I suspect the past shortage is making it worse. Someone who would normally only buy 3 or 4 turnouts because that's all he needs right now, might buy 8 or 10 when they come in so he has them later on. So not only past demand but stockpiling is probably driving the shortage.
For those who want production back in the U.S., how much extra are you willing to pay? If you're willing to pay extra then Shinohara and Walthers are currently available.
I assume you mean HO? Hobbylinc has SOME, but not much. Are you looking for Code 100? Code 83? Flex Track? Turnouts? On a lot of their Atlas Track listings availability is now saying August 2013, but given the past track record, don't take that to the bank. This has been going on almost 2 years & the "due" dates just keep getting pushed back further all the time. It's very frustrating & my own personal opinion is enough is enough. Bring the production back home to the U.S.!
Have you tried Ebay? Right now there are over 900 listings on Ebay for Atlas HO Track. It all really depends on exactly what you're looking for. Right now Turnouts seem to be in particularly short supply. Code 100 seems to be slightly more available than Code 83. I know our LHS here in Maine DOES have a fair supply of both code 100 & Code 83 Atlas Flex Track, but almost no turnouts & other track lengths are hit or miss.
"I could never belong to any club that would have me as a member."
It seems to go out as fast as it is coming in. Closely follow a couple of sources such as Walthers, MB Kline (Modeltrainstuff), Trainworld and try to catch them when they have it in stock. It's a hot item lately and not just because the weather is hot.
Good luck,
I am fully aware that many on this board have discussed the Atlas Train Compnay track producation problem(s.) As of today, does anyone know any updates as to when Atlas track will be available. Walthers has very little at all. I would appreciate any and/or all input as to when this crisis may cease. For all we know it may be like the world economy-uncertain at all times. Some of us want to get modeling and need some track.