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I know more about freelancing but my dad can't freelance what we're modeling the right way

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Posted by rrebell on Monday, December 29, 2014 6:04 PM

First off the poster might be a bit short on maners but since he did not post his IQ, he might be smarter but just a 16 year old. As far as Proto goes, I have seen it all and many a thing that was told would never happen. Sometimes even timelines get blurred like on certain S-4's, they could have made the year the S-1 came out but chose different trucks (that were available at the time), most of the other changes were internal.

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Posted by TheWizard on Monday, December 29, 2014 7:10 PM


Rule 8, my layout, my rules. Same applies to your dads layout. It may drive YOU bananas, but it is HIS layout so if he wants to pull a string of Orient Express Pullmans with a pair of warbonnet F7s around the Eiffel Tower on the Moon that's his perogotive. Respect it, its just a hobby :-)


Thr last time I had trains set up, I had an Accela express running with an 0-6-0 goat.


Both in revenue service if we're being technical. Wink

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Posted by tedtedderson on Monday, December 29, 2014 7:47 PM

I wanted to quote steemtrayn but there is no reply button on his post. Maybe for a reason- who knows. 

My guess is the OP has to be fake. Sure hope so anyway.  Pretty disrespectful and rude. Not just to the father but everyone else. Inflammatory.

Should have asked how to better explain prototype modeling, if the post was actually real, instead of just badmouthing.

Go get a job. 

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Posted by Jetrock on Monday, December 29, 2014 8:36 PM

Assuming the OP is for real and not a troll, the definition of "freelanced railroad" is "whatever the heck you want." Want to pull a stack of 40' modular containers and a string of Amtrak bi-level passenger cars behind a gaily-decorated Central Pacific 1870s diamond-stacked woodburning 4-4-0 steam locomotive? Go right ahead. Want to model coal mining in New York City on one end of your layout and logging giant redwoods in New Mexico on the other, on a 4x8 sheet of plywood? Knock yourself out. Want to model a Martian layout serving the industrial districts around the city of Helium, using radium-powered locomotives? Go for it. Other than the limitations of space and wallet, and the minimum turning radius of the equipment you want to operate (all of which are subject to some level of flexibility) there are no limits to freelance model railroading.

As to your dad, there's an old quote from Mark Twain that applies here: "When I was 14, my father was so stupid I could scarcely stand to have the old man around, but by the time I was 21, I was amazed by what he'd learned in just seven years."

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Posted by Phoebe Vet on Monday, December 29, 2014 8:54 PM


Respect has to be earned just not given blindly.From where I'm setting I see a 16 year old that has some knowledge and a 45 year old who thinks at 16 the kid knows nothing.

By the way I see the same thing right here in this thread from a lot of the posters (must be a lot of you were born as adults)

Incase your wondering I am a youngster my self,I won't be 70 for another two weeks.


By all means, a father should scrap his expensive collection and buy the trains his kid wants because the kid thinks he has the brain of a monkey and needs to be guided by his 16 years of experience.

I'm sure that will earn him the respect of the obnoxious kid.


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Posted by Foster Gray on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:39 AM

Assuming the OP is real, the title of the thread says it all. There is no right or wrong way to freelance. Thus why it is called freelance. It sounds like the OP wants to go prototypical. My best advice would be to compromise with your dad. Maybe split the layout into two parts. 1 part would be your protypical GTW railroad and the other part would be your dad's fictionville USA.


My first layout I was going to make my layout, city and scenerywise as prototypical as possible. I was going to model pere marquette going from Bay City Michigan to Detroit. However, I was going to have Pere Marquette Alco PA-1s. Pere Marquette never had PA-1s, but it's my favorite locomotive. The true art of freelancing in my opinion is finding a balance between the real world and fiction. The layout I'm currently going to be building is going to be fictional. Fictional roadname, fictional place. I wouldn't really call my current layout freelance as it's more fantasy and not based in the real world at all.


Also in closing, a lot of posters here seem to be jumping all over the OP about what he said about his father. While you may not like it or disagree with it, the few of you who have decided to get all huffy about it have in my view brought this community down a level. Which is sad considering that this forum already has a bad rep in many other places. Whether the OP is a troll or not we should all hold ourselves to a better standard and strive to keep said standard.

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Posted by ruderunner on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 4:42 AM

Phoebe I dont see where any mention was made of how much the locos cost. Or who paid for them. You're jumping to conclusions.

Iagree  the op could have used more tact in describing his father but if you read the next sentence of the post, he clarifies poor reading comprehension and recall.

Ialso agree the vo was freelance but our own Tony K. calls his AM protolanced.

Modeling the Cleveland and Pittsburgh during the PennCentral era starting on the Cleveland lakefront and ending in Mingo junction

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Posted by BRAKIE on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:44 AM

Ialso agree the vo was freelance but our own Tony K. calls his AM protolanced.

And that is something I will never understand unless the answer lies in the AM being part of the NKP since it shared the same paint scheme.

If that is the case then the AM could be considered in the gray area of  protolancing and that's something I never thought of before now.



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Posted by richhotrain on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:48 AM

So, where is this guy who has garnered 37 replies and over 1,000 views?


Alton Junction

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Posted by trwroute on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 6:43 AM


So, where is this guy who has garnered 37 replies and over 1,000 views?

I'll bet he is reading and laughing.  Only a troll would post such garbage.  Whatever moderator approved the OP's first, and only, post needs to go back to moderating school.

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 9:39 AM


I agree with a lot of what has been posted.

But, First, I see only one Welcome to a potentially new member {and youthfull at that, since we seem to want to get youth more involved in the hobby} of the forum, regardless of whether you agree with his post's content.

Perhaps we are being to hard on him. Perhaps not. Perhaps this is just a rant that he had to get off his chest; and in anger said he hurtfull things and really doesn't believe his father is a monkey-brained 4th grader-reading old chump after all. At least the young man recognizes HE, himself is not infallible when using the language. SO perhaps this one reads at the level he has been thusly FREELY educated to.Bang Head

Perhaps the OP {standing for "original poster" in case he doesn't know} has not re-posted or posted a reply in this thread due the bit of lambasting he has "earned" from those who range from "wanting respect" in various ways to those who may "actually take him seriously".Cowboy

I agree that some "positions" or "offices" in life should be granted automatic respect to the holder of such merely as a sign of respect to that position, regardless of what is thought of the holder.

At post 1, it does seem it COULD be a "troll"..perhaps our old friend mr. mayo is up to tricks again?

But, even defining the youth as a "troll" may have offened HIM.Oops Clown

Perhaps it is just a rant on a SoapBox

I do agree, however, his description of his father is most probably errant at best. Even IF his father is mentally challenged, apparently the youth is not aware of that, or would make allowances for such.Whistling Perhaps he has not yet taken that course in high school...the one that teaches compassion to our fellow planet dwellers?

I would venture to say that the father has a collection of trains he likes, and "the boy" {which he STILL IS} disagrees and has his own tangent/interpretation of what/whom/how a layout should be modeled. But, I do not know that, I can only surmise from his ranting.SoapBox

He apparently has missed out on NOT HAVING a father in his life. So many young men wish/crave/would die to have a father figure in their lives.Idea

THE OBVIOUS solution to the young man's dilemma is to collect his own trains and build a layout of his own, If his father{-the monkey-brained one} ALLOWS him REAL ESTATE in HIS HOME {the one the level 4 reading father no doubts PAYS for to put a roof over our young friend's head} to have a layout of his own!!

I suggest the young man WORK for a "living", and, after contributing 30% of his earnings {at least} to the general household budget, BUYS his own trains, and supplies to build his OWN defined "freelanced" model railroad. Assuming, of course, that  the "mokey-brained one" allows "the boy" to.

Apparently "the boy" {said with the utmost respect for his age, naturally} DOES know it all, and we all here, with years of experienced living DON'T. I am sure I knew it all when I was 16 as well, but would like to think I garned some wisdom from my father along the way.Blindfold

Now, I admit to being a "computer dummy"Computer and to being "tech challenged", so maybe I am no better than the 4th-level-monkey-brained-one at posting a reply here. I DO have a fairly good command of the language,having previously been an editor for legal journals with lots of "legal jargon"Wow, and IF my dyslexic typing and sometimes errant spelling has not affected this post, perhaps the young reader will get some meaning out of it.Yeah

I HOPE I have used enough big words {"advanced language"} and pictures for him.Devil

I wonder if the lad has decided on DC {standing for simple older words}or DCC {standing for BIG WORDS or "advanced newer language"} yet?

But, what do I know? Whistling I only graduated from 12th grade, and took some college courses! I have also lived for over half a century. Amazing. That is it.Dunce



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

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Posted by riogrande5761 on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 9:53 AM


A little bit of reality here ... the best way to get what you want is to earn the ability to be your own master, which basically means finishing school, and getting a good paying job so you can buy the trains you want and model your way.  Just a guess here but as long as you are dependant on dear old dad, you'll probably have to do things his way unless you get a little better at the power of persuation.

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 9:56 AM


No follow up from the OP yet?


Nope. Apparenlty not.

But,what do we know?

Time will tell...

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by GP-9_Man11786 on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 11:36 AM



A little bit of reality here ... the best way to get what you want is to earn the ability to be your own master, which basically means finishing school, and getting a good paying job so you can buy the trains you want and model your way.  Just a guess here but as long as you are dependant on dear old dad, you'll probably have to do things his way unless you get a little better at the power of persuation.


I couldn't agree more. At 16, I had a small garden railway in part of the back yard my parents generously let me use. I remember looking longingly at all those expensive models in the magazines. And then I got my first job and my first paycheck and realized "Hey! I can afford this!"

Modeling the Pennsylvania Railroad in N Scale. 

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Posted by selector on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 12:47 PM

Sounds a lot like trolling to me, but a son who tells strangers in a forum to which he has so little exposure that his father has the brain of a monkey is either working in a second language, or needs to find a better father.  Good luck with the latter.  I wasn't allowed to choose mine.

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Posted by maxman on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:16 PM

But, First, I see only one to a potentially new member {and youthfull at that, since we seem to want to get youth more involved in the hobby} of the forum, regardless of whether you agree with his post's content. Perhaps we are being to hard on him. Perhaps not. Perhaps this is just a rant that he had to get off his chest;

Perhaps he should learn that first impressions are very important.  Anyone who approached me with language the OP used had best have a watch, because he won't get the time of day from me.

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:41 PM



But, First, I see only one to a potentially new member {and youthfull at that, since we seem to want to get youth more involved in the hobby} of the forum, regardless of whether you agree with his post's content. Perhaps we are being to hard on him. Perhaps not. Perhaps this is just a rant that he had to get off his chest;


Perhaps he should learn that first impressions are very important.  Anyone who approached me with language the OP used had best have a watch, because he won't get the time of day from me.


HIS first impression was to rant and rail on this forum at his father over an apparent disagreement.

OUR first impression is that he is a brash young kid who is wet behind the ears and apparently "knows it all".

EiTHER first impression could be wrong.

HE might have been under the impression he was on a forum full of his peers {who all think their fathers {{if they have one in their lives these days}} are 4th-grade-monkey-brained dolts}, not a bunch of "craggly and creepy old men" who are actually his father's peers.Whistling


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Geared Steam on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:52 PM


 reading level of a 4th grader and the brain of a monkey (he has a hard time comprehending advanced language and can forget things easily).

Witnessing monkey behavior vs human behavoir, in many cases, the monkeys seemed more intelligent.

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein

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Posted by richhotrain on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 1:58 PM

Geared Steam



 reading level of a 4th grader and the brain of a monkey (he has a hard time comprehending advanced language and can forget things easily).


Witnessing monkey behavior vs human behavoir, in many cases, the monkeys seemed more intelligent.


Whenever I have a baffling problem on my layout, I turn to my pet monkey for a solution.   Laugh

Alton Junction

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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 2:41 PM

Whenever I have a baffling problem on my layout, I turn to my pet monkey for a solution. Laugh



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Posted by richhotrain on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:10 PM

Brent, I am unable to read the caption, so I will have my pet monkey take a look at it for me.   Dead


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Posted by csxns on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:19 PM

Talking about a freelance layout check out " welcome to Airbnb " on YouTube.


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Posted by richhotrain on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:25 PM


Talking about a freelance layout check out " welcome to Airbnb " on YouTube.


Very cool.

I think that layout was built and filmed by the OP's father.


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Posted by GTWGP38-2guy on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:29 PM

Ok, lets make one thing clear, I never ment to write that my dad has a 4th grade reading level and the brain of a monkey. I wasnt thinking about what i was typing when i was writting this. Also, to those who think i'm being disrespectal to my dad, i'm not. My 45 year old dad is a hard working man of a loving wife of 21 years and his 16 year old son ie me. My dad is also the bread winner because my mom has been off work because of medical issues (nothing serious though, just a lot of menopause related surguries). I treat him with all the respect i can give him.

Your advice and support is much appreciated. Jerry.
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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 3:40 PM


Talking about a freelance layout check out " welcome to Airbnb " on YouTube.


Cool indeed! I like the the old style craftmanship involved. Thirty people, five weeks, now that is labour intensive.

I wonder what kind of camera they were pushing around?


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Posted by wdcrvr on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 4:38 PM

Well, some people are ignoring the insults and giving replies.  Others are commenting on the way this individual is insulting his dad.  The insults to his dad are totally uncalled for in this forum and would be uncalled for whether it was to his dad or a stranger on the street.  This forum is for seeking and providing help to model railroaders, not for childish venting (and that is not always a child doing it).  I feel that this individual should be ignored until he gets his act together and makes a proper request for help. 

Just my opinion, which is what everybody is entitiled to express on this forum (within the limits of good tast).


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Posted by Geared Steam on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:29 PM



Geared Steam



 reading level of a 4th grader and the brain of a monkey (he has a hard time comprehending advanced language and can forget things easily).


Witnessing monkey behavior vs human behavoir, in many cases, the monkeys seemed more intelligent.




Whenever I have a baffling problem on my layout, I turn to my pet monkey for a solution.   Laugh



Please ask him to review my "issue" and let me know what to do (if you don't mind) Smile, Wink & Grin

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Posted by richhotrain on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:32 PM

GS, I spoke to Mortimer and asked him about your "issue". 

He said to tell you that you are on your own.


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Posted by richhotrain on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 6:23 AM

1,700 views and 67 replies, but no word from OP.   Crying

Think he got locked in his room?   Laugh

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Posted by BRAKIE on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 6:26 AM


1,700 views and 67 replies, but no word from OP.   Crying

Think he got locked in his room?   Laugh


Probably sitting back laughing his fool head off since he got his desired results.



Summerset Ry.

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