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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, November 2016 -- Belen, NM Locked

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Posted by yougottawanta on Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:45 AM

Hello all

Another day of frustration. Had to walk away from the carpenter super this morning. I walked his units and discovered that they are a long way away from being ready for trades to start ( after reminding him every day for two weeks about the upcoming date ) which is tomorrow. There are walls incomplete, some not built, bulkheads not finished, safety rails not in place...he had the nerve to start yelling at me that the units were ready. I just held up my hand and told him I wasnt even going to argue the point, it would be obvious to a green horn that the units are not ready. I walked away, typed up a report and sent out to him, his boss, our contract manager...he came by a little later and told me carpenters were on their way. I think I am beginning to look forward to retiring... I used to LOVE what I do. Not as much anymore.

Train front - still waiting on the engineers letter so I can resubmit the plans Sigh

Lion - I did not stay up either. I figure I have done my part by voting and the rest is up to my fellow Americans and the almighty. I can do nothing further except get a good nights sleep and see who came out best in the morning.

Steve - What is "calfs sweet bread" is that a northern thing ?

Garry - Glad you had a good visit and glad you are back ! Cant wait to see your post in here again

Jimmy B. - Happy birthday Happy B-DayCake here is a Gift for you. It is full of sweet dreams of your favorite rolling stock and the sounds of locomatives pounding the rails

V8 - Thats not a bad return ! Having a party now ?

Ken - How big is the tree ? I have never had a problem finding someone to take down a tree. Sometimes it just cost a LOT more. I applaud your help of your neighber Yes we need more of that in this country.

MoeLarry - I find what you do very fascinating. What do you do when a part isnt available ? Can some be made ? Are there modern alternatives that will do when it cannot be found old style ?? Are there manufactures who specialize in manufacture of old parts like in old cars ?

UP831 - Sound like one should wear a bib when eating one of those. I am going to start looking around here and see if I can find one and try it !

Howmus - Yes it was a sad day in mudville when casey struck out ! Hope your pain feels better soon.

Angel - What will you put in the town ? Any industries ?

Henry - I went to bed too !

Ricky W - Is the commission enough to pay for the work ? I used to work commission. When I added up the hours I could have made more working at McDonalds.

CG - I am not sure it is safe yet. I hear reports of rioting in some places !

Ed - LOL That ran through my mind too about Adams. As a kid that was my FAVORITE part of that show ! I tried to recrate that scene !

Robert P. - Wyoming ? Do they have trains out there ? I thought it was all cattle, horses and lots of wide open acreage !

History qoute of the day:

All men are created equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; among which are the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing the obtaining of happiness and safety.

No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.

George Mason





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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:18 AM

Yours Truly was the big winner on Election Day, with a 15-14 victory in Tuesday Night Hockey.  No protests, just guys from both teams drinking beer in the healthy fellowship that is part of the game.

I awoke naturally this morning at 8:30.  For the last month, they have been using mechanized rock hammers every morning starting at 7 AM, cutting a driveway through a lot of ledge.  Today?  Silence.  I hope they're done.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, November 10, 2016 9:16 AM

Everyone who stayed up last night is pooped. I think I'm too old to stay up until 4 a.m. I used to to so professionally and it was no fun then either. Took me a couple days to recover.

LION stayed up until about 9pm mst and saw how things were going and then decided to go to bed.Google's election map was top rate, I did not need to listen to the talking heads, it made everything quite clear, including the measures in North Dakota. LION did listen to WOR radio in NYC via the internet for the comentary.

All is well etc.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Steven Otte on Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:48 AM

Happy B-Day Jimmy! Enjoy some walnut or chocolate Cake on me. Or even some grilled calf's sweetbreads on toast, if that's more your thing. Here's today's Harvey House menu.

And remember, Jeffrey's Trackside Diner is not responsible for loss of wearing apparel or personal effects.

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:19 AM

Good morning, Diners.

Yesterday, our out-of-town guests departed. We had several days of fun. 

Now, I have a lot of stuff to catch up on. ..... Scrolling through the Diner, I see several interesting convesations. .... Maybe later today, I can get back to the computer and comment more. 



Jimmy ! .... Happy Birthday ! CakeHappy B-Day




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Posted by Jimmy_Braum on Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:12 AM

So today is my birthday.  Big 2-5. I'm planning to hope for a wheeling train movement today so I can spend my birthday railfanning  favorite road. 

(My Model Railroad, My Rules) 

These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway.  As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).  

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:46 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed and I will have a Beer and if the Buick Guy shows up again given him one as well in a 426 Hemi Mug.

 Stayed up way to late and woke up disapointed. To be honest I knew I was not going to be happy either way when I woke up for many reasons.

 Dwight next door fell of his ladder yesterday cleaning of all things his Tool Shed. Dwight is 89, why did he need to clean a shed? Today my wife Nagged him to go to the ER, he could hardly walk. (She is a Top Notch Nagger) Luckly he did not break anything. It was dark when they called and said he could go home. Wife says she cannot drive at night for some reason so I picked him up to bring him home. Sue made him supper and took it over to him.

 Order The Need Rotors And Cermic Pads for my Town Car from Rock Auto when I got home. Total with shipping was $91.25 with 3 day Express Mail. Some where around 40% off and I ordered the good ones not the cheapest they had listed. Cheapst with shipping would be $60.00. Local for the same parts $140.00 plus tax.


Slow day again, not even @$500 in sales yet.

 Rick Boy I know how you feel! Can make for a long day. Now with the truck backing into the store, that would make the day move a little quicker!

 YGW Yes there is more to be done, like the 12'6" foot gap in the fences! That is because of the tree I could not anyone to cut down. I have a construion fence filling the gap for now. Have not felt like messing with it, plus with the new feet problems just have not messed with it.

 Ed Thanks for the video! Are the engines battery power or pick up current from the track? Do you throw the turnouts by hand, electrial or air? Far as the inside layout. Is it in the basment or the Potting Caboose? Either way it is a good looking layout. I am guessing you are around 325 to 350 miles from me. Yours and Garys layouts are two I would see and run in person. Gary is around 325 miles.

 Later, Ken




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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:28 PM

Evening folks,

Ed; Yep I have see the neat AK shorpy photos, as I was working on that set i wondered " could this be one in a shorpy photo?"

YGW: Not all that often do other things go bad. One I finished last night I has put too small of watted resitor in it and it started stinking as it was burning up. So I changed that and it has been wokring fine tonight for over 3 hours. Parts are easier to get now than 15-20 years ago becuse of ebay and the internet. I have had someone elses radio in my shop continuosly since 2006.

The local paper wrote an article about me in 2006 and I am still having people call. I have a wating list. Some I can get done quick, some take time, I have a local radio station that is making a museum of radios and wants a working model year radio for every year since the station started up to the 1960's. ( from the 20's to the 60's) Prob about 40 to 50 radios they want repaired.  That will take a while  they also have to find that many as they are just starting this endevour. 


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Posted by up831 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:17 PM

Good Evening Diners,

Brunhilda, I'll have a cup of Earl Grey tea with cream and honey, please.

YGW:  perhaps gooey isn't the best adjective.  Maybe messy would be more appropriate.  Anyway, the way Tommy's made them was bun, two beef patties and the cheese with the more viscous than usual chili in between.  The messiness occurred when the chili and cheese would overflow into the wrapper.  They were a treat.

Nothing to report MRR wise.

Hello to everyone, and I hope everyone OK, safe, and warm.


Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:35 PM

Janie, can I get a Hot Apple cider...  Hard cider please and put a shot of whisky in it for me.....  I'll be in the back by the stove getting warm and easing the pain.

Quote for the day:

"Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
but there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Casey has struck out." - Ernest Thayer

Ok, time to go back to the train room!


(very dark and gloomy all day.....)


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by angelob6660 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:15 PM

Evening Diners,

Well I didn't stay up all night. I waited for the results in the morning.

For a few days I thought of adding a other town to my thought of 1950s layout. The added town well be the end of the line for the branch. It will handle the 50' freight cars than the 40'.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by BigDaddy on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:16 PM

Everyone who stayed up last night is pooped.  I think I'm too old to stay up until 4 a.m. I used to to so professionally and it was no fun then either.  Took me a couple days to recover.

The only thing I accomplished was a nap after lunch. Tomorrow I see the podiatrist.  My toenail reduction surgery has not healed, but I'm not sure it was exected to in 2 weeks.  They put phenol on the nail bed, so it is really a burn.  The phenol also kills the nerves so it not painful.

Wish I had a convenient place to do some railfanning.  This area is a good hour and half away and I have no idea how frequently the train runs.



COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by CGW121 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:51 PM

Steven Otte



Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to come out now?





As long as you don't discuss it.


Lord no

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:03 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh?


Would Vinnie disapprove if I said they all ran away to Canada? Whistling

Okay - No more. That is the one and only comment from me.

Zoe - Any of that hard cider left? Good, I will take some.

Weather - Cooler and breezy today. 

W**k - Had a truck driver hit our back dock, and push our hydraulic lift into the building... Super Angry So now, we can't use it, so we can't load or unload big items.... 

Slow day again, not even @$500 in sales yet. Have one hour left...

YGW - No extra pay for that, it is counted into base salary before commission.

 Well, hope all are well, and all have a good night!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by Steven Otte on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:28 PM


Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to come out now?



As long as you don't discuss it.

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by CGW121 on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:24 PM

Well it is the day after the election. Is it safe to comeout now?


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Posted by CentralGulf on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:02 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh?


Well, I just got back from town with a pack of trouble.




A 12 pack from Trouble Brewery. Laugh



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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:50 PM

I can poke my head in the door long enough to enjoy a bowl of Chef Ryan's split pea soup with ham Dinner!

Here's the photos that I had promised the other day...

This was a little over a week ago:

And— this morning around 0300:

Ed - Having fun playing with blasting equipment ?

YGW, having a blasting scene on the layout sounds like it would be a lot of fun, à la Gomez Addams! Visitors would have a blast, too!

DCC controlled detonators??  Indifferent

It is a cool, damp day here in NE Ohio. Great day for layout work FUN!

I see my soup is steaming and ready, Thanks Zoe...

Bye for now, Ed

{edit} Hoohaa, Top-O-The-Page! Dinner's on me! Filet Mignon for everybody!

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Posted by ROBERT PETRICK on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:17 PM

Steven Otte

Where is everybody? Huh? 

Um . . . one of us is in Wyoming. Cowboy


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Posted by Steven Otte on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 1:12 PM

Where is everybody? Huh?

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by yougottawanta on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 12:31 PM

Hello all !

Slow day. Rain this morning, sunshine now and site is back in full swing at w**k.

Train front - Confirmed the engineer sent the revised stamped drawings. Hope they come in today then it is off to the county. Maybe I can start fdn in a week or two ?

Henry - Yes on doing civic duty, You too ? I woke up at 1:15 am this morning !

Lion - Thats sounds like a good vote for lions and a bad vote from the wildebeast view point Smile, Wink & Grin

Ed - How many you tube views do you have ?

Douglas - LOL - "bad car order, Im back" that caught me off gaurd when I read it. That is a good one. Hmmm you know I am not fond of orange jumpsuits or views through steel rods. Even though it is VERY tempting. I think I will turn them over to a higher power. Who can make them wish they had been honest better than anything I can do.

RickyW - That stinks ! Do you get paid to move and unload appliances ? Or is that part of commision ?

UP831 - A gooey burger ? What ? How do they make the burger and chili ? Are they mixed together ?

CG - Yes On doing on your civic duty !

Uncle Bob - Yes On doing on your civic duty ! What is a cornfield meet ?

V8 - We dont have jack in the boxes. But we do have Checker Burgers ! Dinner

MoeLarry - When you fire these up and run them how often does something else go bad ? Is there much of a call for repair of old radios ? Is it hard to find parts ?

Ken - First of all here is a Angel for Sahron and you as she goes through this surgery. If you need someone to talk to you have my number.  That was a good use of N vs HO scale ! Made me smile. Is there more work left in the yard ? Or have you satisfied the authorities ?

History qoute today :

After signing the declaration of Indepedence in a clearly identifiable fashion, he said, “The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward."

John Hancock

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children.

Eric Bonhoeffer

In normal life we hardly realize how much more we recieve than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others.  - Letters and papers from Prison -

Eric Bonhoeffer


Which ever way we voted today we are blessed to live where we can vote because of the courage of those gone before us like, John Hancock, who boldy wrote his name knowing full well it could end with a noose around his neck.

Or who like Eric Bonhoeffer - who died without freedom to vote and imprisoned for standing for freedom.

Have a good one




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Posted by BigDaddy on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:40 AM

Good morning everyone.  Coffe.....make it a double.

Instead of my usual nightly insomnia, I was watching you know what on tv until 3 am.  Didn't have any trouble sleeping after that.

Ken good luck to Sharon.  There is no getting around it, that is a big operation.  Getting her heart restarted shouldn't be a problem. 

Rainy day in the mid Atlantic.  I bought some pastels at Timonium, may have to give them a try today. 


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:43 AM

LION voted for Wildebeasts (Rare with Yorkshire Pudding).


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:32 AM

By the way Ed, so you have a Garden Railroad as well? I saw a bridge in the Goat Photo. Would you mind sharing some photos?

You have a good eye, my friend!

Here's Laverne & Shirley checking out the double stacks! Shirley says, "Wow, look at the horns on that SD-45!"

I don't have too many photos uploaded to Photobucket, Ken... how about an old video? (My very first YouTube vid!)

I'll stop by later, folks...

So Long,


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Posted by PM Railfan on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:24 PM

Hello Railfans! Like a bad order car, Im back!

Top of the evening to ya, what news from the mark? Coming from my way, not much is happening. Weather is kinda cool (shweet!) and I actually saw a cloud today.

I was on my way back here and I was reading the overhead DOT warning signs saying the Forestry Dept. has banned open burns because were in a 'severe drought'. That I can believe without asking! Does it still rain elsewhere in the world?

Didnt do any railfanning this weekend though i did catch up on the hobby a bit by reading some MR's, Trains, and my new favorite - Classic Trains. Well, thats not exactly fair, MR still has me for modelling, but CT beats Trains anyday! Not trying to detract from Trains or desparige, its a great magazine ofcourse. Im more a fan of history and the way railroads were. Since it came out, ive been hooked.

Now a days? Railroads seem like they are scripted along with todays reality cv. I just cant find a way to love a freight train without a caboose! I feel - robbed in a way. Ya know? Besides, youve all heard me say many times safety cab locos are just plain ugly! (IMHO!) Considering what Dillworth thought of his BL2's I bet he is laughing his petunias off now!

A certain feline friend of mine says im stuck in the past and i say to you... is Johnny Cash a bad thing? Which by the way,


Vinnie - Thank you for the cookies, pass on the milk. Im having cherry Kool-aid.


YGW - May I offer a bit of advice considering your construction woes..... start treating them like shotgun weddings. The groom is your contractor, mechanic, or inspector.... whichever one your more peeved at. The contract is the bride, and your Al Bundy - locked and loaded.

Now, you might have to look out a window with striped sunlight for the rest of your days, but i bet the elevator gets fixed tout-suite! Thanks for the bday salute!





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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:00 PM

Good evening all.

I come bearing a gift - some apple cider. Caveat - you must be 21 to partake of it (at least where I live).... Yes, I forgot to mention it is hard apple cider. Chloe - a round for all. (This is the absolute only alcoholic drink I will consume. And, only one glass at a time. Don't want it messing with the asthma meds... But can't pass it up either, as hard cider is the best cider.) 

Weather - Cooler and wetter today. Forecast is for lake-effect s**w this coming Friday evening and into Saturday afternoon... That will kill sales at w**k... Or, it will make it crazy busy. (Either no one will come in, or everyone and their brother will, and they will come in just to say how nasty the weather is!) One thing is for sure, first responders will be busy. First s**wfall of the season always means tons of MVA's. (First responders know this as Motor Vehicle Accident.) It seems like everyone forgets how to drive in the stuff over the summer.  

W**k - Must be the appliance truck was single stacked, as I never got called in. Go in tomorrow, all day, and will be taking something to keep me occupied just incase it is slow again...

Speaking of w**k -

YGW - In the store I work at, yes, the sales associate must unload the deliveries. We also load customers purchases if the have a big enough vehicle. The reason is that thre is 3 of us currently, looking for a 4th before turkey day sales. There is the store manager, and one other sales associate besides myself. Ben (the other sales associate) can manage *most* of the loading/unloading without assistance, I can handle it if they are not double stacked, or the biggest fridge we stock (that is probably comparable to the kitchen aid you need to factor into having enough floor strength with) and the store manager can handle all but the biggest appliances by herself. (*Most* - all but when they double stack the really heavy ones.) 

Well, hope all enjoy the rest of the night, and enjoy tomorrow. Hope all are well also.

EDIT - Cudaken - Hope all goes well for Sharon Thurday. Have Chloe put your Beer on my tab...

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 10:57 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, Ed and I will have a Beer

 First time I have not done my civic duty. I wonder if there is any way they both could lose? Whistling

 Work and bend over front! I was so PO today I wanted to walk out! Got my commission check and Tea Totaly Ash Pitt Up! Worse part? I did not want to talk with the GM about the mistake. He is a fellow modle train guy and pretty darn smart! Problem his brain is N scale and mine is HO scale. We never seem to be able to get on the same track! (I am not the only one that feels that way) I all so need my old pay stubb's (report showed I was paid more than I was last month) which I don't keep at work.

 YGW Zoning is off my caboose, have not got a nasty letter for some time now. One of the reason I have not done anything much in the backyard for a month or so.

 Ed All I know about Fence's is how to charge the work to my charge card! Then buy more stuff to fix what was not done right! Bang Head

 By the way Ed, so you have a Garden Railroad as well? I saw a bridge in the Goat Photo. Would you mind sharing some photos?

 Not Looking Forward To Thursday At All! Sigh My only child Sharon is going into surgey to have her Esophagus reatached to her Stomach. Opration takes 4 hours, they have to stop her heart, deflate her lungs (she has bad asthma) then get them working again. She all so has a do-not-resuscitate order if things go badly. Does not want to live on a ventilator, neither would I.

 Later, Ken




I hate Rust

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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 10:50 PM

Remeber you are talking 75 to 87 year old parts in a lot of these radios. The built them good but somethings will degarde over time.


Have you looked at the great photos of the AK factory and sales floors over at the Shorpy site?

Great stuff. A radio qas quite an investment back in the day!

Regards, Ed

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 9:10 PM

YGW: Last time we interviewed 25 for one.  we got a bunch of the same people applied again and culled the known bad ones before the process. 

Burn in = run the radio for about 2 hours to make sure it is truly fixed. sometimes after you fix some parts anotehr old part will let go and tear things up. you want to make sure before you send it out the door that your repairs worked and nothing else fried in the process. Remeber you are talking 75 to 87 year old parts in a lot of these radios. The built them good but somethings will degarde over time.

Not much new had a NRHS meeting tonight. 

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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 8:59 PM

Good Evening Diners,

Brunhilda, I'll have a glass of Pinot Noir, please.

Howmus:  When I was a scout, way back in ancient history, the motto was always "Be Prepared."  I purchased a comemorative pocket knife that said "Prepared For Life."  Did they change the motto?  I hope not because the two phrases have vastly different meanings.

YGW: you don't contain the chili on a chili burger.  That's part of the attraction.  I suppose one could say the Gooey-er the better.  Add cheese and yummy!


Der:  Nice repurpose of the hill. 

V8 Dennis:  To my knowledge, Jack in the Box is a West Coast chain.  They are in Seattle, but I don't think they are east of say Phoenix.  

Hello to everyone, and I hope everyone is OK, safe, and warm.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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