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Elliot´s Trackside Diner May 2010 Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, May 9, 2010 10:22 AM

Good morning all. Biscuits and sausage gravy and a cup of coffee please. Oh could I get two eggs scrambled on top please? Thanks.

Happy Mothers Day to those who are Mothers, to those who aren't, pass it along to those who are. Sorry, no cards, I blew my months mad cash, MRR cash, eat out money, grocery money, gas money and half the utilities budget on 3. One for my Mother, one for Brenda, who I don't understand why I have to get her one because she's not my Mother, but I didn't one year a while back and BOY!!!! I get her one every year. AND one from the dog to Brenda. Don't ask. The dog insists.

No frost here.

Garry- glad it looks like the lake will leave you alone at least for the most part.

Jeff- Very funny!!

Ulrich- I know what you mean by wanting to stay awake. I tried that Friday and it didn't work. Had trouble sleeping Friday night. Then tired again Saturday.

But today! I feel considerably better, though still stuffy. I didn't get any choo choo stuff done yesterday either but I hope to get some in today amongst the Mothers Day rituals and the yard, which I haven't mowed yet. Still a bit chilly so I may wait on the yardBig Smile.

Have a Great Day!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, May 9, 2010 9:57 AM

 Good "cool" morning.  It was pretty cold last night.  Just the high will be around 50 degrees.

 Not much planned for me today.  Maybe get out of the house for awhile.  Seems like the wife is getting restless.  She still has some pain, and bad headaches from the car wreck.  Maybe a change of scenery will work.

 Hope everybody has a good day.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, May 9, 2010 9:41 AM

Found this in my email this morning and had to share it.

How to give the cat a pill.

1.   Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand.  As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

2.   Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

3.   Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

4.   Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger.  Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

5.   Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl  and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse in from the garden.

6.   Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat.  Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth.  Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.  

7.   Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Get another pill from foil wrap.  Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains.  Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

8.   Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw

9.   Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans and drink one beer to take taste away.  Apply band-aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

10.   Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill.  Open another beer.  Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing.  Force mouth open with dessert spoon.  Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

11.   Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges.  Drink beer.  Fetch bottle of scotch.  Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot.  Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect.  Toss back another shot.  Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

12.   Call fire department to retrieve the cat from the top of the tree across the road.  Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat.  Take last pill from foil wrap.

13.   Using heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed, tie the little varmints front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table.  Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of filet steak.  Be rough about it.  Hold head vertically and pour two pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

14.   Consume remainder of scotch.  Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room.  Sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye.  Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

15.   Arrange for ASPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

             Sincerely, the dog.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 9, 2010 9:20 AM

 Good Afternoon,

Boy, am I tired! I try to stay awake to get some sleep this night, but I have a hard time to keep my eyes open.

Janie, dear, make that a bucket of coffee for me. please!

Rob - when I modeled my first lake, I made sure, I had everything sealed properly before I poured the WS E-Z water stuff. Now that stuff is supposed to harden quickly, as it cools down, but there must have been a tiny crack in the surface, which I had overlooked. Most of it disappeared into the nirvana underneath the layout. Did not like that, no Sir!

Barry - is that Ike Gutsy´s place in Walton´s Mountain? Big Smile Good Night, Sue Ellen ...

Called my parents today, but could not reach my mother. The news about her are alarming, seems as if the old pump just does not want to work the way it should. I am very much worried. The doctors refuse to do any cardiac surgery, so all we can do is hope.

Keith has left me with a riddle to solve, man, I am working on this (and already have some ideas, which I won´t be telling now).

Ray - Hallmark Day? took me more than 5 seconds to figure out this one. Hallmark = greeting cards, right? I really must be getting old and slow now.

CUL, folks!

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, May 9, 2010 9:15 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Happy Hallmark Mother's Day to all your wives, Mother's and such and especially to the ladies who pop in here every once in a while.

Zoe I could sure use a hot cup of dark roast coffee to start with.   You can use my FGLK mug if you like.  Then I'll have the #2 Special, over easy on the eggs. bacon, homefries, and a double order of sourdough toast.

C-c-c-cold out there this morning.  Hanging at 36°F, windy, and we are getting some precipitation in the form of little white flakes falling and blowing around.  The high may get all the way up to 47°F later this afternoon.  Time to turn the heater on down cellar and stare at the layout for a while.  Maybe I'll start a kit of an Erie Steamshovel I got for the quarry.

I have been invited out to my son's inlaws celebration for Mommies Day this evening.  So I will be going out amongst them again.......  It is nice they include me in the family gatherings, and I do enjoy the family.

Ulrich, I hope peace catches on with the rest of the world......Big Smile I think we should wage peace and practice senseless acts of kindness. Smile,Wink, & Grin

Hope all of you have a fine and wonderful day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, May 9, 2010 8:14 AM
Mornin folks! Well, Denny Hamlin won the Southern 500 last night, and won the nationwide race on friday. and he's won earlier too. to paraphrase the quote of Darrel Waltrip: "If blowing one knee out and gettin it fixed will make you do that, fix both of mine!" Hamlin had surgery to fix his torn ACL like what, a month ago or so?

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, May 9, 2010 7:45 AM

Coffee in a  BURLINGTON NORTHERN  mug, please. 

Have really enjoyed everyone's pics & stories lately. Keep 'em coming!

My wife returned her mom to their ALF late yesterday after the hospital visit. MIL is being evaluated this morning, so after some sleep, my wife is on her way there again. She also has documentation to present at work to protect her job. She is so worn down.

Took a look at the little pond and I swear, all the little HO critters must be drinking it at night. Awe heck, I think the little firefighters are using it to fill their pumper truck. Still isn't full yet. I think I now understand what took Sue so long to do her river.

Have a good day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, May 9, 2010 7:16 AM

Chris, Cleveland weather is like a box of chocolates; you just never know what you’ll bite into.

Hah!! That could be said for up here---currently we are snowing and having a temperature of 1 lonely petunia degree out hereGrumpy

and how are all you pipples here? We are doing fine as my bloodsugar went up to 21.7 last night and now I'm dancing with 8.2. And going down to near normal here. My heart was doing the paradiddles again for a bit but we got ever't'in under control this morning.

Anyhoooo--got the conveyor systems put together last night---now all I got to do is install the dang thingsBig Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, May 9, 2010 6:47 AM

Good morning all,

Jeff, glad you are feeling better, sorry to hear about the car after all the odd and end repairs you made sounds like it’s time for something different.  Maybe a used crown Vic from the PD?

Chris, Cleveland weather is like a box of chocolates; you just never know what you’ll bite into.

Did a little shopping yesterday, found a couple flat cars on 50% off sale.  Need to find a hotel for my son’s high school graduation next month.  We have a freeze warning for tonight, Highs in the 50’s during the day.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, May 9, 2010 5:44 AM

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 9, 2010 2:24 AM

 Heard someone calling my name? It was Keith? Dang, I missed him!

Keith- there is an e-mail on its way across the Atlantic!

Good Morning Everyone

Mother´s Day! Official holiday since 1914 in the US, came to Germany as an initiative of the Florist´s Association in 1923, but was made a public holiday in 1933, under Nazi rule... They could even turn such a peaceful thing as a Mother´s Day into propaganda. Peace in Europe - for 65 years now - the longest time span ever in Europe´s history. Thank God!

Chloe, as it is Sunday, may I have my usual Sunday French breakfast, please? Thank you.

Well, no sleep at all last night. Fortunately, the TV program was acceptable. I watched the director´s cut of "Das Boot", which took care of close to three hours of the night, followed by a film about Gen. MacArthur, with Gregory Peck starring  as the general. On my 2nd visit to the US in 1978, I took a trip to Bremerton and visited the USS Missouri. I stood at exactly the same place as the guy in the following picture, only 33 years later, to the date (Sept. 2nd, 1945)


 Folks, please bear with me on this one. Watching "Das Boot" brought back memories on one of the finest men I ever met. During my time as an exchange student, he was (and in my heart still is) like a father to me. During WW II, he served as an Ensign on the  aircraft carrier USS Block Island, which got torpedoed by a German U-boat off the coast of the Canary Islands on May 29th, 1944. Fortunately, nearly all servicemen were rescued.

George N. Hadden, M.D.

Born in Minneapolis, George served as an Aircraft Engineering Officer during World War II. After receiving his M.D. from UW medical school, he interned at the University of Chicago Clinics, receiving his certification in Radiology in 1955. After one year as a UW medical school professor, he joined the staff at Harborview and then established a private practice with Dr. Robert Roedel on “Pill Hill” in 1958, dividing his duties between the two. His private practice evolved into a group practice known as the Seattle Radiologists. In 1960, he transferred to the radiology department at Swedish Hospital, eventually becoming department
head. He retired in 1988 after nearly 30 years of practice. George passed away in March 1998 due to congestive heart failure complicated by leukemia. He is survived by his wife, Marjorie.

George, I miss you!

You all have a good day!



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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, May 9, 2010 1:02 AM


  " Hi Folks.. some HOT Chocolate.. on the house for everyone!.. MADE with milk" 

  HEY anyone see Ulrich?.. its extremely important! 

lol.. Ulrich.. check your mail  absolutely mandate you check your regular

I'll be sitting in the corner drinking my milk.. if you see Ulrich.. tackle him.. LOL.

Email me back if you want. 

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 8, 2010 10:22 PM


Just a cup of decafe for me, Flo.

The wind has finally died down a bit, now it is only 15 to 25 MPH out there.  We are now under a Freeze Warning for the next 36 hours....... 'taint fit for man nor beast out there tonight!  Some limbs came down in the neighborhood today as well as a small tree at a church around the corner.  Tree has only been planted a couple of years, and they never took the canvas off the root ball so it never developed a good width of root system.  You can still see the canvas on the root ball that just tipped over.....  The street sign right by my house blew over.  I at first thought someone must have hit it.  Went over to check and the bottom of the metal pole was rusted through.  A good gust just snapped it off.  One of the street name boards on it is embedded in my lawn.  I'll call the city on Monday.  Lights have flickered most of the afternoon, but never went completely out.

Got down to the layout tonight.  Did some measuring and drew the center line for the second Mainline track at the summit. Started to figure out where some things will need to be and how accurate the trackplan I did will end up.  It should work I think.  Not much more I can do down there until the materials come in......

Garry, glad to hear you're situation has started to stabilize and that you shouldn't have much damage from the flood.

Prayers to all in need (and THAT is most of us!)



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, May 8, 2010 8:34 PM

Well there is a lot of stuff going on, and so the Chapel Car has been dispatched. Here it is on a special Santa Fe train trailing behind a Santa Fe diner. A coach and GP7 are the rest of the train. In particular, we can continue praying for Morgan during his difficult tiome. I hope he can find comfort. Also, there are diners and family memebrs of diners dealing with health issue and we can keep them in mind. There are more things happening, too.  

Thanks for the remarks. After taking today's photo and after commenting, the lake went up again. However, but I think it will not rise much more if at all. A lot of muddy stuff is washing ashore. So far, the replica of Elvis's guitar which was lost in the Nashville flood has yet to arrive on our shore.  





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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, May 8, 2010 7:37 PM
Ulrich, thanks man! and no problem! well, southern 500 is on, I'm gonna go watch it

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 8, 2010 6:26 PM


It is now the 6th sleepless night in a row! 

Chloe, I am going for a bowl of Keith´s Polish Chili Verde soup.may that help to put me to söeep again.

Sawyer - it is truly a joy to see your very mature layout coming along. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

Morgan - I was really moved to read about how your community took care. Again a sign telling me, that I am living in the wrong part of the world. I am just too old to chuck it here and move over.

Garry - I am glad the lake is retreating. This is a beautiful area and a beautiful house your living in!

Well, I´ll try to hit the sack again!


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, May 8, 2010 5:02 PM

 Good afternoon, almost evening,

LEE: Man, my joke about "tornado today, blizzard tomorrow" was just THAT!!! You weren't supposed to go and actually HAVE a tornado!!!! Geesh! Now watch, you'll get a blizzard...and I'll get the blame! Smile,Wink, & Grin We're just glad it hop, skipped, and jumped away from you!

MORGAN: Glad to hear your community has been so supportive! Thumbs Up It's nice to know there still are some good people around...just a helluva way to find THAT out.Disapprove Continued best wishes for comfort and strength to you and your family.

JIM: I'll have an e-mail heading your way shortly...

Gotta keep moving, I've got track meet pics to ship to THAT via "Send Space." I "oughta" do some other things as well...Sigh 

ChrisEight Ball



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, May 8, 2010 4:57 PM
Garry, glad the lake is receding a bit! Been scratchbuilding this weekend. Overview: Spotting cars: The lot. I need some trucks to fill the lot up. Pulling by the cannery: The Dixie Quick-Mix bagging plant. I have a lot left to do but the two basic structures are there. Looking between the buildings: Pulling out of the spur:

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, May 8, 2010 3:05 PM


Good afternoon.

Morgan. I liked reading the story about how the small town folks helped out and also the graduation. It's good to see people caring for people. There may be days ahead when you neeed your friends, and we diners will be your friends. Prayers for you.

Rob .. Sorry to learn about your MIL. Prayers for her. 

Lake elevation is actually down by about 2 inches. Winds have brought in lots of driftwood and debris along our 300' shore. Winds are still bringing more.  

I received a second hand CB&Q GP7 (P2000) and a second hand CB&Q SD9 (P2000). The SD9 needed repairs and I just happened to have the chassis from my "floor model" SD9 available for parts. Both are now operating fine.

I have added some benchwork for my upper level and I'm about to lay some track.






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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 8, 2010 2:41 PM

Afternoon folks!

Zoe just a cup of decafe.  I'll be in the front booth watching everything blow around outside.

We reached a high of 58°F today and currently 48°F here in the Finger Lakes.  Wind is constant between 25 and 40 MPH with gusts up to 55 MPH.  I think I shall spend this evening down in the layout rooms......

Just got back home from the church retreat.  I told the lady who was our "facilitator" that I fully expected a boring and unexciting day.  I also told her that I had been disappointed as THAT is not what it was at all..... The unfortunate thing is this I have a feeling is leading up to our pastors retirement.  His wife is retiring from her career as the administrator/teacher of our local school system's Head Start program.  Today was a retreat looking to the future of who we are and what we want to be.  What changes, challenges, and solutions are there for our church and how do we be a good presence for our congregation, our community, Nation, and world.

Rob my prayers to your family for dealing with this time.......

Jim, check your PMs.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, May 8, 2010 11:43 AM

Coffee in a  SANTA FE  mug, please.

This time it's the MIL who was rushed to the hospital. She is coming around but confused (more than usual). My wife has already been warned about repeatedly missing work recently. This may sound cold, but she cannot keep taking off everytime one of her folks visits the ER or she will jeopardize her own future. Then she won't be much help to anyone. I don't know how to convince her of this, as it is a touchy subject. Her own sister agrees with me.

Added another pour to the tiny pond last night. Sure seems to absorb a lot of that stuff.

Hope y'all are doing well.


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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, May 8, 2010 10:05 AM
Morgan, DERN you have some nice people around there! glad to hear how they've rallied around y'all. thanks too, I'm poised to make another leap forward in progress soon. hope that club will hold your diorama for you!

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:41 AM

Good morning all. Gonna be cold today with a high of just 56. Frost advisory tonight with a low of 35. Currently it's a breezy 48. Won't hit the 70's looks like till Tuesday.

Morgan- That is truly wonderful.

Yes the joys of living in a small town are great. But, alas, all good things eventually come to an end. I've watched our little town go from just the type you describe, to something not much different than a suburb of a big town. With the influx of "big city folk" moving to small towns, they bring their big city ways and problems with them. Ironically they claim they left the city to get away from the problems with the big towns. We call them transplants. They are about as welcome as Ray's sport garlic. But what are you gonna do. They almost out number the natives.

Jeff- Glad you're feeling better today.

What will I do to day you ask? Well I just don't know. I need to mow again, and do some stuff around the house. The truck still needs the oil changed and a tune up. But it's depressingly cold out. I don't know if I'll be in the train room long enough to get anything done, but I'm a gonna pop in from time to time with high hopes.

Have a Great Day!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 8, 2010 8:50 AM

 Good Afternoon,

a cold and wet day, just like the past 5 days. Starting to feel a little better, but, just like Jeff, still a little weak. Can beat me down with a feather if you like.

My June issue of MR arrived today, so the weekend has been taken care for. Not much else I can do for the moment - no signs of improvement of our situation. Drags me down.

Zoe, I´ll go for a bucket of coffee and a blueberry muffin to munch on. I will talk to Petra about making a cherry crumble pie for this place!


Edit: I did not realize that today´s the 8th of May. 65 years ago, peace in Europe began. Time to remember all the victims of that madness.

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Posted by inch53 on Saturday, May 8, 2010 8:29 AM

Mornin,,, an irish coffee please Janie. It be a tad cool here n windy, we got lucky last night and missed the bad storms and got alittle rain. Been havin some puter problems this past couple week. Got it working, but it's still not right.

MORGAN,,,, we were real sorry to hear of your father's passing. Our thoughts have been with you n yours. Tis good to hear you have so much support from all those around you.

GARRY,,,, if the lake gets much high, you might have to start thinking about sandbags.

Glad to see all the progress every-ones been making with their layouts. I've even managed to get alittle time in on mine.

Things been busy round here with the yard, garden, honey-do's, along with other commitments. Like, today we're taking Jbirds [my train nut] over to Marshall library, for a program about trains, including some live steam. It's being put on by a guy we know from there. Tommorrow, it's up to my sister's in Montezuma Ind for a Mother's day cookout. Baseball start Monday and there's something every weekend till the June.

Hate to cut out so soon, but chores are a calling and those best gets busy looks form Mother. Thoughts for all those in need n hope ya'll has a gooden

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 8, 2010 7:36 AM

 Good morning. It's 70 and partly cloudy. The high is supposed to be 78 and it will be partly cloudy.

I'm feeling a bit better today. Not sure what was happening yesterday. I had almost no energy and just getting from one room to another was exhausting. No way was I even going to attempt going outside. I would have fallen down the steps like a sack of potatoes. Hopefully today will be much better. I still don't have much energy but I'm getting around much better. If I feel up to it I'll do some weathering work on a tank car. I have several that are just screaming for it. I have some medical costs that have to be taken care of, co-pays mostly, so the Digitrax DZ125 decoders for the two GP30's will have to wait possibly for a few more months. While certain family members will help me get a few locos and cars the electronics are out of the question. The sub-standard Bachmann decoders will have to do for now. Gotta look at getting me another car too. The tranny in mine is making a strange clicking noise in reverse and neutral. Getting the tranny replaced will cost as much as getting another car.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, May 8, 2010 6:52 AM

We got about that last night! Marble sized hail and heavy rain and lots of wind. Today we get drizzle and snowflurries and lotsa wind---up to 90kmh this morning and afternoonWhistling

Today will be taking an elderly fellow in our neighbourhood out to the mall so he can be with the gang at the mall and get some groceries done and I can get some mall walking done! Maybe I'll get some time together to do some MR stuff with the foam again....

Chloe, I'll have a breakfast bagel and a coffee in a UNION PACIFIC  mug please----I'm going to sit by the window booth and watch some switching going on here---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, May 8, 2010 6:24 AM

Good morning all,

The tornado passed north of us as a water spout, but several areas got hit with 1” to 3” hail.  I’m just glad the storm passed through quickly.  Today’s plan includes taking the girlfriend to a sewing class and stopping at her house to do some cleaning.  Hopefully I can get in the train room and get some stuff done.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, May 7, 2010 9:40 PM
Evening, Chloe - I'll have a Santa Fe mug of decaf and a hot fudge brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, please 'n' thanks! Woefully behind on the goings-on in here; skimmed the past 1-2 pages. I will be soooo glad when the laptop is fixed & back. It has the best keyboard - better than the PowerMac's. Sorry to see Jeff and Ulrich aredown with something or 'nuther. Get to the doctor, Ulrich, and you too Jeff, if your creepin' crud continues very much longer. Adding your healing to my Angel list. Todd, like what I've seen of the trestle & tunnel (1-2 pics). Thumbs Up I see Chris is sharing his weather and sending it East. Wink Didja find out what we talked about yet? Email me if you did, please. Garry - Wow!!Shock You need an ark, buddy! Will Shelley be able to get home? Ray - email me your mailing address, please. Don't ask why...(heh, heh...) W**k was good today - after I got back from lunch, nobody came in or called for me. Big Smile Had a short deluge while I was doing laundry tonight (it quit after a little). May have some more tomorrow, but not supposed to amount to much accumulation. Time to head for home. On-call tomorrow & Sunday, payday today. Smile Prayers for all of us needing them (about everyone, I guess). Oh, and Sign - Welcome to the new Diner (forgot to write down your name). Blessings, Jim in Cape Girardeau
  • Member since
    June 2007
  • From: Indiana
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Posted by Flashwave on Friday, May 7, 2010 9:15 PM

So, I think we've all proven now I can't keep up with this thread anymore...

So, Im going to take a moment here to praise the values of a small town community. My HS raised for me from individuals a total of $1790.00 for Dad's expenses. The grand total is close to 2500, but between my school and his alumni, we can actually do this thing. Moe than I was expecting, that's for darn sure. Plus, people who know people are offering to help us with the estate, debts, and to make sure it don't bite us and drag me down.


I knew I had friends, but wow. The outpouring has been phenominal.

Especially when you consider that a few organizations I'm in compiled a second check, for me for gas, and whatever I might need to get on with the world. The stuff Dad would've loaned me if he were here and had it.

That check, written on behalf of Student Council, the Track and Cross Country Teams, NHS, and a few others: 1200

(Seeing the little slice of heaven that Clayton IN is proving to be: Priceless. Hee Hee.)

Holy. Frikkin'. (S)crap.

This again from the organizations I've helped with, and all this behind my back. And for gravy, the bank waived the money order fee for me, ($5) so I could turn the collection of checks and cash from the fundraiser into a payment to the Funeral Home.

Last week too, the High School Principal came out and did a private graduation the day before Dad passed. Dad wanted to see the graduation, and we didn't want him to suffer tring to hang on for it. The Principal brought a cake, balloons, a card, bubblers, noisemakers, a CD of Pomp and Circumstance for background, and for the touch or purpose. My actual, signed diploma. I still get to have it, just so that the ceremony had "meaning". That's not the right word, somebody fill it in for me.

Dear God,

     The rest of the world may be boardng a handbasket, but I can attest right here, the Cascade District, you dun real good with this one. I hope I have this kind of area for my kids one day.

Lesee here. Garry's up to his armpits in water. I forsee a few of those whalebelly tankers pumping water. WOn;t do much, but we can send them to BridgeTom for forest fire season. WHat say we? Wuld Tennesee miss 150k gallons of water without damaging their ecosystem? (I hate to take too much, in case that's ALL the rain they're getting for the year)   

Rob's wife hurt? Oh dear. Get well yesterday! (soon is too long)

Take care of hat foot Jeff. And thank you for the PM.

COming along Sawyer, I think I'm gonna see if the NWR club will hold my old 4H diorama. I'd like to get it cleaned up, still needs ballast and detail parts for broken stuff, and a road. Might be something nea for a project

Heartland Division CB&Q
Speaking of Amtrak and bad track, I recall when Amtrak first started in 1970. I rode between Kalamazoo and Chicago in dirty old second hand equipment on some deplorable Penn Central track. The train went faster sideways than forward.

Having everythign to do with the opposite, but CN knows how to treat track for passenger trains. When Dad and I chased the 4449 last Summer (sigh....) I remember us falling behind, because out of Battle Creek, she was allowed to hi a full 70mph. I'd loved to have seen her cranking away at that, but the highway speed was only 50. Can you say GONE? It didn't help that we got lost in Kalamazoo after that, my route map was out of date, but we never got closer than 5 minutes behind them ntil they stopped in Durand.

The wake of people she left was cool too, piling on the track t find their mashed pennies. If RR police wanted to confiscate that stuff for tresspassing, I bet they could've paid for the trip in smooshed change.


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