgey to have her Esophagus reatached to her Stomach. Opration takes 4 hours, they have to stop her heart, deflate her lungs (she has bad asthma) then get them working again. She all so has a do-not-resuscitate order if things go badly. Does not want to live on a ventilator, neither would I.

 Later, Ken




I hate Rust

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:00 PM

Good evening all.

I come bearing a gift - some apple cider. Caveat - you must be 21 to partake of it (at least where I live).... Yes, I forgot to mention it is hard apple cider. Chloe - a round for all. (This is the absolute only alcoholic drink I will consume. And, only one glass at a time. Don't want it messing with the asthma meds... But can't pass it up either, as hard cider is the best cider.) 

Weather - Cooler and wetter today. Forecast is for lake-effect s**w this coming Friday evening and into Saturday afternoon... That will kill sales at w**k... Or, it will make it crazy busy. (Either no one will come in, or everyone and their brother will, and they will come in just to say how nasty the weather is!) One thing is for sure, first responders will be busy. First s**wfall of the season always means tons of MVA's. (First responders know this as Motor Vehicle Accident.) It seems like everyone forgets how to drive in the stuff over the summer.  

W**k - Must be the appliance truck was single stacked, as I never got called in. Go in tomorrow, all day, and will be taking something to keep me occupied just incase it is slow again...

Speaking of w**k -

YGW - In the store I work at, yes, the sales associate must unload the deliveries. We also load customers purchases if the have a big enough vehicle. The reason is that thre is 3 of us currently, looking for a 4th before turkey day sales. There is the store manager, and one other sales associate besides myself. Ben (the other sales associate) can manage *most* of the loading/unloading without assistance, I can handle it if they are not double stacked, or the biggest fridge we stock (that is probably comparable to the kitchen aid you need to factor into having enough floor strength with) and the store manager can handle all but the biggest appliances by herself. (*Most* - all but when they double stack the really heavy ones.) 

Well, hope all enjoy the rest of the night, and enjoy tomorrow. Hope all are well also.

EDIT - Cudaken - Hope all goes well for Sharon Thurday. Have Chloe put your Beer on my tab...

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by PM Railfan on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:24 PM

Hello Railfans! Like a bad order car, Im back!

Top of the evening to ya, what news from the mark? Coming from my way, not much is happening. Weather is kinda cool (shweet!) and I actually saw a cloud today.

I was on my way back here and I was reading the overhead DOT warning signs saying the Forestry Dept. has banned open burns because were in a 'severe drought'. That I can believe without asking! Does it still rain elsewhere in the world?

Didnt do any railfanning this weekend though i did catch up on the hobby a bit by reading some MR's, Trains, and my new favorite - Classic Trains. Well, thats not exactly fair, MR still has me for modelling, but CT beats Trains anyday! Not trying to detract from Trains or desparige, its a great magazine ofcourse. Im more a fan of history and the way railroads were. Since it came out, ive been hooked.

Now a days? Railroads seem like they are scripted along with todays reality cv. I just cant find a way to love a freight train without a caboose! I feel - robbed in a way. Ya know? Besides, youve all heard me say many times safety cab locos are just plain ugly! (IMHO!) Considering what Dillworth thought of his BL2's I bet he is laughing his petunias off now!

A certain feline friend of mine says im stuck in the past and i say to you... is Johnny Cash a bad thing? Which by the way,


Vinnie - Thank you for the cookies, pass on the milk. Im having cherry Kool-aid.


YGW - May I offer a bit of advice considering your construction woes..... start treating them like shotgun weddings. The groom is your contractor, mechanic, or inspector.... whichever one your more peeved at. The contract is the bride, and your Al Bundy - locked and loaded.

Now, you might have to look out a window with striped sunlight for the rest of your days, but i bet the elevator gets fixed tout-suite! Thanks for the bday salute!





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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:32 AM

By the way Ed, so you have a Garden Railroad as well? I saw a bridge in the Goat Photo. Would you mind sharing some photos?

You have a good eye, my friend!

Here's Laverne & Shirley checking out the double stacks! Shirley says, "Wow, look at the horns on that SD-45!"

I don't have too many photos uploaded to Photobucket, Ken... how about an old video? (My very first YouTube vid!)

I'll stop by later, folks...

So Long,


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Posted by BroadwayLion on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:43 AM

LION voted for Wildebeasts (Rare with Yorkshire Pudding).


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by BigDaddy on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:40 AM

Good morning everyone.  Coffe.....make it a double.

Instead of my usual nightly insomnia, I was watching you know what on tv until 3 am.  Didn't have any trouble sleeping after that.

Ken good luck to Sharon.  There is no getting around it, that is a big operation.  Getting her heart restarted shouldn't be a problem. 

Rainy day in the mid Atlantic.  I bought some pastels at Timonium, may have to give them a try today. 


COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by yougottawanta on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 12:31 PM

Hello all !

Slow day. Rain this morning, sunshine now and site is back in full swing at w**k.

Train front - Confirmed the engineer sent the revised stamped drawings. Hope they come in today then it is off to the county. Maybe I can start fdn in a week or two ?

Henry - Yes on doing civic duty, You too ? I woke up at 1:15 am this morning !

Lion - Thats sounds like a good vote for lions and a bad vote from the wildebeast view point Smile, Wink & Grin

Ed - How many you tube views do you have ?

Douglas - LOL - "bad car order, Im back" that caught me off gaurd when I read it. That is a good one. Hmmm you know I am not fond of orange jumpsuits or views through steel rods. Even though it is VERY tempting. I think I will turn them over to a higher power. Who can make them wish they had been honest better than anything I can do.

RickyW - That stinks ! Do you get paid to move and unload appliances ? Or is that part of commision ?

UP831 - A gooey burger ? What ? How do they make the burger and chili ? Are they mixed together ?

CG - Yes On doing on your civic duty !

Uncle Bob - Yes On doing on your civic duty ! What is a cornfield meet ?

V8 - We dont have jack in the boxes. But we do have Checker Burgers ! Dinner

MoeLarry - When you fire these up and run them how often does something else go bad ? Is there much of a call for repair of old radios ? Is it hard to find parts ?

Ken - First of all here is a Angel for Sahron and you as she goes through this surgery. If you need someone to talk to you have my number.  That was a good use of N vs HO scale ! Made me smile. Is there more work left in the yard ? Or have you satisfied the authorities ?

History qoute today :

After signing the declaration of Indepedence in a clearly identifiable fashion, he said, “The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward."

John Hancock

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children.

Eric Bonhoeffer

In normal life we hardly realize how much more we recieve than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others.  - Letters and papers from Prison -

Eric Bonhoeffer


Which ever way we voted today we are blessed to live where we can vote because of the courage of those gone before us like, John Hancock, who boldy wrote his name knowing full well it could end with a noose around his neck.

Or who like Eric Bonhoeffer - who died without freedom to vote and imprisoned for standing for freedom.

Have a good one




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Posted by Steven Otte on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:12 PM

Where is everybody? Huh?

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by ROBERT PETRICK on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:17 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh? 

Um . . . one of us is in Wyoming. Cowboy


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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:50 PM

I can poke my head in the door long enough to enjoy a bowl of Chef Ryan's split pea soup with ham Dinner!

Here's the photos that I had promised the other day...

This was a little over a week ago:

And— this morning around 0300:

Ed - Having fun playing with blasting equipment ?

YGW, having a blasting scene on the layout sounds like it would be a lot of fun, à la Gomez Addams! Visitors would have a blast, too!

DCC controlled detonators??  Indifferent

It is a cool, damp day here in NE Ohio. Great day for layout work FUN!

I see my soup is steaming and ready, Thanks Zoe...

Bye for now, Ed

{edit} Hoohaa, Top-O-The-Page! Dinner's on me! Filet Mignon for everybody!

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Posted by CentralGulf on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:02 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh?


Well, I just got back from town with a pack of trouble.




A 12 pack from Trouble Brewery. Laugh



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  • From: About 20 minutes from IRM
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Posted by CGW121 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:24 PM

Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to comeout now?


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Posted by Steven Otte on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:28 PM


Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to come out now?



As long as you don't discuss it.

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:03 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh?


Would Vinnie disapprove if I said they all ran away to Canada? Whistling

Okay - No more. That is the one and only comment from me.

Zoe - Any of that hard cider left? Good, I will take some.

Weather - Cooler and breezy today. 

W**k - Had a truck driver hit our back dock, and push our hydraulic lift into the building... Super Angry So now, we can't use it, so we can't load or unload big items.... 

Slow day again, not even @$500 in sales yet. Have one hour left...

YGW - No extra pay for that, it is counted into base salary before commission.

 Well, hope all are well, and all have a good night!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

  • Member since
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  • From: About 20 minutes from IRM
  • 430 posts
Posted by CGW121 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:51 PM

Steven Otte



Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to come out now?





As long as you don't discuss it.


Lord no

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