Since it has been more than a day, I will jump in with the modern concrete coaling tower on the Boothbay Railway Village layout
Show me any ALCO RS series locomotive, more than one if you have them
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Alco RS3's detailed for Northern Pacific
Please show Alco PA's or Alco FA's.
Circling my living room before I had cats.
Show me something Amtrak.
chatanugaShow me something Amtrak.
From Toasters to Turbos, a little something Amtrak...
Let's have more Amtrak!
gmpullmanLet's have more Amtrak!
It has been more than a day, and no Amtrak, so lets try for an NYC or PRR passenger train
An E8A leads a local through the yard.
Show me another passenger train.
Taken shortly after I finished adding the window shades and passengers to my Amtrak cars.
Show me something Conrail.
ALmost a day, so I will jump in again with an old photo of a PC to Conrail patchout
Show me another green freight car
"Show me something Conrail."
Conrail GP40-2 #6520 crossing the grain elevator exit road on the BRVRR layout.
Show me more PRR or NYC.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
More than 24 hours without a reply. As the two last posts where sent almost simultaneously, I choosed to go with the green car :
Show me a blue box car.
Modeling CNR in the 50's
Guy PapillonShow me a blue box car.
Just to keep things moving along...
A train of blues...
Show me more blue equipment.
More B&M blue
Show me a maroon locomotive
Here's one that I would call maroon.
Show me a green loco, please.
CNW fp7. This is a green loco, right?
I'll have to defer to the judges- I'm not sure this fulfills the request. So like grampy said, please show a green loco.
T e d
tedtedderson This is a green loco, right?
You can tell visitors that you are using recycled french-fry grease as bio-fuel, therefore, it's a green locomotive.
And it would explain your greasy fingers!
Just in time for Earth Day... Ed
Ted ... It is green enough.
Ed ... LOL
Here are 2 shades of green.
Please show a first generation diesel locomotive.
Garry- that's a great shot. This is the first time I've come across the np loewy paint scheme. It certainly is green.
Heartland Division CB&QPlease show a first generation diesel locomotive
Stalled for over a day on a 1st gen locomotive, where is everybody?
G Paine Stalled for over a day on a 1st gen locomotive, where is everybody?
George, you really don't have a photo of a first gen locomotive?
This is an older pic. Goes way back probably to December.
Show me something Loewy.
Pictured is Tonya Loewy. No kin to Raymond.
Please show some portly people. That's how I describe myself.
Don't Ever Give Up
This guy has always thought of himself as "big boned"...
Please show a favorite figure,or favorite scene with figures.
One of my favorite scenes at Greenvale Junction. The big boned guy runs a used car dealership. The husband is trying to convince his wife that the sporty maroon coupe is a better choice than the practical tan sedan.
show me more of what the chubby guy is up to on your layout.
Bump !
Chubby guy must have dieted.
Please show a busy passenger station.
Passenger Station.
Black River Station.
Show me another passenger station.
Here we go.
Show me a signal tower, please.
Trains running past MF Tower on my layout.
Show me something Norfolk Southern.
2 days old and no NS; this is as close as I can get from the Boothaby Railway Village collection.
A Seaboard boxcar; it probably is a Roundhouse kit, cast metal sides and wood frame; more than 50 years old. I did some repair and restoration on it a couple of years ago, and added Kadee couplers and new trucks. The old trucks were so worn out that the wheels would just fall out.
show me something else from a railroad located in the southeast USA
Looks like it's time to move on. Pictured is what ever you want to call it.
Show us more of this and that
The West End of the BRVRR layout.
Show me a portion of your layout.