I dislike the whining and complaining in this forum about what are really minor irritations. The complaints about the subscription renewal popup ad is the latest example. Or the tone of the responses one gets when posting photos of one's work.
I dislike hobby shops that charge than suggested retail. I dislike hobby shops where the owners and/or help think it's fine to use profanity and drop f-bombs.
I dislike the complaining about quality control in both forums and in hobby shops. I'd much rather hear about a letter sent to the manufacturer than just complaining to fellow modelers. Or how a problem was fixed. The real signal not to take the complainer seriously is when he continues to buy from the same manufacturer.
As you can see most of my complaints are about the hobby business, not about actual model railroading. The hobby itself is great.
Fred W
cudaken 7 Ballasting, but don't we all?
7 Ballasting, but don't we all?
Perhaps one solution is to keep the materials handy, and when gazing upon the layout with 10 minutes to kill, ballast a couple feet of track. Eventually, the job should get done.
I like almost everything about this hobby. That's what makes it such fun with all the areas to conquer like electonics, woodworking, scenery, etc. I especially like detailing & painting locos & rolling stock.
What I truly dislike is the manufacturers releasing multiple versions of the Pig Boy, F-7's, E-units and numerous other engines & cars when there's a need for other railroads and other locomotives. Despite all the poor comments about Bachmann I have to credit them with producing what we've asked for like many small steam engines and better cars.I have quite a few Bachmann Spectrum steamers & rolling stock and have no complaints. My 4 Russians, SY and 4-4-0's are awesome runners as is my 2-6-6-2.
I also dislike the high prices for stuff. Have you seen the cost of the newest Walthers passenger cars? Why are Campbell kits 3-5 times their original cost for 1950's kits? Maybe if they did some improvements that justified them.
My 2ยข,
Roger Huber
1 Figuring out problems.
2 Fixing said problem.
3 Woodworking and it shows.
4 Fixing engines. When I started I enjoyed it, now well lets say I selling off items that need work.
5 Sweeping up foam, one of the reason I have stopped work on K-10 Mountain. Hate the mess.
6 Cleaning wheels.
8 Making trees. I can make good ones now, but takes a while and makes a small mess.
9 Wiring.
10 Listing to my wife complaining that $60.00 is way to much for a engine.
If I am in the mood and enjoy 1 through 9, BUT NEVER NUMBER 10!
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
What I dislike is new folks asking a bunch of questions about their equipment before they even get finished reading the manuals on the equipment they bought.
Not that they aren't going to get the help, but it just seems to me they don't even try to figure it out first.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) http://waynes-trains.com/ at home, and N scale at the Club.
The things that bother me are:
1. Track problems including bad switches that cause derailments.
2. Coupler problems due to my layout (my own fault, I need to redo my layout).
3. Trying to have patience for products that are running behind schedule when I'm not a patient person.
4. Not knowing how to build with wood very well or wire very well (again, my own fault)
5. Not having the skill to make scenery and track look real.
1. Limited runs that keep pricing up.
2. Everything is made in China and quality is iffy.
Springfield PA
Untested locomotives shipped/sold defective.
Wiring (and DCC was supposed to make wiring easier?!)
Waiting up to five years for announced product to be delivered.