Well another Trainfest is in the history books. No attendance numbers were announced but the weather in Milwaukee was not typical for November with temperatures near 70 on Saturday and in the 60's on Sunday but then the rain came and it is currently 29 degrees in Milwaukee as I'm typing this.
Well several members of the TRAINS/Model Railroader/Kalmbach Forum Family gathered at the Kalmbach Booth for the annual photo. Below are those that were in attendance. Photo was taken by Pat Shaver, wife of Carl Shaver
TRAINS.COM Forum member photo from Trainfest 2012 by kschmidt626, on Flickr
In the photo are
Front Row Left to Right Matthew Moellendorf, Jay Eaton(Jeaton)(has sign)and Mary Graf with Kalmbach
Back Row Left to Right Keith Schmidt(kschmidt626), Jim Hediger Senior Editor Model Railroader, Dave Nelson(dknelson), Carl Shaver(Cshaver), Scott Schnabl(sschnabel), and Greg Turinetti(Northwest Flyer).
Thanks for stopping by and saying Hello !! Nice to put a face with a sign on name on the Forum. Until 2013. Enjoy !!
Keith Schmidt
Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page
I see why they but Mary up front!
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
I see nine people, but only eight names.
Ken G Price My N-Scale Layout
Digitrax Super Empire Builder Radio System. South Valley Texas Railroad. SVTRR
N-Scale out west. 1996-1998 or so! UP, SP, Missouri Pacific, C&NW.
Probably over tired from Trainfest. There are now nine names to go with the 9 people in the photo. I did miss one. Looking forward to 2013.
1) yes there are good reasons to put Mary Graf in the front row and we are blessed that she agrees to join us in our picture each year. Thank you Mary. It was also very generous of Jim Hediger, always a good sport, to join our group. There WERE other forum members present at Trainfest but some forgot, some couldn't get to the booth on time, and some wanted to spare us their colds. Or so they say.
2) Carl Shaver is I think known as CShaveRR on these forums. I may have not sent Keith the right s/n for Carl. Thanks again to Pat for her steady hand at the camera.
3) Attendance for Trainfest has been announced - over 25,500 folks and TONS of kids. I spent 16 hours at Trainfest not counting volunteer hours. My feet still hurt! My wallet's still empty!
Dave Nelson