cuyama Sir MadogWhat´s left, when if Atlas drops out? What is your evidence for propagating that unsubstantiated rumor? There is no indication that Atlas is leaving the track market once this supply issue is resolved.
Sir MadogWhat´s left, when if Atlas drops out?
What is your evidence for propagating that unsubstantiated rumor? There is no indication that Atlas is leaving the track market once this supply issue is resolved.
Byron, i am not propagating a rumor here, but merely putting a question mark to the issue. I just can´t see Atlas dropping such an important part of their business and leave it to manufacturers who won´t most likely not be able to handle that extra volume of business coming from this mainstream supplier.
Sir MadogByron, i am not propagating a rumor here, but merely putting a question mark to the issue.
Since Atlas has said publicly again and again that they are staying in the track business, I personally don't see that it adds anything useful to the discussion to "put a question mark to the issue" -- especially when the supplier themselves has not left any ambiguity in their response.
Layout Design GalleryLayout Design Special Interest Group
Probably my poor knowledge of the English language, Byron, but I am not questioning Atlas staying in the track business, but put a question mark to the rumor of them going out.
Sorry for my maybe misleading wording.
Nevertheless, it is not good not being able to supply track to the customer base for quite a long time now,
Sir MadogProbably my poor knowledge of the English language, Byron, but I am not questioning Atlas staying in the track business, but put a question mark to the rumor of them going out.
Ihr Englisch ist viel besser als mein Deutsch!
The ob/wenn translation to English when/if is a little tricky with contextual issues -- so I now see what you were trying to say. And with that point I agree, it's crazy to think that Atlas would go out of the track business permanently. I am sure that being out of stock was not part of Atlas' plan, the realignment of Chinese manufacturers caught many off-balance.
As I had posted on the Atlas Forum back in April, which was linked earlier in this thread, we were moving our tooling from the primary supplier we had been using to new suppliers. We had expected to have started receiving track shipments by now, but it took a little longer to get up and running than we had planned. The good news is that a container should be leaving the factory around the 15th of October, and we should receive that in the middle of November. The first shipment will be a selection of code 100 pieces, including flex track, but no turnouts. Now that the factory is up and running, we do expect to receive shipments on a regular basis, although with the breadth of our line it will take a little while to resupply all of the items in our line.
If anyone has a dealer with questions, they can direct them to our sales department, or email me directly at
Paul Graf
Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc.
Atlas O, LLC.
Atlas Model Railroad Company
Thanks, that was good of you to post and update us on the status of the flex track.
As an avid user of Atlas flex track, it troubles me that flex track has been unavailable for this extended period of time.
Currently, I only have three pieces of Code 83 flex track available, and I am hoarding it like it is gold.
I was working on a project today, adding some track in a yard, and I was scavenging used track and re-using it whenever I could do so.
Alton Junction
I also want to thank Paul for the reply. This still doesn't help my situation right now. I need code 83, so WHEN will that arrive? I guess it might be on to ME or Peco.
Yeah, I must admit that I was surprised and disappointed to hear that Code 100 track is coming first as opposed to Code 83 track.
I would have thought that Code 83 is the more popular size at this point in time.
Thanks, Paul, for the open words, clarifying the situation. As we are all up to speed now, we can put the case to rest.