FastTracks Hi, Here is some of the wiring under my CNJ Bronx Terminal layout. It takes all this to make it go... This is one half.... and this is the other.... All 30 turnouts are controlled with DS-64 stationary decoders to allow me to operate the layout completely from a hand held unit. No centralized control panel necessary. They are all programmed with 32 different routes. Based on a prototype rail terminal built in New York in 1906, the trackwork is extremely complex, and so is the wiring required to make it run!
Here is some of the wiring under my CNJ Bronx Terminal layout. It takes all this to make it go...
This is one half....
and this is the other....
All 30 turnouts are controlled with DS-64 stationary decoders to allow me to operate the layout completely from a hand held unit. No centralized control panel necessary. They are all programmed with 32 different routes.
Based on a prototype rail terminal built in New York in 1906, the trackwork is extremely complex, and so is the wiring required to make it run!
I'm just going to take a stab here, but I'm guessing you have more than 20 bucks invested into your DCC and wiring?
steamage Lone Pine Local heading southward on SP's Jawbone Branch.
Lone Pine Local heading southward on SP's Jawbone Branch.
I love that background! It looks like the mountains around SP's (now UP) line out by Palm Springs here in So Cal.
Tell me what you did, please.
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog:
Packers#1 zgardner18 Just make sure you weather the ties and the rails and that diorama will look great! Thanks Zak! I think I've got some paints that will be good colors to hit the ties with some drybrushing. Might be able to get at the rails too.
zgardner18 Just make sure you weather the ties and the rails and that diorama will look great!
Just make sure you weather the ties and the rails and that diorama will look great!
NICE! To me your diorama looks like it could be an old branchline not used too much. If it was mine I'd make the ties like they were drying up to almost a grayish color and that place would look sweet. Looking good. Maybe better than my diorama.
I've actually been sorting it out one issue at a time over on the Layout forum... my next plan is to ditch those two short sidings and add a long passing siding. I borrowed those two shorties from a Linn Wescott plan, but when I broadened the curves it doesn't have the same effect, especially without a wye and snow sheds,...
Ran a test on the 0-4-0 i've been working on to see if it ran smooth enough
to install a decoder
I was suprised how well it ran
Adding the tender pick ups really helps
the sound is dubbed
See my Web Site Here
PB&J RR I would appreciate any thoughtful insight or suggestions...
I would appreciate any thoughtful insight or suggestions...
A couple of train-length passing sidings along the main track would be handy. What's the purpose of the two very short double-ended spurs on the left side of the layout?
Hey Zak, worked on the rails (and shrubs etc.). How's this look for the rails and ties?
Close-up of the river:
The shot I will use for custom painted or detailed or weathered models:
fun shot:
overall (compare to yesterday):
Tomorrow I will work on blending the colors of the bushes together and also adding bushes along the back of the diorama.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
zgardner18Just make sure you weather the ties and the rails and that diorama will look great!
Packers#1 Sweet pics everyone! Fasttracks, amazing trackwork!!! This weekend I'll be working on the scenery on my river diorama. I poured the river about a week ago, and worked on the scenery for a while too. Track has been down and ballasted for a couple months now. First, an overall pic:
Sweet pics everyone! Fasttracks, amazing trackwork!!!
This weekend I'll be working on the scenery on my river diorama. I poured the river about a week ago, and worked on the scenery for a while too. Track has been down and ballasted for a couple months now.
First, an overall pic:
Route of the Alpha Jets
Wow, interesting stuff this weekend.... I guess I picked a good time to get back to the railroad.... So much has been going on that I haven't had a spare minute to work on it, but lately the bug had festered and I've been sitting down with Right Track to get a plan going...
I've worked up a dozen or so ideas, trying to use what's close at hand with a minimum of buying new stuff when the stuff I have will work just as well......
So here is the plan I like best:
A bit about the railroad... The PB&J is a bootstrapped transition era railroad, serving the fictional towns Penneburgh, Briarwood, and Jameson (From the children's books I'm writing), serving as a sort of connecting line between the mighty CCC&Stl (Big Four &NYC)and Appalachian Southern (This one I made up)...
I have tons of n scale stuff and I'll be building in N scale, no fancy benchwork just layers of 1 and 2 inch foam glued to the tops of three folding tables, that are bolted together...
The west side of the plan will be Briarwood with timber and logging generating the only income in this depression locked mountain region. The Centraldivision will be penneburgh, with it's lumber mill, paper, and power plants... this small town is just big enough to have enough society to provide some snootiness to remove it one generation from a stienbeck novel. The east side of the layout is what the fuss is all about, Jamesone and the Jameson Yard shops and central offices of the PBJ are nothing more than backdrop for the shanty town owned by the railroad and the dismal infamy that comes from such places... So much room for detail...
This isn't a final plan but I like it buch better than any I've come up with thus far...
A V&O run through passing town of Carbo on the Clinch Valley.
Robby, what did you use for the rust on the underside of the covered hopper? The wheel streaks look great.
I was able to finish my 4-unit Thrall well car set this week. I built it from undecorated A-Line kits of 2 end units and 2 40' center units. Maybe I'll get that fifth unit someday
Last week's photo, before applying the Plano stainless steel walkways, weights, trucks, and couplers:
This week's photo: all done! The containers are "loose" at the moment, i.e. not glued in, just staged for the photo.
Now to finish up that D&RGW GP30 project I've been picking at forever!
Dan Stokes
My other car is a tunnel motor
Town Meeting!
San Dimas Southern slideshow
Apparently I have passed your first test.
What do I win?
It's a rental... Just thought I'd throw that out there to see if everyone was paying attention!
Very Nice Tim!
And Lee, what the...??? A kitty? Have you had your head checked?
[edited for content by selector]
What will probably become my new finished car shot:
looking across the river:
While I was waiting for my wife to leave for her office, I got out some of the bicentennial units for a lap or three around the track, as it were.
I don't have them all, but still looking for a Milwaukee bicentennial to go with the ATSF, BN, SSW, and NW.
There was another thread on weathering, so I lined up some rolling stock this morning while the coffee brewed. I have seen some incredible weathering at but as my layout is outside, I choose to mainly convey a sense that the cars and locomotives being viewed"> have been at work. For the most part, I start with pastel chalks, dullcote fix, and then air brushed with a wash of dirt, dust, grimy black, whatever fits the car/locomotiv's back story.
Fast Tracks! Geeze la freaking Marie! Amazing track work. Some of those compound turnouts look as of they were designed by the Marines at Gitmo as a torture project for the inmates. I mean "motivation incentive". Anyway, great job.
All it did was glue dense foam together to begin shaping the mountain for one end of the layout..
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
Wow, you guys aren't fooling around this weekend!
For my contribution, a FA2FB2 set rumbled around Horseshoe Curve.
Another great start to another great WPF!
Here is another Preview for TSRy. It includes all three of the modeled Tri-State locos and 557501, the caboose I got last week. Since last week, the caboose has been patched and weathered (hard to tell in the video).
My Model Railroad: Tri State RailMy Photos on Flickr: FlickrMy Videos on Youtube: YoutubeMy Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives
That's some of the best looking water I've ever seen. What did you use and how did you apply it?
I posted this earlier in another thread, but thought I would drop it in here as well.
Over the last 6 weeks or so I have been working feverishly in an attempt to get my layout running before we take it to the NMRA Train Show in Hartford this July.This week I finally got all the wiring completed and the layout is now fully operational. Yay!Below is a bit of HD video of the layout running....
Not really a Weekend Photo Fun, more of a Weekend Video Fun. Too bad we can't embed video into the forum posts directly. Hint hint....Clicking on the video above will take you to my site where the video is playable. Be sure to watch it in HD if you can.
Robby, nice start on weathering.
Frank, great night shots.
Terry, nice job on that loco.
Tyler, nice progress on your layout.
Lee, great shots.
A NYC Hudson on the Pennsylvania Line.
Well, there goes the neighborhood!