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Elliot's Trackside Diner OCTOBER 2010 Locked

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Posted by wedudler on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 1:31 PM


Wolfgang, If i can be a bit nosy, which of the NMRA Certificates did you earn for your MMR?  I have Electrical, Scenery, and am almost finished with Civil (should have it complete and get first approval in a couple of weeks), One more year to go as Superintendent for Association Official, and have a few points toward Volunteer.  I am looking at Cars and Structures to complete MMR (If I live long enough....)

I have a long list (don't I alwys) of stuff to do today, so I will be catching up with you later!


Well, I've got scenery and electrical in April 2002,

Author in May 2003,

Structures and Dispatcher in Jan 2006

Motive Power in Nov 2009 and

at last Civil in Oct 2010.

It was a long way. but the AP manager helped a lot with the paperwork. Writing is no prob, I had a lot of articles. But in German.

I had already built a lot of structures for my German layout, especially for my Stub station Naumburg. But I've learned with my first trestle, I need NBWs. Smile

And so I've glued a few hundreds with CA, I could not drill holes. The trestle was at the module already. So I had to glue the NBW's blunt. Angry

For  Association Official or Volunteer I see no chance. I can't even go to England. And my work for the FREMO doesn't count, I think. I'm responsible for the membership office. Currently 1380 members with about 6% growing. Smile


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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 1:20 PM

 VERY VERY bad storms coming.   Some winds might get up to 50 mph!!

  Ray......I was thinking about cleaning out the food bowl, and the water bowl.  Maybe a good scrubbing might help.

 Ulrich.......The actual layout is 12 x 15.   I am just wanting a new/fresh idea for the two tables.   I added some pictures that might help on the area I was talking about.

 As far as the code or turn-out it doesn't matter.  Right now I'm using code #100.    Either way to make it easier for you. 

 Table #1.....

 26 1/2 inches wide, and 8 feet long.



 Table #2......

 18 inches wide,and 6 feet long.


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:35 PM



Jeff, I hope you’re getting a credit for the loss of service.

I have a better chance of being hit by lightning 6 times in rapid succession under a clear skySmile. I would have to call in each outage when it happens. Problem is I have a VOIP phone interface. When the cable goes out so does my phone. Getting to another phone 10 and 12 times in a day would be difficult to say the least, not to mention painful.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:06 PM

Just a short stopover to have a night cap.

Robby, I´d be pleased to help you. I need to know the overall dimensions of the room and an info on minimum radius, turnout # and track. I can draw it in WinRail, which you can open using RTS from Atlas. It is a freebie software, but it is limited to Atlas track. Is Atlas code 83 track and # 6 turnouts OK with you.

It will take a few days, though.

Well, I am calling it a day...

See you tomorrow, or tonight, if my insomnia strikes again.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 10:43 AM

Mornin' everyon!

Zoe I'll have the Eggs Benedict this morning along with a cup of dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR Mug.  Please and thank you!

Robby, hope the kitties have stopped leaving piles for you folks to clean up.....  Yuck!  My cat's Vet has always said to introduce new food a little at a time mixed in with the old food.  They may also be having some hairball problems.......  If it continues get them to the vet!

Galaxy, hope you will start to have less pain today.  Pain is not fun!

Wolfgang, If i can be a bit nosy, which of the NMRA Certificates did you earn for your MMR?  I have Electrical, Scenery, and am almost finished with Civil (should have it complete and get first approval in a couple of weeks), One more year to go as Superintendent for Association Official, and have a few points toward Volunteer.  I am looking at Cars and Structures to complete MMR (If I live long enough....)

I have a long list (don't I alwys) of stuff to do today, so I will be catching up with you later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 10:36 AM

 Lunch................Just give me some allergy meds.  I have sneezed at least 40 (edit make that 41..42) times this morning!!!

 Galaxy..........We keep them on Purina indoor formula.  We had them on another Purina brand, but changed to indoor about a year ago.  They get sick every once in awhile.   Today "smokey" has puked three times!!!  I think it has to do with the smaller dog we have cleaning herself and then drinking water (the same water as the cats).    Jessica and I have talked about getting a water bowl with the filter system, but we haven;t yet.   

 Well I think I might put Ulrich to work, or anybody else that wants to chime in!!

 Here's a shot of my track plan.   The black is the track, and the color blue is the walkway.   The orange X is where I want to change things up.   I know some people like the yard, but I thought about taking out a track and putting in a warehouse.   The other orange X is where I was going to put a scrap yard, but that might change also.    I have about 1 1/2 - 2 feet to work with.   I was hoping maybe I can get some input in this, and see what I can do.  The rest of the track is staying, but its just the orange areas i would like to change. 

 Plus my drawing isn't  that good!!!



 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 8:37 AM


Thanks to all those for thoughts and prayers AngelAngel!!!

Continued prayers and thoughts for speedy healing would be nice!

Can't wait til next tuesday to talk to the surgeon myself to find out if he got all the tumor or not or if I have to go back to have right side removed.

I'll have Hawaiian Kona Hazlenut coffee please, and I will have the {leftover} Chicken fried steak, the homefry potatos and an egg for breakfast to have my "steak and eggs for breakfast".

I am in pain. Neither the oxycontin, the vicodin I already ahd, nor the "special"vicodin the surgeon gave me help. Nor does putting the frozen peas on it for 20 mins every 2 hours like a good boy supposed to do. Morphine comes to mind to help. But *alas* I didn't get any...only fentanyl injection right after the surgery. That worked well, adn I know it comes in a patch, I'd take that! AS I told RAY yesterday I may be resting, but am far from "comfortable".

Last night I woke up laying on my back, oh boy! {I usually sleep only on my side}. I had to get up, take pain pill, ice 'er down and sit and watch tv till it seemed to calm down.

I can supposedly take a shower today, but I think I wait one more day to do so, just to be safe. A sponge bath'll if I can just find a hot nurse to do it......

Robby P.

  So far this morning, I've done nothing but clean up cat puke!!!  All three seem they want to do that his morning.


Robby P. have you changed the brand or style of formula of cat food you are feeding them? everytime we switch brands or formulas of cat food, ours go through a few days of yuking their poor little guts out! SO we try to stick with the same kind/blend/manufacturer to avoid such mishaps. Jsut a thought. I warned the other half last week that the one picked was NOT the one we had been using and not to be surprised if they yuked...and you guessed it they did.

I don't have to clean it up though, other half does. I had corrective surgery on my stomach/esophagus so I have a high gag reflex and If I try to clean it up, I will deposit a load of my own next to theirs. If I even hear them doing it, I have to find a garbage can quickly!

Enough gross stuff so ealy in the morning I just ate!

WEll have a great day folks!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 8:07 AM

Good Morning! Coffee and some of those potatoes Wolfgang brought in please. Thank you.

Wow. It is soooo windy when I tried to walk here the wind kept blowing me backwards. So I turned around and backed all the way here.Indifferent

The wife and the dog are the same in respect that they do not realize sound travels. She claims I am the one who spoils the dog. However, I hear from the basement, (almost an hour and a half ago now. Yes that's when I started this post) the sound of her rooting around in the plastic doggy treat container at 0636 in the morning. Me indeed!

Ken- (casually picking at spider stuck in paint) I tried Atlas RTS.I had trouble with it not doing what I wanted. Probably, no, I sure, it was me, but I just couldn’t get it to do what I wanted. The track options are another issue also. All in all it’s probably pretty good if you have the patience to figure out the, more than likely to most, simple program. I don’t.   Load bearing wall: Whew. There are several things that make a wall load bearing. Such as to name few, is there a roof edge above? even on the second floor if you have one. Does it follow a upper floor joist or rafter, or does it cross several. Does it releve a span anywhere along it's run. Even on the end. Don't take that as all enclusive.  Knowing you plan on removing, if possible, the wall, I would not feel comfortable saying what all makes a wall load bearing and forgetting one thing and that one thing is what your wall does. layout heigth: 4 or 5 foot tall? 4 foot maybe. 5? I don’t think I would. I’m 6’3” and I like my 41½”. Easy to reach see and not that difficult to get under. Plus, if I want to go second level, it might be low enough, but is definitely high enough for under layout staging . Why 41½ you say? It had to do with a miscalculation combined with a change in the foam thickness. I asked Missy the dog and she laid there looking at me as if to say “what’s an inch and a half? I said exactly.

Lee- Hang on to your hat. That sucker went through here early this morn, about 4:30 to 5. I thought the corner of the house was gonna blow away. No serious traditional storm stuff luckily, but the wind hoo boy. Gotta get out now that the suns coming up and check out the shingles.

Don’t know what I’ll do today. I could get the grouting done on the foy-yay today before w*rk. OR I could play in the train room, i.e. clean it up for my triumphant return. We’ll see. Either way my hair will be mussed up when I leave the house. Don't think I'll leave the garage door open today.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:40 AM

Good Afternoon,

fair autumn weather. the weather guessers predicted - well, after the fog cleared, it started to Umbrella and Storm.

Zoe, a strong coffee for me, please.

Took the car to the garage this morning to get the tires changed. 2 of them need replacement, as the previous owner ran them on too low a pressure. Additionally, there is some (minor) repair work to be done, which is not covered by the used car warranty. There go $ 500 down the drain - OUCH! I guess, I have to start begging for money, but I can´t sing or dance - hmmh, maybe people will pay me not to sing Whistling

Have you seen Graffen´s thread on his weathered Bachmann 4-6-0? He did a wonderful job - wish I could do that!

Wolfgang - your lunched looked delicious!

Have we agreed onto the new location for next month´s Diner? How about somewhere along this line?


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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:08 AM

 Good morning.   I'm in the same boat as Lee, rain and storms today.

 So far this morning, I've done nothing but clean up cat puke!!!  All three seem they want to do that his morning.

 Maybe start on the next car, and work on the layout some.    Not much planned with me today.

 Ken..........Those are some wild dreams!!

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by wedudler on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:54 AM


after walking with the dogs we had just lunch,  Potatoes out of the oven.

Together with red freshly made wine.


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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:24 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Just a cup of coffee please!

Hope everyone has a great day!


The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:11 AM

 Mourning New York.

 Flo, some coffee and give me a English Muffin as well please.

 Not sure how I sleep last night, had some wild dreams! Some how in one dream I went to Roy Rodgers house and spent the night there on the couch? Plus it seems Roy lives in Carmel Ind, my home town and not on a ranch. Next day I used his Ferrari (think it a GT 380, like Magnum drove) to go see my best friend Randy. I did not like the Ferrari, and trade it for a AC 427 Cobra that I did like! Big Smile Had a bunch of silly dreams, but that one is still stuck in my head. Real odd part was I was never a Big Roy Rodgers fan as a kid. I like the Duke, he kicked butt! 

 Got up at 4:00 AM again, and wander on to the site. It now 6:03 AM. I save the dinner as my last visit, sort of a treat.

 Kitchen Cabinets Doors Last door I shoot is going to get shot again. Think I had the paint just a little to thin on that one. But with 2 more to go anyway not a big deal. Hit it lightly with some 320 grit by hand and shoot it again.

 Going to draw up a diagram of a section of the new bench so I can prices the lumber. Then if I can afford it build a section and see how it feels to me. 

 Think I will go clean the hinges and handles so I can hang some doors.


I hate Rust

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:06 AM

Good Morning,

Strong thunderstorms moving into our area; 75F with sustained winds 25 to 35 Kts and gusts over 70Kts are forecasted for this afternoon and evening with an overnight low of 50F.  This is a big change for us I had to switch from furnace to air conditioning yesterday as the highs were only in the mid to lower 50’s last week.  I could have opened the house, but Dorothy is having trouble with the tree pollen and has had to use her inhaler several times the past few days.


Jeff, I hope you’re getting a credit for the loss of service.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 4:23 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.

Geeked Dinner


Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, October 25, 2010 10:44 PM

Howdy ...

Der John ... Thanks for posting the old photo of the classic Durand, MI depot. I've seen the station several times. The neat CN or GTW steamer is westbound on the Port Huron - Chicago mainline. Trains from Detroit come from the right side of the photo.

Galaxy .... I know you hurt and pray for speedy heeling. I hope this ultimately solves the back pain.

Jeff ... My Dad had handicap tags before he passed away. When he saw cars parked in handycap places without the tag, he said the driver must be hadicapped between the ears.

Wolfgang ... That's a nice thread for you congratulating for your NMRA award. I'll say Congrats here.   Thumbs Up  (This forum is really slow these days)

I'm still working on my building project for the layout, and I hope it is completed before we leave for Alabama. There are many other projects to do when I get back.







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Posted by Packer on Monday, October 25, 2010 9:34 PM

Hey guys

Been busy cleaning up the 90 for sale. A friend of my father's came by to talk with him and wound up asking about it when I was in the middle of cleaning it up. He expressed some intrest even after given the price, so thats 2 people before I ever put an ad out for it or put it on a lot. Got in listed online today, so I'll check tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get the $2,000 I'm asking. Allows me money for coil-overs, subframes, and maybe some simple power adding stuff (underdrive pulleys, intake, etc)

After college and errands tomorrow, I'll see if I can remove the foglights and foglight brackets from my 94 GT. One light's broke(as in the lense and casing are busted, and I don't ever use them anyways. In addition a new one is 50 bucks and the brackets are pretty heavy.

Ken, It's been a while since I took any classes related to architecture (High school) so I may be off on this; but IIRC if it's an external wall it's load bearing. I also think wall thicness has alot to do with it as well. Is your house 1 or 2 stories? You might be able to go through the wall without removing it if it is load bearing.

On the RTS freeware you kind of hace to manipulate it by hand using the two circles on the tangets. There is a tool in there to do radiuses and I think there is one to do easments.

Ray, makes since then not to add scenery if it's not judged. Nice pics there.

Galaxy, good your back, hopefully the pain goes away.

Jeff, I see that alot around here. I've always parked away from everyone so I don't get hit by anything.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, October 25, 2010 8:03 PM

The last time I had to go to the local hospital on an appointment I couldn't get a handicap space or any space close to the building for that matter because they were taken up by physician, nurses and employees cars! I had to park way out near the street and walk to the building which was about 600 yards away. When I got there they told me they couldn't do anything on my ankle because it was too swollen and there was a real danger of an infection setting in. I WONDER WHY!! I let them know that I was non too happy with the parking arrangements and that I would be filing a complaint, which I did. Know what? The handicap spots are used by the handicapped now instead of convenient parking for the staff and the spots closer to the building are for those with issues with walking more than a certain distance.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by der5997 on Monday, October 25, 2010 7:48 PM


They are adding on to the hospital and parking is a frightmare this time of year! {A little humor doesn't hurt before a procedure!}
...Glad it went well (and hope that indeed the tissue taken will result in reduced back pain)..your comment {A little humor doesn't hurt before a proceedure!}had, to my ear, the same cadence as Snoopy going to see the Head Beagle (for not chasing rabbits IIRC) - "When something bad is going to happen to you, there shouldn't have to be a "night before" "OK, so it's a cat - but I don't have Snoopy, or any dog doing THAT!  Incidentally, a new Nursing Home is being built behind our local hospital. This has caused the main parking lot to be closed since the spring.  Lots of fun.


Ken:  High duckunders and office chairs.  My removable fiddle yard is 45" floor to underside (48 floor to railhead)  I just scooted under it in my chair to get the tape to be able to tell you that! Cool  I have to bend down to clear, but it's very do-able.   Load bearing wall in a garage. My expectation is that an addition inside a garage wouldn't be load bearing (what's it supporting?) However, I'm  at home, not 100 miles from home, and therefore NOT an expert!Blindfold


That's about it for tonight - another day with no mmr Thumbs Down....too much else to attend to. Goodnight all, and God Bless.  Prayers for all in need of Healing, Comfort, Employment/Prosperity and Peace.Angel 


"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, October 25, 2010 6:41 PM


Evenin' Folks!

Galaxy, glad things went smoothly at the hospital and THAT you are recovering comfortably.  It sure would be nice if the removal of the tumor relieves the pain you have been having.  Take care and get some rest!

 ...(after I hang up the wash).

Well, RAY, I don't know about "comfortably" but I am recovering I guess. He gave me vicodin which I already take with my back pain and doesn't really work....I could use somehting stronger! Morphine comes to mind.....but *sigh* *alas*...guess not....OH DARN! I forgot i can take another oxycontin...that might help!

...Don't hang up the wash. at least not outside as it is StormUmbrella out there!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Monday, October 25, 2010 6:30 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Flo, how about the Hot roast beef sandwich with a side of fries and some cole slaw.  I'll have a Dr. Pepper as well.

Galaxy, glad things went smoothly at the hospital and THAT you are recovering comfortably.  It sure would be nice if the removal of the tumor relieves the pain you have been having.  Take care and get some rest!

I have been busy today putting things away from the Meet and doing laundry.  Also had to drive to Canandaigua to take care of the cats!  I will be glad when my sister gets back from her trip to the "Very Far".  The couple who do these tours are getting elderly so there may not be too many more of them.  My sister has been traveling throughout the world to visit artisans for close to 25 years.  Her house is more like a museum of world wide culture. 

Catch you all later (after I hang up the wash).


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by the North East Rail Modeler on Monday, October 25, 2010 6:25 PM


Never did get my steak and eggs, either. NERM never did make it with my steak and eggs.... HAd to go to Denny's for a Country fried Steak and gravy to clog back up the arteries abit more after they got cleaned out a  little with 16 hours without food and drink.

I'm glad the procedure went well Galaxy. Sorry about the steak and eggs. There's a really good reason why I didn't get it to you. It's just, it's a long story, and I don't have the time to tell it right now.

 The rest of your meals will be on me untill Jan. 1, 2011 (I'll also cover your tab when you get top honors). I promise

I think that's about it for now.

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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, October 25, 2010 4:41 PM


I'm still planning on attending the show in Monroeville. I have a good idea of where you will be and I'll be sure to stop by.



Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, October 25, 2010 4:36 PM

 Evening Folks

 Flo, I take a Big Tossed Salad with grilled Chicken Knockers, extra cheeses with Ranch dressing and a Beer in a frosted Monon Mug.

 Today I got some stuff done! Silly little honey do, got the new over the sink light cord mounted to the wall. Hard part was finding the mounting hardware. Does make the area look much more finished. 

 Got 5 more of  the Kitchen Cabinets prepped, and shot! Big Smile Tricky part was the wind, blowing pine needles when there was a gust. I had to paint one door at a time and bring them as soon as I put down the paint gun. Had to make a rack in the garage to hold them. Only 1 pine needle about 1/8th on a inch and very small spider got stuck in the paint. Think I can live with that when the doors are dry. Only 2 small doors left to prep and paint to go! Big Smile

 Waiting for the paint to dry on a floor vent. Timer just went of, be back in a second!

OK, I am back, just gave it a second coat.

 Train Front Anyone here at the dinner half way good with the Atlas Run RTS 8.0 Freeware? Main question is how do I use the flex track for making turns? One of my new layout plans is to have 4 main lines on the lower section. I hope to keep the lower section 30 inches wide. Going around a turn I want to see what kind of radius I can run with there being 4 sets of track. I am hoping for 32, 30, 28 and then 26.

 How do you tell if a wall is load bearing? I am 99% sure the storage room in the garage was done after the house was built. If I go forward with my plan, it needs to come out. I will gain 8 more feet and a lot of lumber. That will give me 27 foot from front to rear of the garage.

 How tall is your layout? I am looking at a round the Garage layout, but do not think I could make a good lift out section. So I was thinking of a high duck under. My current bench is 32 inches tall. I am thinking in the range of 4 to 5 foot. I could use a offices chair to roll under the layout.

 Might just be a pipe dream, but with not working right now, Kitchen is getting close to being done might be the time to start taking action. I all so have 300 feet plus of track and around 50 turnouts.

 Looking forward to help with the Atlas Freeware and your ideas.

         Ken, daydreaming again.

I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, October 25, 2010 4:23 PM

Good ah evening guys,

Well the Surgeon only went in to make an incision and take tissue samples to determine if there was necrotic tissues that needed to come out at another time.

What he foud was a large benign mass of tissue that he decided right then and there had to come out, so he took it out. Took him 45 minutes to remove and suture. THat was on the left side of my lumbar back, the bigger image on the MRI. Not sure if he pulled it out from the right side, which was the smaller mass on the MRI,  or if we have to do that later. you know how it is, they never talk to the patient after a surgery like I wish they would, just the bystander. I will find out next week when I see him agian. He did conceed to my other half that whereas he originally thought it would have no bearing on the pain in my back, that perhaps it COULD have some and I might have some relief from my back pain. Hard to tell now as I am in pain from the incision right now as well.

Thanks for all the AngelAngel and well wishes, I am sure it helped.

Never did get my steak and eggs, either. NERM never did make it with my steak and eggs.... HAd to go to Denny's for a Country fried Steak and gravy to clog back up the arteries abit more after they got cleaned out a  little with 16 hours without food and drink.

Parking was amazingly easy AND they got me into the pre-op room fairly quickly. SO that was didn;t happen til noon still, but that ok.

 Now I go resta fter I check out the rest of the forum

Have a great night guys...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by the North East Rail Modeler on Monday, October 25, 2010 2:23 PM


It's really easy NERM to get to me. Just go in the entry door of Lourdes Hospital, up one floor to the atrium and they will tell you which recovery booth I am in! No maze of halways or nuttin'! SO bring on the steak and eggs!

O.K., go into the entry door of the hospital, and up one floor, and go to the atrium... um, Oh, that there looks like a lot of hallways down there...

I get so lost in any big place, I need a roadmap to go anywhere.

I'll tell you what: If you see a teen-ager wearing a military green booney hat, who looks lost and is carrying a bag full of food, that'll be me.

Alright, how do I get out of this newly-expanded parking lot?Indifferent

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, October 25, 2010 12:25 PM

 Just a quick stop.

 Ken.......No problem Big Smile.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by wedudler on Monday, October 25, 2010 12:17 PM

Just Good Evening,

it's pat 7pm and I have had my dinner, salad and rest from lunch.     Smile

Later I will run some trains, bringing the layout to live for the next session, testing...



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Posted by cudaken on Monday, October 25, 2010 12:11 PM

 Flo, just another Diet dew if you be so kind.

 Thought just drop by and see what is going on as the Air Compressor builds up to 150 PSI. Getting ready to sand some more on the Cabinets doors. Boy, I am getting sick of them. Have not touched them now for I think 3 days.

 Need to push to get them and a few other things done so I can start on the layout.

 I am getting bored with the current one and think that maybe it might be time to cut it up and start fresh. It has been up and running for around 5 years now, and I am starting to get bored with it some what.

 I will talk a little about my vision later, now it time to sand some more.


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 25, 2010 10:38 AM

Good Evening,

well, over here, it is already evening (late afternoon). The sun´s slowly setting - time to conclude an uneventful day.

Zoe, a burger & salad, please, and something to wash it down, thank you.

Been in some kind of mental doldrums all day long, just thinking of what may happen, if... Will be seing my doc tomorrow.

Galaxy - I hope all goes well today! Seems as if your horsepiddles are just as good as ours.

I am not really talkative today, so please bear with me!


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