My sister got me a couple of sets of figures - some "train workers" by Life-Like and a group of loading dock guys by Preiser. The Preiser set is one I haven't seen before, and from their low price I suspect they were hidden in the back somewhere for a long time, and have since been discontinued.
But, I got two more things that were precious indeed. The first is time. I've now got a whole week to work on my layout, which I need because I've got benchwork to build, and then I can start wiring and laying track on the extension.
Finally, I have "Permission." My wife and daughter both got new skis, and my old ones are good enough for me, so I told her I might go locomotive shopping. "I won't say a thing," she replied.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
GREAT STUFF GUYS ! and best of all is always health. My wife has been cancer free for 25 years.
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -- John Lennon
mfiferGREAT STUFF GUYS ! and best of all is always health.
I agree,
as for train related stuff, I got nothing. That is until I put in an order to Walthers Monday for some "stuff" including a gold line caboose (I only have the ones that came with my starter sets over 10 years ago).
Cape Vincent Southern Railroad
HO scale Horseshoe Curve in 5’x10’
My YouTube
Santa was good this year. I received the following in N scale:
a Central Valley truss bridge
a GC Laser co-op grain elevator and office
a Micro Trains Standard Oil tank car
and a Digitrax UR92 so that I can upgrade to radio control.
I also received some money so I plan on going to the LHS on Monday to purchase a BLI CNW E7 with sound.
And I think my last gift will be one or two Branchline PRR sleeper kits!
I must have been exceptionally good this year because My Girlfriend..Er... I mean Santa left Me some really great presents under the tree!!.
I got a Panasonic video camera to video My railfan trips and My layout.
an Ho scale Rapido "Oh So Steamy" Steam Generator car Union Pacific
Here's a link to the Steam Generator in action on My layout..
an DPM City Cab Company
an Athearn blue box PFE reefer
an MRC Decoder
Walthers Cornerstone series Track Scales makes two scales for weighing my sugar beet cars
a really big book called "Classic Steam" by John Gruber even has a photo of the GW rwy in Eaton Colorado
plus socks, jeans.
sparkyjay31A whole lot of nothing... (
I could forward you some socks.Happy New Year!
I got an Airbrush and a Bachmann EZ Track(tm)Expander set!!
I've got some back issues of Model Railroader;Trains;RMC and Model RR News I can let you have you have!!Also a couple pieces of Bachmann EZ Track and had you gone to the HO Yard Sale Yahoo Group back in November,I coulda sold you an Athearn Xmas Caboose and Reefer!!Also,once I get them photocopied,I can sell you some Plasticville(tm)Billboards from the 50's!!!
Also,a couple of X2F Couplers!!!
Just let me know and theyr'e all yours!!!