I guess I will start off with a PRR Shark A-A lashup.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
The one and only farm on the club layout.
Jack W.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
North Coast Limited departing Union Station.
Great shot Garry.
I made a car puller using a geared low rpm motor
and a set of wheels for the drum
here's a video of it in action
See my Web Site Here
Nice Sharks, farm, station scene , and car puller, guys.
WB GP7's take the siding at Stoney Creek. DJ.
Nice start to the weekend everybody, especially like the North Coast Limited picture Garry!
Here is this week's batch of completed cars! A Stewart 70 Ton 14 Panel Hopper, painted black and lettered with Herald King Decals.The second of four Peoria and Eastern 50' Boxcars using a Branchline 1000A 50' Boxcar Kit with a Details West Coupler Pocket; Painted Century Green and Black and lettered with a combination of Microscale (The Cigar Band Herald) and Mark Vaughn Decals (The Rest).An Atlas 23,500 Gal Tank Car painted black and lettered with Highball Graphics decals.Thanks for looking!
Rick J
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Here's an SP U-50BB, had to have it, because when I worked at GE (38 years) I built this sucker.
Jerry SP FOREVER http://photobucket.com/albums/f317/GAPPLEG/
Jerry, Did you actually build the locomotive with that number, or just other U50s?
Garry, I like that shot. It'd probably look kinda crazy in 20-or-so years though (early BN)
I picked up an almost finished project loco. It's a custom-painted and detailed P2K SD7 I had bought off of ebay.
This is the picture used in the listing:
The good: It has a DSR15 decoder, the beacon has a 1.5v bulb (not controlled by the decoder yet), and the paint work is really good (will look better after a glosscoat to hide the decal film)
The bad: It was missing a door, missing windows, air tanks were floating around in the box, runs really noisy, mechanism is dirty
I fixed the missing door by using a door from my busted up BN GP18. The seperation line on the GP18 door and the SD7 line up perfectly, and the colors are almost spot on. I just had to glue it shut. The airtanks were re-attached by drilling out the hole for it in the frame, and then CAing it. As for the glazing, I tried the ones from P2K GP9s and atlas SD24s and they both were too large. AMB doesn't make a glazing set for the P2K SD7/9, so I'm trying to hunt a set down. The windows and a speed recorder would finish this SD7 off.
As for the GP5, still trying get the bodywork on that nose right, then it's a couple of bucks on parts and I'm done with it. The Fs are at a standstill until I pick up more detail parts.
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
Haven't been able to do much modeling lately, but we did get to St Louis last weekend where I got some railroading in. While we didn't have time to visit the transportation museum and its fine collection of locomotives, we did visit the zoo
And the City Museum, an absolute must-see for kids of all ages, where we encountered this HO layout plunked in the middle of the building
Then afterwards we ate at Union Station and its immense train shed
What an incredible place it must've been in its heyday!
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
Gidday All, Good stuff as per usual. now I'll go and lower the tone.
A recent thread discussed "Original Thought" and mentioned among other things the subsequent possible embarrassment caused by failure, so perhaps I should start another thread , but instead of the "F" meaning fun, it means Failure.
This (club) layout is a classic case of how easy it is to get it wrong. The concept was that, it had to be an HO short line mountain logging/mining, portable exhibition layout. The minimum radius was 18" and the maximum grade was 4%. It actually ran well, BUT there where too many compromises and add-ons further exacerbating the original problem of reach. So it got too heavy, the scenery was never completed and apart from the lower tracks which were part of a larger run, very rarely got used.
As I am the sole club member left from the original mistake makers I'm carrying out the demolition.
I just hope the club has learnt from our/my mistakes.
Have a Good One Folks.
Cheers, the Bear.
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
No train progress this weekend
I did pick up some parts for an airbrush kit...
a couple more fittings to hook it up to my old compressor
Chris from down under...
We're all here because we're not all there...
Monon Guy, Jim you should have got hold of me! I was off last weekend and you where with in 2 miles of my house!
Simon 1966 Lad's running at my house a few years ago.
I hate Rust
God , I don't remember if that was the delivered number, but yes, built all the SP ones (3 I believe it was) and all the UP U50C's, those were the good old days. GE loco's really sucked big time in the early years, I think their much better now. I ony worked the floor for 10 years then moved up in the world, to the IT dept.
GAPPLEG God , I don't remember if that was the delivered number, but yes, built all the SP ones (3 I believe it was) and all the UP U50C's, those were the good old days. GE loco's really sucked big time in the early years, I think their much better now. I ony worked the floor for 10 years then moved up in the world, to the IT dept.
I know a few guys who are retired from GE-Erie. I am pretty sure they worked the floor the whole way through, not certain about Greg though. He may have moved off the floor, but not sure what department. Also know a young guy who was working in engineering a few years back.
Robert H. Shilling II
I finished building 2 kits (4 cars) of Tichy Ore Cars, and managed to break off a couple of grab irons on one while installing the trucks, but I have some metal Tichys to replace them with.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
Some projects I`m working on .....
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
Great stuff this weekend guy's, I look forward to this thread every week, Nice to see where others are at on their layouts.
Till next Fri keep them on them on the rails.
I've been busy with scenics and electrics in preparation for Sweethome Alabama attending a train show in under 2 weeks
Sweethome Chicago is now on Facebook
Sweethome Alabama is now on Facebook
Hudson Road is now on Facebook
my videos
my Railimages
A pair of Weyehaeuser switch engines lug a mixed train across the Low Gap trestle. The creek is almost dry, but the foliage is still green.
The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!
Ah, a MRRer whose w**kbench looks as good as mine! Does my heart good to see it!
Thanks, rdgk1se3019!
Jim in Cape G.
Got the cross bracing put in.
cudaken Monon Guy, Jim you should have got hold of me! I was off last weekend and you where with in 2 miles of my house!
Ken, the thought did in fact cross my mind, but we drove out Sunday morning and home Monday evening, and including time with family (the reason we were there in the first place) we were on a pretty tight schedule. Some day....
Great work and great photos, as usual.
Here's my contribution. The little town of Butte Creek is getting a new freight station:
There are a few details to go (glass in windows, etc.)
It will eventually reside here, next to the old freight station:
I built it from an old LaBelle kit. It called for the wall to be at an angle:
...and the kit came with this block for the roof:
I couldn't figure out a good way to make the roof look realistic, so I opted for a rectangular roof with a angled loading dock to make it make sense:
I built-in 3 ceiling lights in the enclosed section and two overhead lights in the shelter over the large loading dock. I included resistors to control the brightness of the bulbs. I'll post more pictures after it is installed on my layout.
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
The owl came in a Preiser set of woodland creatures, which also includes squirrels, salmon, rabbits hedgehogs, butterfly/gutterflys and bumble bees among others. It was a nightmare painting the bees and I still have to stick them on somewhere where they won't be lost in the scenery
here is what I have been working on