The last container update is 6/11/2012 and contains some N scale RS11's and some N and HO freight cars and trailers. That is it. Nothing after that.
Guess I did not start a unfounded rumor after all.
I hate Rust
What I don't understand is why the staff and editorial staff at Model Railroader Magazine isn't reporting on this news story. Cody and others apparently specak with Atlas representatives and management all the time, Yet they haven't reported ANYTHING on this issue to my knowledge.
That's it fellows, he MRR hobby has officially ended.
Last one out turn off the light please.
Now excuse me while I list some flex track on Ebay.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
CSX_road_slug FYI...
My LHS ran out a few months ago and told me all the wholesalers were tapped. I thought I was done laying track for a while, but apparently I came home last year one day with 9 pcs of flex and stuck them in a corner of the garage, so I'm good to go for a while.
Mine doesn't's at the station!!!
maxman CSX_road_slug FYI... Looked at these links. According to the description, due to supply problems a buyer is limited to a purchase of quantity 2 boxes of an out of stock item.
More importantly, both items are "out of stock".
Alton Junction
They weren't when the link was first posted - the vultures descended!
Atlas posted on their web site about this, there's no secret conspiracy to deny access to flex track.
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richhotrain maxman CSX_road_slug FYI... Looked at these links. According to the description, due to supply problems a buyer is limited to a purchase of quantity 2 boxes of an out of stock item. More importantly, both items are "out of stock". Rich
Maybe no "conspiracy to deny access to Atlas track, more of a bad business plan on the part of Atlas. They could have continued to produce track in the US while gearing up production in China. Apparently, Atlas just chose to stop US production regardless of the length of time it was going to take to ramp up production in China.
Maybe Atlas just thought we were all "chained" to their product and would wait 6 months or more for their track. A few weeks back I just gave up on Atlas and have purchased around $1,000 of ME code 55 flex track and switches to start my new layout.
And those of us who bought lots of flextrack when there were lots are now sitting there building up the layouts we planned on....
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
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Ken & Others
I have commented on this a number of times - stating that HOW is Atlas going to stay in business if they do not have product to sell?
They must be making a LOT of Money off the few Engines and Rolling Stock they do have as the Day To Day expenses (wages, utilities, taxes, rent) keep coming in whether you are selling anything or not!
You can't just stop selling your most common products and be able to keep the doors open!
Just my thoughts
BOB H - Clarion, PA
Kudlor Maybe no "conspiracy to deny access to Atlas track, more of a bad business plan on the part of Atlas. They could have continued to produce track in the US while gearing up production in China. Apparently, Atlas just chose to stop US production regardless of the length of time it was going to take to ramp up production in China. Maybe Atlas just thought we were all "chained" to their product and would wait 6 months or more for their track. A few weeks back I just gave up on Atlas and have purchased around $1,000 of ME code 55 flex track and switches to start my new layout. Ken
I was one of those vultures who helped to deplete the stock held at Klein's over the spring. My last order was in early June, and I am flush with Code 83 with wooden ties from Atlas. I didn't want to get hung up for a year or more in the construction of my layout, and didn't want to switch to Walthers/Shinohara, Micro Engineering, or to Peco for the sake of consistency. However, those other track systems enjoy decent reputations, and not undeservedly in my opinion. In fact, I did purchase a 10 pack of Peco Code 83 for my yard because all of my turnouts therein are of the Streamline Code 83 #6 type from Peco, and I had the joiners for that system.
Nothing makes a person hungrier and more focused than a paucity of food. I grabbed my allotment in the nick of time, it seems.
Maybe we can convince Model Power to contract with GT (Italy) for another batch of code 83 flex track. The last batch was very good quality (and about equal in detail to Atlas code 100) and the price was much better than Atlas code 83!
I don't get what the big deal is.
If people are so desperate why not just switch track brands to like Peco, or ME, or Walthers? Maybe someone could explain it to me (seriously)
I use Walthers rail anyway. I think it's a lil bit more realistic looking and works better with their accessories because of the tie height.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
DigitalGriffin I don't get what the big deal is. If people are so desperate why not just switch track brands to like Peco, or ME, or Walthers? Maybe someone could explain it to me (seriously) I use Walthers rail anyway. I think it's a lil bit more realistic looking and works better with their accessories because of the tie height.
Some people, including me, strongly prefer the Atlas flex track for several reasons. Once you become accustomed to a particular brand of flex track, it is hard to change.
No skin off my back...I prefer the higher detail in the Micro Engineering track anyway.
I had a short talk with my LHS guy this morning. He's been hearing different things through the rumor mill, anywhere from October-November timeframe to as late as January.
One of his customers made the decision to switch to Peco track, and returned a box of 25 unused pieces of Atlas flex. So, my shop actually has a small inventory of the stuff. I picked up 3 pieces, even though I don't need it right now. By January, I might be glad to have it.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Minimum wage was a bit over 3000 dollars a year. Many skilled jobs were around 10,000 to 15,000 per year. A policeman's starting salary was about 6500 dollars a year in my town. Taxes were a smaller portion of our income as well.
My current layout has no Atlas at all, ME and some Peco, along with handlaid track fill the room. Personally I have nothing against Atlas, I just think for me it is toooo flexy.
For us that are Atlas fans I think this is starting to become a little ridiculous. I've talked to many sellers and hobby shops and there still not sure when the exact date is going to be for a shipment. What a good way to make your customers go to the competitor.
Hmm ... and I thought I was UTTERLY nuts when I picked up 100 sticks of Atlas code 83 flex this spring .... Wonder how much profit I could turn on E-Pay right about now?
EMD - Every Model Different
ALCO - Always Leaking Coolant and Oil
CSX - Coal Spilling eXperts
Be prepared to pre-order your flextrack......
blownout cylinder Be prepared to pre-order your flextrack......
So true.
And then Atlas will announce that it is cancelling the pre-order and retiring flex track.
richhotrain And then Atlas will announce that it is cancelling the pre-order and retiring flex track.
Dang it. At my age, it's about the only thing in the trainroom that is flexible.
That´s about the worst thing that can happen to a manufacturer - the best way to shy away customers. What´s left, when Atlas drops out? Peco, Micro Engineering ... not really much of a choice then.
I just finished, last night, laying all of my track. I used ME Code 70 flex and turnouts. Looks great and performs great.
I wasn't aware that Atlas was having problems supplying track until this morning when I saw this. I chose ME because it is American made and I liked the way it looked.
Chuck - Modeling in HO scale and anything narrow gauge
Sir MadogWhat´s left, when Atlas drops out?
What is your evidence for propagating that unsubstantiated rumor? There is no indication that Atlas is leaving the track market once this supply issue is resolved.
Layout Design GalleryLayout Design Special Interest Group
A hobby shop in Tucson, Arizona had a lot of Atlas flex track on the shelf last week -- and all new. But code 83; no code 100.
I don't think there's any truth at all to the rumors about Atlas going out of the track business -- that's their main product and has been for many years.