I have an old AHM/Rivarossi Berkshire and I am trying to access the motor and headlight in the boiler. Does anyone know how to get inside the boiler?
young modeler I have an old AHM/Rivarossi Berkshire and I am trying to access the motor and headlight in the boiler. Does anyone know how to get inside the boiler?
Don't have the Berkshire, but if it is anything like my old Rivarossi NYC Streamlined Hudson check for 2 screws under the cab behind each side of the trailing truck. As far as the front screw, it is likely under the lead truck, running right through the cylinders. You'll probably need to remove the lead truck entirely to access that front long screw. Alternatively, this screw may go down through the stack, but with "R" engines, I doubt this is the case. Sure someone with your particular model will chime in. Also, if you have the original paperwork, there is a schematic of how the thing goes together. Pulled many of these "R" models apart in my younger days.
Modeling the C&O New River Subdivision circa 1949 for the fun of it!
The RR 2-8-4 is a bit odd in how they mounted the shell. There's a huge screw under the left side of the firebox, and then there's a small, blackened, cylinder-shaped screw on top of the shell near the smokestack that looks like a detail part. You'll also need to remove the rear grab irons for the cab. After that, it lifts straight up.
The wonderful HO Seeker website resource of instructions sheets and literature about model trains of past years has a couple of useful exploded drawings of the AHM/Rivarossi 2-8-4.
Dave Nelson