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Elliot's Trackside Diner July 2010 Locked

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, July 25, 2010 8:22 PM

 Jim........Thanks for the comments.  The house is now in "limbo".  Her student loans are causing trouble.  At first the refinance company said they were fine, and NOW they need all kinds of papers (showing that the loans are in deferment).   We were suppose to close a week ago, now we have no idea Confused

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:56 PM

Oh, forgot to mention, one 'new' project will be to make my own burros. Except for Selley (and I'm not wild about theirs), nobody makes a halfway decent burro figure in HO currently. Model Power used to have some that looked okay, but they quit making them. I figure that by the time I paid shipping on the 'Bay, that THAT would run ridiculously expensive for the 2 or 3 burros I wanted. Wanted a burro for the lone prospector heading to/from his stake up in the mountains, and another 1 or 2 wild burros roaming around. (Kind of homage to a book I liked back in my early teen years, "Brighty of the Grand Canyon"). May start with some donkeys and do some 'liposuction'/'surgery' on them to get to the 'right' shape/size.

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:54 PM

OK, on the wife's (HO) layout she has a 3-way intersection in town. If you wanted to add some kind of lighted accessory(s) for traffic, which would you use? Confused Because there will be a circus parade running through that intersection, 2 of the 3 (if not all 3) directions will have Red lights. I suppose the simple answer would be the 3-way lighted poles, unless there are better options? Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:36 PM

I see Jeff's battening down the hatches, after having a 'shocking' experience with the mower. Whistling Glad there wasn't any readily fixable damage to your locos - and I'm sure you have THAT shelf battened down to the wall by now(!).

Oh yeah, the rack is fastened to the wall with some heavy deck screws. It's not going anywhere.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:29 PM

Evening, Flo, I'll have an oatmeal cookie, with a Rio Grande mug of decaf, please. Already had dinner earlier, sorry! Thanks.

Barry, sure hoping your 'Personal tazer' does the trick for your heart! Whistling (Seriously though, hope it does...)

Ryan, you were noticed, m'friend! I, too, miss those menus you would post (links to). Good to see you're doing well and kickin'. Thumbs Up How's the summer ball league coming along?

Allegheny, my belated Sign - Welcome to the Diner. Yeah!!  Oh, and on your gopher/woodchuck/varmit problem, two words: "Blue peanuts"...Whistling My Dad had trouble with some squirrels about what the squirrels considered their tomato plants, and he used them on the squirrels with good results (until one of the neighbors complained about that).

Ray, that's one... different! ...way to stress safety, all right! Laugh Love your draft team there - a bit high-spirited to use on my layout, I'd say, though. Wink Good story to read on your troop's new Eagle Scout. Congrats to him and his family! Bow

Todd, only one of your posts would have "butthinge" in it (and make sense, sorta)! What is THAT, anyway, since you got us onto that topic? And how's your layout progressing (in between your Mom's remodelling project and the 29 other things on your To Do list)?

I see Jeff's battening down the hatches, after having a 'shocking' experience with the mower. Whistling Glad there wasn't any readily fixable damage to your locos - and I'm sure you have THAT shelf battened down to the wall by now(!).

Robby, liked your potash hopper - nice touch on that one. Thumbs Up How's the house appraisal/financing thing doing, by the way?

...and I guess Bill T.'s been through recently, judging by the various subject headers on posts... WinkWhistling Hi, Bill!

Rob, get yourself some (nighttime) sleep, please. That has got to be wearing you out. Hope the Mexican food does the trick for you. Zzz By the way, any pics of your wife's (or your) layout progress lately?

Zan, with that setup of the scanner and the camera, you ought to be able to get some decent photos to post. Make sure those doctors are treating you right (AND correctly!). 

Ulrich, it was sad to hear about those youths' deaths; sometimes people get in way too much of a hurry over stuff that doesn't really matter THAT much. We've had one or two people seriously hurt (occasionally dying) in a stampede at a store on the Friday after Thanksgiving here in the USA. Stores have big bargains if you come in at an ungodly hour of the morning. Me, I avoid the malls on that day! SoapBox Hey, what's this thing doing under my feet? Glad to hear that your weather is easing back for you there. Ours is still pretty nasty - we've stopped noticing how bad the heat advisories are by now, just stay inside the A/C...

Garry, looking forward to some future photos of your Union Station when you get along more on it. Hope your tests (and resulting changes in your treatment) help the doctors get you feeling even better soon. Angel

TWright, you'll get no argument from me about the decline of (some, anyway) what dealers are offering for $ale at train shows. Luckily, there are a few dealers out there selling non-c**p stuff - which is why I get around and look as early on in the morning of a train show (before all the bargains get snatched up!). Most of my w**k train cars that I have, I got at a train show (or two), and look like they're the old Silver Streak kind that Ulrich (the company, not our Diner) and/or Walthers used to make/sell. As for the trainshow dealer$, I think they must be looking at what some 'Bay dealers are asking for stuff (but not seeing how many of those actually get the prices they are wanting). Hey, soapbox, back in your corner!

TrainmanSam (& Susan), good to hear you're house-hunting, and hope you find something very suitable (and in your price range) - with a nice house over THAT trainroom space! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Keith - before long, you can just trade that harness on your dog for a saddle, and ride him into town, like one of Ray's horses there! Smile,Wink, & Grin Nice start on your cork; you're not too far from what I ended up doing on my layout section (covered with cork, and mostly after that, I did height variations). I figured I'd carve some gullies and creekbeds into the cork where needed.

Ah, Vincent - the dreaded "Ping! and they're gone from sight!" motor brush spring problem. Hope those sites get back to w**king for you today.

Jerry, what have those Cubbies been having for breakfast lately? Them beating the Cards that many in a row is soooo unusual for them, isn't it? (No offense intended - I just know one former pastor was a big Cardinals fan, and would razz Cubs fans at times during the announcements, etc.). Maybe the Cardinals will do their usual end-of-season "climb back out of the middle of the pack" routine again this year. Wink

Got some more tubs yesterday to put some of my structure kits into (mostly my Revell ones, and some of the Walthers). Still need to finish up the paint job on my I-beams and H-columns. MRR clubroom is progressing - though I didn't make it Sat. a.m. (had to do my laundry), the report is that they have 90 percent of the ceiling tiles up, and Monday we will need to sweep the floor of all the miscellaneouse crud so we can get back to the layout at some point. Tuesday some of the members will be getting the air conditioners and putting them in. Should be much better in there after that. Smile

That's most of my alleged news for now. Will be trying to put together some (freight) car kits this evening. May be posting photos later this week.

Prayers for those needing healing/sleep/comfort and those seeing the docs this week, as well as Jeff, Vincent, Ryan, Rob, Sawyer, and others down in the soon-to-be Wet Country down south.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, July 25, 2010 6:14 PM

Hey guys.

I checked both of the Kato units and what I found wasn't good. Each of the motors had broken brushes, so not I only have one motor until I can get brushes. Atlas and Kato's online stores aren't working for me for some reason. I'll also need to pick up more thrust washes to keep the worms from moving around.

I have athearn brushes, dunno if modifying them would work, I'd still need a spring (one of mine took off).

I'll be in the corner trying to think of something


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, July 25, 2010 5:04 PM

Was bushhogging when the thunder grew loud enough to encourage me to call it quits. So, I'll have a fresh coffee, please.

Wife approved of the sidewalk sections I made the other night. Still tempted to tone the "textured look" down just a tad. Since she likes them as is, I suppose I could proceed with adding a few street lights and little people, who will be watching a circus parade heading through "Sherman's Crossing".

Ahh, here's my coffee. Will be in the corner booth a spell.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, July 25, 2010 3:00 PM

Afternoon again...

Just taking a quick break from cleaning to have a glass of iced tea.  Unsweetened please, I'll add my own stevia....

I went out looking for the Sunday paper this afternoon and it wasn't in the box.Shock  For a moment I thought maybe it had been pilfered by a thief!  Then I went online to the paper's website and saw a banner saying it was delayed.  Thank goodness, don't want any Bankers in my neighborhood.. (said in my finest W. C. Fields voice...) Whistling  Anyway the Finger Lakes Crimes Times is running a nice article in today's paper (whenever it arrives) about the Eagle Scout in Troop 1.  If you are interested, it is found here.

Good news is I have found the carpeting in the dining room/office.  Bad news is the kits I have been looking for are still lost......



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, July 25, 2010 2:14 PM

  Flash,  the cork in question measures 2 feet by 4 feet.  It is 1/8th inch in thickness and a bit stiff.  I bought this at Staples for $16 dollars and I am quite happy with it.  Now keep in mind, this is N scale,  and I did paint myself into a corner by not building it in stages.  So now the cookie cutting technique is used in favor my demise. 

  On a side note here.  These so called 'ramps' I've built for 2 mains and 1 long yard lead.. all have a certain flatness.  I can see myself giving different grades to different mains to add to the given look of trains traveling at different speeds, slowing down and what have you~  I do know this.. I do not want to see both mains at the same level.   Maybe some added 'whoop te doohs' and 'hill and dales' might take away the flatness.  With the 1/8 thickness of the cork and the 1/8th per foot grading should make it a bit easy for me in determining what exactly I want to accomplish as far as a workable grade.  Also,,, some of the staging areas (3 others) .. well those areas are not flat.. but a continuous grade of 1 percent....  I see the cork once again helping me out on this.. in making my staging area level.   I hope this helps.  But in my opinion.. this was a better approach..and cheaper in the long run for me.  I do have the conventional cork... and I am planning on using it in certain areas..with also the 1/8th inch cork stepping it up / or down.  Good luck Keith

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, July 25, 2010 2:14 PM

Strong coffee ina a  SULTRY & SOUTHERN  mug, please. 

Keith, nice progress on the layout!

***Todd, with all the daily earth quakes from passing trains, just imagine how much additional glue would be required to secure all the little people & their structures on a layout. I can imagine them shouting skyward as they run for cover, "The sky is falling", only to realise they are glued in place and cannot flee.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Flashwave on Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:19 PM

Blazin: I think you may have an idea there. Call it cookie-cutter with cork. And your rightm it does make grade changes a lot simpler, and I'll bet laying out curves. I wonder too, is the sheet of cork more efficently priced than the roll-of-roadbed?



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Posted by howmus on Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:19 PM

Now as for the thin cork.


Hey Keith...... I was commenting on the strip of white paper you had where I think you are planning on putting cork...... WhistlingLaugh  Of course you have to use thin cork.....  You are doing iNvisible scale to start with........

Your layout is looking good BTW!

Ah.... Chloe how about a RBF to tide me over to dinner?  I'll go sit at the Rivet Counter and see how much trouble I can get into. Smile,Wink, & Grin  I see the latest "I don't like..." thread got itself locked.  Didn't bother to even read it to see why. Whistling

Just got done vacuuming  the kitchen....  My ***  there is a floor under there!!!Shock  Now to see if the rug thingy still w*rks...



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:05 PM

  Ray I thank you for the kind words.  I also thank Jeff and Ulrich for the tip on 'sanding cork' where the switch controls rub against the cork.  I knew it was something I was missing on that one~

  Now as for the thin cork.  I consider it one of many approaches or materials I am working with.  On the plus side of this cork,  (yes its very thin)  I believe it will help me as far as the '1/8th inch per foot grade.  In some areas I had to go steeper, and so,  this is helping me step it down .. or up.. to a more desire grade.  I find myself making choices on glues.  I've been trying all sorts and types.. and well, price is a factor when considering how much glue I'll be using.

  Now getting back to the pluses, I believe this thin cork will aid me in my 'wants and desires'  .. in some areas and can change the grade to offset the flatness.  Maybe a super elevated grade/easement. The cork is 1/8th and .. well thats one of many things I've been going through in trying to figure out all this.

  To my understanding.. when 'mains' were laid.. they are laid at ground level.  LOL.. well.. being I'm giving it my best shot.. I had to come up with something.. that is what I wanted.  Oh.. I think it was about five layers of this thin cork to do the mains to match 'ground level' of the staging area.  Here's a pic.

100_1456.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Here's another.

100_1483.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  What I've done is 'stepped down' the mains to a lower level each time.. as much as the 1/8th per foot would allow me. 

  I must admit, it was a real brain teaser and I feel quite satisfied with the results.  The actual yard is the lowest .. stepping up in heigth as you move back.  I must admit, it no longer looks flat.

  Here's one more of that 'Dawg'

100_1516.jpg picture by Blazzin55

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Posted by Zandoz on Sunday, July 25, 2010 11:45 AM

Garry:  I hear ya on the doctor changes...actually, already done that.  The new cardiologist and GP both caught the wrong med issue immediatly...and the last hospital I was in, Mercy Western Hills, was absolutely amazing.  So much so that if I ever get back to being physically able, I want to do volunteer work in the rehab center there.

Todd: It looks like I may be heded for another surprise today.  Every time I ask the wife what's on he agenda for today, I get the "Why do you want to know?" dodge.  Usually that means I'm in for somethingI'd probably rather not do, if given a choice...LOL.

Baring the likely upcoming surprise, the only thing I have planned for today is watching the Reds game, and a thrilling round of the Sponge Bob game with Little Bit. interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.

"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, July 25, 2010 11:34 AM

Sir Madog
Ray - I like that horse and chart picture - is it Preiser?


Thank you sir!  The cart is a Jordan Kit, the horses I used are Preiser I think.  Horses are included in the kit, but they have to be glued together and then painted.  I decided to go with a pair I had in stock, and someday will attempt the Jordan ones for something else on the layout....


[edit] Now look what I did..... I guess lunch is on me.  Go easy, I still have to pay off the new lens...Shock

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, July 25, 2010 11:12 AM

 Good Afternoon Folks,

we are just back from a garden party with friends (former neighbors). It was sad to see our old house, the garden, which we have tended so nicely over the years, overgrown with weeds, looking shabby and rundown. Amazing how little time it takes for Mother Nature to reclaim the land...

Aside from having to look at our house all the time, it was a nice party, with way to much eating and drinking (mineral water in my case). It was good to be out of our place for some moments as well.

The death toll in Duisburg is expected to rise even more, as there are still 5 people fighting for their lives. Actually, it is already a miracle, that "only" so few got killed in that incident. They had figured on 300,000 attendants, but 1,4 million people came. Neither the location, nor the security people were able to deal with that number of people, who are certainly not the most disciplined persons in the world. Earlier warnings were simply ignored  by the responsible organisations.

Petra and I are very sad and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have lost a loved one.

Ray - I like that horse and chart picture - is it Preiser?

Sam - good to hear from you, I was kind of worried.

Keith - with what do you feed your dog - space food. Puppies grow so fast Big Smile

Zoe, I´ll just have a glass of fresh lemonade, I am still full!

Have a good one!

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, July 25, 2010 10:56 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Yaaaaaaawwwwnnnnn!  Zoe I'll have a short stack of blueberry pancakes as long as they are still in season, and lots of NYS Maple Syrup to go along with several cups of dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR mug.  I'll go sit in the front booth and watch for thunderstorms.....

Galaxy, I hope your head gets to feeling better soon.  I think this stuff should clear out today and give us string of nice seasonable type days next week.  I'll keep you in my prayers.

Ulrich, I read about the young people being crushed....  How awful!  They go to a festival to have some fun, and THAT happens.  I will keep them and their families in my prayers.

Jeffrey, hope you stay high and dry and have some time to "play" with the layout.  At any rate, your drought may be over.......

Sam, good luck with the house hunting.

Kieth, nice shots of the "little" puppy.  I think the cork you are using is a bit thin......Whistling Just remember, measure twice, cut once!

I got a good nights sleep last night (for a change) and slept in until just before 10AM.  must have needed the sleep as I feel good this morning.  Almost slept out.  I think today will be "clean the house" day as penance for skipping church this morning.Whistling  If I am lucky, I may even find the missing kits I have been looking for.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Sunday, July 25, 2010 10:06 AM

Good Morning all...Its cloudy and 74 here..gots some rain last nite...I'll have Ham and eggs please...thanks...Temps were in upper 90's here yesterday and they had auction about 1/2 block from here yesterday and I spent 3 hours in the heat..My son bought a old tape player and 40 to 50 tapes for 2 bucks and gave them to me..not sure what I gonna do with it but it will be fun to play around with..Got the layout all cleaned and checked out for a out of state model railroader who is stopping by this afternoon..He is N scaler too..we are gonna try to work out some swaps...You all have a good one...Jerry

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, July 25, 2010 10:05 AM

Hi guys

It Is STILL raining here and has been all week. IWth T-storms thrown in often for good measure.

It has caused to have one massive migraine that seems to never end as the pressure keeps changing and no amount of or kind of pain killer I have is doing the trick at releasing me from this agony.

Just thought I'd chekc in and share my woes and let you know i'm still alive.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, July 25, 2010 9:58 AM

  Hi all,  Good morning.. brrrrrrr... cold morning.  Yeah I know I know you guys don't want to hear about cold.  I'd say its about 66 degrees  a very wet damp cold 66 degrees.  All the windows and screen doors are open.  Why?  In a few hours when the haze burns off,  well its going to be real hot. 

  Now as far as my layout is concerned,  well believe it or not,  I am laying cork.  Not laying rail but cork.  And personally this has taken time.  Many decisions as far as approach goes.  I just dont' want to paint myself in corner, well not any more than what I have already.

  I wish I had tons of pics, but with my two kids back home for the summer finding a computer open to delevope pics and also having a charged camera. is almost a miracle. 

Ray,  now that is a nice pic.. wow.  (the pic of horse and wagon unloading)  I can't wait.  Ray, a pic or two for you,  since I know you love dogs.

  12 days ago.

100_1497.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Then 2 days ago or so.

100_1517.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  This pup has gone through 3 collars and now is wearing a harness.  He loves to run and I can hardly catch him still.  In one days time, it seems as if we are watching the pup grow.  He is taller than the pitbull and gaining on the Husky.  At the rate he is growning.. well, German shepard and lab mix.. yes.  But I really believe this Hound Dawg is part Doberman,  this is going to be one of the largerst dogs we've ever had.

  Woot!  My approach to laying cork.

100_1479.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Pretty boring.. not too much progress... but I am making progress.



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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, July 25, 2010 9:57 AM

Good Morning. Coffee please. Gotta get a move on. Started gutting Mom's kitchen yesterday finally, will finish today and move on to the walls and the bathroom hopefully. We'll see. Must break up the day to go check on her, but I'm feeling good about some progress today.

Had a bit of a power outage we found when we got home last eve about 9 pm, the computer was shut down so I haven't read about yesterday so I just skimmed through to get a jump on today.

I see Robby posted another couple three prototype shots and an in progress shot of the model. I'm sure you can do it justice Robby.WinkThumbs Up

Rob- Yes wih a lawn chair and a lemonade you could see some great train shots. However, that is just a tad bit close for me. We all like trains but but for me, man, not that much. Maybe a lot or 2 or 300 feet away would be tolerable, and definitely not right after a crossing. Horns are nice, but every half hour or so? And what 30 feet from your window? Sorry train lovers, I think not for me.

Zandoz- Sounds like me too. So much going on lately no time for layout. Seems like everyday someone says SURPRISE! Something else for you. That's the great thing abouty digital cameras. No film. Bad shot delete. No waiting to get home and the film developed to see grandma had her eyes closed or little Suzie had something hanging from here nose. We hope to see some layout picks. Contrary to how BARRY feels, they don't have to be perfect pictures. Here in the diner no one will "critique" the photo work. Unless you ask for it of course.

Tom- I agree with you on the trainshow prices. Some how somewhere these people are getting the price they ask enough to charge it. Or else are prepared to give you the big discount by jacking the asking price up first. Last trainshow I went to, the prices were surprisingly reasonable as a whole. Couple before that WOW! Can't imagine the hobby dying if people are getting 8 and 9 dollars for a TYCO box car, and money Robby'd loooove to get for a weathered car that just had some brown airbrushed all over it.

I also didn't notice the man and lady pushing their way into the booths with their little wagon trailing behind them offering bids and buying up the stuff obviously eBay sellers last event either. Probably the "Estate sale" we hear so much about. Maybe I just don't remember.

Well SHOOT! It's almost 10 AM.Sigh I gotta get going. Should have been outta here an hour and a half ago. This is why I don't get anything done. Time moves faster in the morning. It's not my fault.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, July 25, 2010 9:52 AM

Good morning

Morgan ... I've not had LaRosa's spaghetti. I'll have to try it next time we're there.

Zan ... Sorry about the problems. Sounds like it's time to consider finding better doctors and hospitals. I no longer use local doctors and the so-called hopsital in western KY for anything but minor problems. Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville ranks as one of the top hopsitals in the USA. It's doctors and staff are noticably superior to others I have experienced.

Robby ... Thansk for answerrng about your hopper. It helps me to have photos of real freight cars so I can see how real weathering looks.

Ulrich .... We in the US are saddened to learn of the tragic deaths of so many young people. Prayers for their families.






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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, July 25, 2010 9:37 AM

Trainman Sam
how'd the weathering project go on the Lehigh Valley Hopper?


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Trainman Sam on Sunday, July 25, 2010 9:18 AM

Good Morning to all!

Flo, may I have a Large RBF and a SRP?  Thanks!

Jeff- We're praying for you and all in the gulf coast area...  Glad to hear your locos weren't mortally damaged during the "collapse".  BTW, how'd the weathering project go on the Lehigh Valley Hopper?

Ulrich- I read a news article about what happened to those young people, very sad indeed... Prayers to all the families affected.

I'll be in the corner booth catching up on some pages until I have to leave to meet our real estate agent to look at some more properties.  Wish us luck, as Susan has to head back to PA, she won't move here until the end of August, which makes for a lonely time at "home" in this apartment.  Hopefully we can find something today.  In our first year of marriage, we have spent two-and-a-half months apart...  Not what either of us expected, but was necessary in order to maintain the steady in-flow of income...

Prayers for all to have a safe and joyous Sunday!


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, July 25, 2010 8:27 AM

Morning everybody,

I really surprised myself yesterday when I returned home from a train show empty handed and all my money still in my pocket. Well, I did buy one of the world's most expensive hot dogs and a soft drink, but it was a good hot dog. I have to admit, I love train shows and look at everything regardless of the gauge. There were about 5 or 6 layouts and lots can be learned looking at them. I've said it before, there is a wealth of talent in our hobby.

The downside to these shows is that over the last couple of years it seems to me that prices are going up significantly. Especially for what is basically junk. I see boxes of freight cars that dealers are attempting to sell at higher prices than when they were new 10 or 15 years ago. Either somebody is buying them or the dealers are just lugging them around year after year. I don't mind spending my money, ask my wife, but I'm not going to buy an engine for manufacturer's retail price when the box has been opened, is dirty and torn, and the engine itself looks like it has been well used. Okay, enough of the soapbox, I still enjoy them and will go to the next one. After all, that rare jewel that has my name on it might just be there.



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:21 AM
Good morning. It's 77 and mostly cloudy. There's a 52% chance of rain with heavy rain expected. To say that it will be cloudy would be an understatement.

Not much happening here this morning. Everyone has their homes buttoned up in preparation for the rain we're supposed to get today. I found out back in the 80's that even a weak tropical storm can bring boat loads of rain. Today I'll just keep busy on the layout. I have cars to weather and plaster to pour.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:20 AM

Good Morning peoples!!

 Rob: the idea of getting back into weathering is an excellent idea---I need to get more hoppers weathered---Whistling

I'm off to go to w**k today----then I'm off Monday - Wednesday--then it is right back to the swing o' things.

Zoe, I'll just have a bucket of coffee and a doughnut please---I'll be at the RC for now

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, July 25, 2010 6:53 AM

 Good morning. 

 Thanks for the comments on the hopper.  I need to back into weatherting.  I use to do 2-3 cars a week, now it s2-3 a month. 

 Not much planned for me today.   Maybe mess around in the basement. 

 Garry.......The streaks are done by just pulling the brush straight down.   Some "weathering"  guys use a thin/flexible magnet to keep the streaks straight.  I just freehand my streaks.  I also use several layers of powders.  Kinda gives the streaks some depth.


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Flashwave on Sunday, July 25, 2010 3:08 AM

Garry: When Dad lived in Cinncy, LaRosa's was a marvelous way to find Dinner before I had to go home for the week. The spaghetti was, sorry girls, and to the chefs in back, simply heavenly, and some of the best I;ve had.Still is actually.



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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, July 25, 2010 2:44 AM

 Rob - it must be in the wee hours at your end now - I hope that´ll you be able to catch some sleep!

Good Morning Everyone!

Germany is mourning the death of 19 youths, who attended this year´s "Love Parade" in the city of Duisburg. The came to death as a panic broke out while 1,2 million people attempted to enter the place. A sad day!

Flo, I´ll have my French breakfast, with cafe au lait in a big cup, deux croissants avec beurre et marmelade d´ ceries, please.

Our weather is back to what we normally have in July - overcast, the odd spell of ra*n and temperatures not above 22 C. Quite a drop from the 38 to 41 C we had in the last weeks!

You asll have a good one!

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