I switch back and forth between Radio Controlled Model Airplanes and Model Railroading. At present I am more interested in R/C than Model Railroding. Last Winter, I determined by operating (by myself) that operation was not very interesting (too me) and spent some time attempting to determine if there were other Model Rails in my local area (within 100 miles) who are operating. I also joined the OpSIG and found that most operators in my state are located in the Twin Cities, 200 miles away. If there are other people doing operation near by, they are on their own, like me.
So, as of late, I still get Model Railroader and am skating the surface of this hobby; but, I am mostly involved in something else.
However, as long as there is still "True Modeling" involved in the hobby, I will never leave Model Railroading, completely.
NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association: http://www.nprha.org/
richhotrain John Whitten and his Philosophy Friday threads have disappeared from these forums. Rich
John Whitten and his Philosophy Friday threads have disappeared from these forums.
And I really miss these. There were some great discussions.
There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.....
Alton Junction
Big John is Canazar...remember him? NZRMac (Ken) who had a large outbuilding on his homestead in New Zealand and was about to make it a train-lover's paradise. I had forgotten about Aggro, but...how could I?!?
UKGuy with his fantastic skills, now hangs out over on railroadline since about 2008 or so. I remember his wife trashed his layout in a fit of rage one day when he was at work.
Joe Fugate was a great influence when he posted here. He's been busier than a one-armed paper hanger since before starting the ezine he and others run, now five years into production. This month's edition of Model Rail Hobbyist has its anniversary this month.
CSX_road_slug ONR FAN So who are some of the more famous and not so famous posters that have come and gone over the years and why did they leave? Last I heard, he was getting ready to launch a private practice as a nutritionist and had to take a number of graduate-level courses in preparation for that. Then ~2 years ago he made a surprise appearance and said he was moving to some other state, don't remember exactly where though. I still miss him!
ONR FAN So who are some of the more famous and not so famous posters that have come and gone over the years and why did they leave?
Last I heard, he was getting ready to launch a private practice as a nutritionist and had to take a number of graduate-level courses in preparation for that. Then ~2 years ago he made a surprise appearance and said he was moving to some other state, don't remember exactly where though.
I still miss him!
I talked to Chip on the phone back in July or August. His wife is doing REALLY well with her art and they were in the process of trying to sell their home and move out to AZ. Chip is indeed as much a character on the phone as he is on the forum.
I was aware of Joe Fugate's involvment with MRH. I just mentioned his name as someone who used to post here but has moved on to other things.
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Being relatively new here, I only caught the tail end of Cudaken's posting. Always well worth reading.
The three that have helped me out the most (RichHOTrain, Broadway Lion, Rrinker) have all posted recently. Only good news that. Well, except maybe in your case, Rich...
Streamlined steam, oh, what a dream!!
Renegade1cOne i haven't heard from in a while is Electrolove over in Sweden. He was building a large DRGW layout and he and I would converse over photos and plans. I was living in Colorado at the time and I sent him a bunch of Photos. He was building a model of the Hanging bridge last I heard. His website hasn't been updated either.
tstageJoe Fugate
Speaking of missing people. I really miss GrandMan.
Then a lot of people I thought were missing have really just retreated into Elliot's Trackside Diner.... a thread I do not partake of.
One i haven't heard from in a while is Electrolove over in Sweden. He was building a large DRGW layout and he and I would converse over photos and plans. I was living in Colorado at the time and I sent him a bunch of Photos. He was building a model of the Hanging bridge last I heard. His website hasn't been updated either.
Colorado Front Range Railroad: http://www.coloradofrontrangerr.com/
Joe Fugate, Dave Vollmer, and Space Mouse (Chip), Cuda Ken are some people that I miss
I don't nearly post here that often as I used to. I have two sons, 4 and 1, and am now a senior engineer as a very large corporation. So I don't get near as much time as a used to. I'm lucky to get an hour a month to work on models.The upshot is I have fun playing Thomas with my son. :-) I built him a miniature train table for his wooden set this past Christmas, and he loves it. So I think I will have a new conductor in the basement soon.
I have ALWAYS liked reading the forums and checking in on you guys when I get the chance. There's some really good people here.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
Talented New Haven modeler, Rick Abramson, is on other forums.
There was also BigBoy4005 whom the present "Elliot's Trackside Diner" is named after. I've asked but no one has told me about his status. Last I heard a few years ago was that he was ill.
Driline is on MRH. Big Al Mayo is doing well and contributing on a few other forums, including the Atlas Rescue (of which I'm also a member).
DCC guru, CMarchand, is still a member here but posts mostly on prototype modeler's forum groups.
Jon Grant is active on othe forums. I certainly hope that Simon1966 decides to drop in and at least say "Hi". Last check his website was still active. I just sent him a PM. Hopefully he will respond.
Brakie hit the nail right on the head. Interests and tastes change as we move forward. In a nutshell, although I take a short hiatus here, from time to time, I plan on staying here. This was the 1st forum of any kind that I joined. The info and ideas posted here have been of value to me. I'm a member of several other forums and and am active on the Atlas Rescue, but this to me will stiill be my "base" forum.
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
ONR FANSo who are some of the more famous and not so famous posters that have come and gone over the years and why did they leave?
Chip Engelmann, a.k.a. Spacemouse. His layout had an Old West theme, he used to post a lot of humorous photo stories about it. He also started a lot of interesting threads on layout design, sometimes focusing on the much-maligned 4x8. He had a talent for writing, his posts were always quite entertaining to read.
-Ken in Maryland (B&O modeler, former CSX modeler)
Since the "rage" is "small houses," big ones should be easier to find at a reasonable (no such thing anymore) price.
The house we built after our fire has a wonderful basement for a layout, BUT I wasn't thinking of a full basement layout at the time and built some stuff in that messed it up. Too many other things on the mind after such an experience.
Stick around, we'll put up with you anyhow.
Have fun,
Jon Grant, Dave Vollmer, AggroJones, and Joe Fugate also come to mind...
Dave still post on some of the N-scale forums. And Joe has his own online model train magazine.
Since I have no recollection of ever seeing an, AggroJones, on this or any other forum, I have no info.
Ken G Price My N-Scale Layout
Digitrax Super Empire Builder Radio System. South Valley Texas Railroad. SVTRR
N-Scale out west. 1996-1998 or so! UP, SP, Missouri Pacific, C&NW.
And there is /was Jon Grant from the UK among others
Don't Ever Give Up
People come and go.
Cudaken doesn't seem to post anymore, but he tore out his layout in the garage for his other passion...His MOPAR Chrystler RoadRunner car he's restoring to it's former glory. His first love, I think he said.
Since I tore up my mini layout with the idea of expanding it, I could have gone away too, {and maybe some wish I would}. Even if I got around to actually expanding it {not really the room} I would have pretty much what I need to do it, and could have little use for the forum anymore, except maybe electrical/DCC problems. I still enjoy the forum, seeing what others have done, will do, can do with their share of the hobby.
I have bought more than I can realistically use, and "don't need a thing". Except maybe new track.
My next "hobby" will be to find a house that has a basement that I can build at least a larger layout in. Looking into the "rage" of "tiny houses" that will be on foundation. We live in a trailer so not to hard to imagine something a bit less than the 920 Sqft we have now. A basement on a 650 sqfoot house, finished off would give 1300 SQft, More than we have now. Figuring on making it mostly "pay as you go" so there will be no HUGE mortgage attached to it. And it will be brand new, so no "old house issues" with it as in buying an older house already built and probably not worth the price they want for it.
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
I asked where Simon1966 is a month ago, but I don't think anyone knows, or is saying if they do. DonZ poked his head in here a month ago or so, but just the one post. Does Cudaken post these days? Big John? Now that I think about it, a lot of guys have moved on.
Steinjr was one member I use to exchange PMs with. He had a wicked sense of humour and we shared many good laughs together. Unfortunately he passed away. If you look at the MT. Rushmore thread you can see what I mean.
However his humour was often very subtle (to say the least) and I think would fly over most peoples heads.
Wolfgang also passed away. I beleive he was a retired math teacher that kept teaching. Only it was teaching his MRR skills to us less talented/experienced modelers.
Another great loss to us all.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Various reasons..They move on to other forums,quite the hobby or just quit forums.Some have passed from this life to the next.Then there's the hobby jumpers..They stay in one hobby for several months or years then the poof to another hobby.
I been on various forums since 2001 and see them come on strong and then melt away..
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
I do more searching on this forum then actual posting but one thing that I've always wondered was why some members leave. I've searched this forum and come across names that haven't posted in years. So who are some of the more famous and not so famous posters that have come and gone over the years and why did they leave?