Are your couplers at the same height as each other? If not, they need to be. Or, at least close
I'm gonna reccomend looking at Sergent Couplers, Hang on I'll get the link, the couple like real ones, there's no room between the knuckles to bounce like Spring couplers, even Kadees, have room between the spring knuckles to bounce back and forth, and slide out.
Just another couple of questions;
1) How long is your rolling stock?
2) Are the couplers body-mounted, truck-mounted or both?
The Location: Forests of the Pacific Northwest, OregonThe Year: 1948The Scale: On30The Blog:
>More information is needed. <
Thanks for the speedy reply!
>What type of couplers?<
Some are EZ knuckle, some are Kadee, and some that look like these.
>Where do come uncoupled?<
At each end of the rolling stock...Ok, just kidding. It will happen randomly. Sometimes I get several loops around the layout and sometimes I get half way around. Never in the same spot. Dont' have any grades.
>Have the couplers all been set properly and checked with a coupler height gauge?<
Ok, now I feel like a rookie model railroader. No, I haven't done this. Is this possible with rolling stock that is from different manufactures? I've tried replacing couplers that seem to let go more often that others and in doing so, noticed that many of my cars (rolling stock) have different ways to mount the couplers. To bad there is not a standard.
Anyway, I have tried to standardize my couplers using Kadee but there isn't always a conversion for the different brands of cars and engines that I have.
thank you again for replying!
More information is needed. What type of couplers? Knuckle or horn hook? Where do come uncoupled? On rough track? On grades? Have the couplers all been set properly and checked with a coupler height gauge?
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I have a problem with my rolling stock not staying coupled, even when they have the same couplers (though not all of them do). I have even tried tying the couplers together with fishing line but that doesn’t hold for long. Anyway, do any of you have a suggestion?