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November MR

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Posted by Jumijo on Monday, October 1, 2012 5:09 AM

While I enjoyed the issue on the whole, I was disappointed with the tree making article. The puff ball trees didn't look realistic to me in the least, and the techniques displayed were nothing new.

Tony Koester's article was also a disappointment. Usually I like to read his musings, but this time, not so much.

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Posted by DSchmitt on Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:43 PM


I agree that this was a particularly good issue. 

Interestingly, having been a subscriber for most years since the mid 60's, I find that as my interest in MRR grows, articles that I previously passed over, are now just what I needed!   Darn clever of the MR staff to anticipate that!




You are correct. One doesn't don't know what their interests may be in the future and what may be useful.

With CD and DVD magazine collections it is easy to keep large numbers of back issues.  I hope that Kalmbach will continue with their collections and that more of their competitors will offer collections too. 

The on-line indexes on this and other sites are a great help im finding articles of interest.  It is fustrating to not have access to a magazine that may have useful information.

I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

I don't have a leg to stand on.

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Posted by RMax1 on Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:51 PM

I have been subscribing for a number of years and have purchased tons of issues before I started subscribing.  Usually once a year MR puts out one issue that I have almost no interest in.  It's no big deal and they can not please everyone all the time.  If I find even one small bit of information it is still worth the price for that issue.  The last 3 or 4 issues to me have been ho hum but the 10 before that were incredible.  I'm still no hoping for the dud.  The opposite is also true.  Every once in a while they just plain hit one out of the park.  I will say this.  The last couple years this has been the best MR time I have seen.  There was a time when it seemed MR became very snooty and all you saw was mammoth layouts and pretty pictures.  It was like a social clique.  The recent MR issues have been educational to everyone no matter what scale and size in my opinion.


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Posted by hardcoalcase on Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:18 PM

I agree that this was a particularly good issue. 

Interestingly, having been a subscriber for most years since the mid 60's, I find that as my interest in MRR grows, articles that I previously passed over, are now just what I needed!   Darn clever of the MR staff to anticipate that!



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Posted by selector on Sunday, September 30, 2012 10:26 AM

I haven't purchased an issue since early in the summer, Harold, but based on your statement, and that both of us are about to embark on scenery on our projects, yours an extension and mine a new layout, I will look forward to getting this issue, particularly about coverage of hills.


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Posted by BRAKIE on Sunday, September 30, 2012 8:34 AM

Like all issues I will need to look and judge if there's anything of value in it for me and quite frankly I don't need to read about cleaning track again since I use alcohol on a rag and bright boy as needed however,scratchbuilding without plans sounds interesting but,its nothing new under the sun since I have used that method years ago.I am interested in his method though.

I only bought 5 issues of MR so far this year because there was nothing of real interest to me.I buy Trains and Classic Trains without fail.I find this sad because not so long ago I looked forward to every issue of MR..

Maybe my interest would perk if I resubscribed instead of picking and choosing...




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Posted by JoeinPA on Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:49 AM

I'll have to agree. I liked the article on scratchbuilding without plans. the article on a swinging gate will be helpful to those considering how to get into their layout easily. I personally think that the gate is overbuilt but it does present the points that are important in making a well functioning gate.


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November MR
Posted by HaroldA on Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:17 AM

Just got the November MR and I am very pleased with its content.  Sometimes we carp about the number pages, the amount of advertising, the features that aren't there anymore, but this issue really struck a cord with me. 

First is the article about Keeping N Scale Track Clean.  I am in HO but Jim Kelly's advice is true for anyone.  Then there is the article about Making Tree Covered Hills.  Sure, it might not cover much new ground, no pun intended, but the pictures are great and, for me, its very timely because its exactly where I am in building the addition to my layout.  Then I found the piece on the Soo diesels because that is what I principally run on my layout.  When I read the DCC Corner it was about Caboose Lighting and DCC.  I may try that - funny thing, I remember years ago there was an article about detailing a caboose and one of the techniques was to install window glazing - how far we have come.  I haven't made it much further than that but I am sure I will find more great information.

So, thanks MR - for me, this is a great issue!! Bow

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