Here is one of the six Prairie Great Midland boxcars I've recently completed, based on a Tichy kit. It was shot last weekend by Craig Wilson on Jack Ozanich's Atlantic Great Eastern.
The PGM is a member of the same corporate family as the AGE.
Most of the weathering on this car was done with watercolor pencils.
-Fritz Milhaupt, Publications Editor, Pere Marquette Historical Society, Inc.
Hi from Belgium,
I am so happy to iniate this working week end.
Bad wheather here in Belgium, it's rainning and the temperature is cold...brrrrr
I am currently working on all the buildings I need for my new yard on my Maclau River RR in Nscale.
The period is 1935-1940 so I need a big icing platform.
Since last monday,I have begun to work on an Nscale Walthers icing platform but I was not happy whith his too "simple look", so I added an extra scratchbuild platform of 13" lenght and extra details.
I also scratchbuild a small office at the end of the paltform.
I made new handrails, smaller and more to the scale, a scratchbuild detailed chutes system from the ice house to the platform (which is not detailled whith the kit) and a small office shop on the ice house, so it looks smaller against the platform.
I will also use smaller stairways, because I think the ones offered in the kit are HO scale.
I hope to finish it this week end. Everything was made whith Evergreen plastic parts and Grandt Line windows.