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Elliott's Trackside Diner XII Locked

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Elliott's Trackside Diner XII
Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 2:04 PM

 As we were getting up into the 70's on pages in the old place it seemed high time that we move ... again.

Those who wish to look up something in the old one can go here.

Here's a photo of some of my most recent work just to kick things off.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:43 PM

Hello Jeff!...Nice photo. Where is everybody else?




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:46 PM

 No idea. Maybe dodging the weather like I am. Weather map shows some ugly stuff moving my way from down south. See ya later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:47 PM

Coffee in a large  SOUTHERN  mug, please & thanks.

***Jeffrey, nice work there!Thumbs Up

Wife's HO Layout: We spent a few minutes in the train room together, making decisions. Seems I'm still the one doing all the work though. No surprise there and I really don't mind a bit. She has a short list of structures needed to finish her town, so perhaps tonight we'll search some online sites to see what is available that might work for her. Cut & glued some wood around the Drive In Theater screen. Hacked at some foam in a few spots and made a couple culvert pipes using that tinfoil over screw technique. Whoever suggested it, that's a pretty neat idea. 

My N layout: Zero progress to report.  

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:54 PM

She has a short list of structures needed to finish her town, so perhaps tonight we'll search some online sites to see what is available that might work for her.

Careful now, short lists have a nasty habit of becoming long lists, especially when I'm shopping for something.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:57 PM

If you waited 3 days Bergie would of done it for you as he has a thing now about starting a new every month. Guess thou this was close enough. looks good the new location. Been a good and quiet day basicly other than stated in the other one. Oh you had one asking where the lock was. will go back and see If I can put a lock on the door.

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Posted by saronaterry on Monday, April 27, 2009 4:19 PM

Hope we didn't move 'cuz of my pics?


Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by howmus on Monday, April 27, 2009 4:46 PM

Cheesh!  Here I was eating lunch and getting ready to chat with somebody or other, and all of a sudden the darn thing starts to move.  I must have fallen asleep in the booth as nobody was in the place.   

So this is the new location, huh?  Just one track over so i doubt anyone will have any trouble finding the place.  

Another new record for high temp in April here in the Finger Lakes. Highest ever reported for the month here was set last Saturday at 89°F.  Right now it is 87°F outside which is a new record high for the 27th. of April.  Sure hope this isn't what Summer is going to like this year!  On the other hand it is a nice cool 65° down in the train room, so..............

Dick you mentioned Bully Hill Vinyard's.  Walter S. ––––––– was the brains behind the Bully Hill Winery on Keuka Lake.  Walter lost the right to use his name on the Bully Hill label after Coca-Cola bought the original Taylor Winery which Walter was part of as a family member.  When he started the estate winery on Bully Hill, he signed his name on the bottles and was promptly taken to court where he was told he couldn't put his real name on his wine as it was a copyright violation.  Walter legally changed his name to Walter S. –––––––––– Thus beginning a great "tongue in cheek" advertising campaign.  He planted some wonderful French/American Hybrids and proceeded to make some full bodied French tradition wines.  Walter S. ––––––––– was also a good artist and his work ended up on many of the wine bottles.  One of my favorite was directly related to the lawsuit, "(You didn't get my) Goat".  There are now many, many fantastic small estate wineries on several of the Finger lakes with some of the best on Seneca Lake where I live.  If you ever decide to vacation in this area let me know and I will escort you on the wine tour.  Finger Lakes Wine is among the very best in the world and has won many international competitions to prove it!

Some information on Walter S. –––––––– and the Coca-Cola Lawsuit can be found here:

I think I will disapear down to the basement and see if the paint is dry on the locos.........  And cool off!

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, April 27, 2009 4:51 PM

Hello all,

Well, Jeffrey,you beat me to it. I was gonna open a new diner when I saw we had reached the 70 page mark this morning, but I didn't really have time to even post. Thank you.

Went shopping bought La Roma Tomato, Dill, Parsley, three kinds of salad greens, oregano, thyme, and some mary-golds and a flat of pansy to start off with. Over 90* here today, Really have to thank my stars I have an a/c van and house. Whew! gotta love A/C!

Went to visit my father and the in-laws today. Got that out of the way. MIL looking for something to bloom in early spring and stay bloomed all summer into fall. A plant. We have no such animal in these here parts we were told at 3 garden centers. {and we suspected}.

It would seem Dandilions have about taken over the planter and around the pond area this year. Durn it!

We I will have plenty to do next few days preparing the planter and pond.

Well, have a great evening folks and welcome to Jeffrey's new diner.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

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Posted by saronaterry on Monday, April 27, 2009 7:15 PM

#48, the NB thru freight,enters Spooner Yard limits:



Nice new digs!!



Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, April 27, 2009 7:22 PM

Another new record for high temp in April here in the Finger Lakes. Highest ever reported for the month here was set last Saturday at 89°F.  Right now it is 87°F outside which is a new record high for the 27th. of April.  Sure hope this isn't what Summer is going to like this year!  On the other hand it is a nice cool 65° down in the train room, so..............


We have yet to see any of that temperature stuff here---YET!!Whistling---don't worry---Ray---cooler weather, with the attendant barrels of rain are here for tomorrow. BTW--We had a strange day up here. The weatherguessers kept saying winds from the southwest at 30kmh---but the weatherdata kept giving us winds from the southeast at up to 70kmh at times, which it proceeded to do ---in spades-----huh?ConfusedWhistling

Well---I had a wonderful short meeting------NOT!!!Banged Head---I had to adjourn the thing late this afternoon after a couple of union reps got into it over some dang certification test thing. Then --after I threatened to stick both with a censure over their actions--they spent a hour and a half basically sniping at each other----AngryAngrySoapBoxGrumpy---so I tend to go----RRAAOOORRGH!!--a lot when these things happen

Then I get on our illustrious forum and get OOPSed out----GROWL!!!Grumpy---

Chloe, I'll have Strawberry-Rhubarb PIE!!---and a large RBF please---gotta have my comfort food!!Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by saronaterry on Monday, April 27, 2009 7:43 PM

Yup, Barry, I got ooops for almost an hour. Even tried the log-out/log-in thing and no joy. Went to a few other sites, no problems?!?


Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by twhite on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:08 PM

Hm, seems I missed last month's diner entirely.  We sure move a lot, don't we? Tongue

Well, between my computer crashing--I mean, it did a Kamakazi  on me, and then a wonderful bout with the Emergency room for a couple of days, I'm just getting back on my feet. 

Weather out here in SunnyCal has been kinda/sorta strange, we had a couple of days of over 90 degrees down here in the Valley, then something moved in from Alaska and we had chain controls in the mountains while the snow fell, and now we're back to breezy and cool.  And puffy little clouds wandering around. 

Had a week of pollen so high that my COPD went bananas, and I ended up in emergency for some breathing treatments, and right after that, one of my blood-pressure medicines went haywire, and I was back to get some treatment because my tongue swelled so badly it almost cut off my airway.  Got the blood-pressure medicine changed and the swelling has gone down, but you'll never guess what my new blood-pressure medicine is--okay, it's little triangular blue pills.  The INFAMOUS little triangular blue pills.  Can you guys say VIAGRA?  Well, evidently that's what it was originally designed as--blood pressure control.  They only discovered the side effects later, LOL!   Okay, the bottle says COZAR, but it's the same thing.  Ask me, I know! 

But I ended up with a portable nebulizer to use for the COPD if I need it (haven't, yet), a whole bunch of new pills, and I feel a lot better than I have in a long time.  Been out working on the MR, installing my Tomar semaphores (they are so COOL--!)  and re-wiring the freight yard.  Working on my turnouts.  Running smooth, now.   Getting ready for the Spring-Summer reefer hauls over Yuba Summit, by golly. 

Spooky and Remington are just fine.  Since Remington is a "Wegie" (or in Norwegian, a "Skogkatt"), he's decided to turn into a 20 pound Viking.  My lady friend Lois, who is Swedish, calls him "Uff-Dah", because he's such a big Goofball.  "Uff-Dah" is a series of Norwegian jokes, some of which are really funny, but probably only if you're Scandanavian.  I'm not, but Lois is, and they're pretty funny, anyway.  And Remington certainly lives up to them.   

Looks like 'retirement' is over.  Got a call from my Choral Director partner in crime at Jesuit--seems their new accompanist suddenly decided she can't play the Spring Choral Concert because she has a 'previous committment.'  The concert's this Saturday!   So I'm doing it with one rehearsal--this Thursday night--and then the concert.  This should be fun.  But I'll be back with my 'guys', and if this is how the new accompanist treats 'committment', she has a great deal to learn about priorities.  Okay, I thought I was retired, but if they ask me back next year, because of this, I'm going.  That program (which I helped build) is far too valuable to the school to be treated like that by the accompanist.  And the Choral Director knows it, bless her heart.   When I told her that I would (plus playing a school Mass next Sunday morning), she just about leaped over the phone.   I love that school too much to say no. 

Well, that's about it, have to go out and work some more on the semaphores.  Almost have them all installed--the layout looks pretty colorful when I turn on the battery switches.  They're upper-quadrant (not SP style) and they're cool. 

Oh, not to drag this out, but guess what?  I have a DIESEL-POWERED passenger train!  Yup.  Genesis F-3's and Walthers PS streamlined cars and it's the Rio Grande "Prospector."  I never thought I'd do it.  It looks neat.  I'm stopping there, though.  No diesel freights.  Sorry 'bout that.  I'm still gonna be an Old Fart about THAT! 

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Big Smile 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:18 PM

The storms have passed, for now. There was no rain, just wind, thunder and lightning. Looks like more on tap for tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:25 PM

 Well, had a great time at practice tonight y'all. Game tomorrow, hopefully I'll be hydrated for this one!

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:36 PM


 Well, had a great time at practice tonight y'all. Game tomorrow, hopefully I'll be hydrated for this one!

You gotta be careful on that. Get dehydrated and they'll be carrying you off the field.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:41 PM



 Well, had a great time at practice tonight y'all. Game tomorrow, hopefully I'll be hydrated for this one!

You gotta be careful on that. Get dehydrated and they'll be carrying you off the field.


yeah man, that ain't too fun. I got cramps last game; was very hot, and I'd already been coaching.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:42 PM

Looks like 'retirement' is over.  Got a call from my Choral Director partner in crime at Jesuit--seems their new accompanist suddenly decided she can't play the Spring Choral Concert because she has a 'previous committment.'  The concert's this Saturday!   So I'm doing it with one rehearsal--this Thursday night--and then the concert.  This should be fun.  But I'll be back with my 'guys', and if this is how the new accompanist treats 'committment', she has a great deal to learn about priorities.  Okay, I thought I was retired, but if they ask me back next year, because of this, I'm going.  That program (which I helped build) is far too valuable to the school to be treated like that by the accompanist.  And the Choral Director knows it, bless her heart.   When I told her that I would (plus playing a school Mass next Sunday morning), she just about leaped over the phone.   I love that school too much to say no. 


I think the line for this was something along the line of---

"You can take the musician from the music but you can't take the music out of the musician" ---or summat. I think it'll help in getting better in the loong term as well Tom------Take care---nice to hear from you again-------

Spooky and Remington are just fine.  Since Remington is a "Wegie" (or in Norwegian, a "Skogkatt"), he's decided to turn into a 20 pound Viking.  My lady friend Lois, who is Swedish, calls him "Uff-Dah", because he's such a big Goofball.  "Uff-Dah" is a series of Norwegian jokes, some of which are really funny, but probably only if you're Scandanavian.  I'm not, but Lois is, and they're pretty funny, anyway.  And Remington certainly lives up to them.   


Ah-hah!! The little one's are still all "bundles of fluffy silliness"---hopefully you kept them away from them Yellowstones, cabeese and what ever else they can get their little paws on!Smile,Wink, & Grin--There is a variation on "Uff-dah" that centers around what happens when a large object reluctantly moves--while the rope snaps and you go------OOOFF-DUH!!!Laugh

Got the blood-pressure medicine changed and the swelling has gone down, but you'll never guess what my new blood-pressure medicine is--okay, it's little triangular blue pills.  The INFAMOUS little triangular blue pills.  Can you guys say VIAGRA?  Well, evidently that's what it was originally designed as--blood pressure control.  They only discovered the side effects later, LOL!   Okay, the bottle says COZAR, but it's the same thing.  Ask me, I know! 


I heard about that!!!LaughLaughLaugh

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Hoople on Monday, April 27, 2009 9:10 PM

blownout cylinder

I think the line for this was something along the line of---

"You can take the musician from the music but you can't take the music out of the musician" ---or summat.


Boy, do I know that well! Usually my friends word it to be "You can take the Mark away from the drums, but you can't take the drums away from Mark!", mainly because I usually tap out rhythms  with my pencils... I also get caught air-guitaring a lot now, too.

Tom: Good to hear from ya! I hope you get all of those health issues taken care of so you can get back to working on the Sierras on your layout! I love watching the progress. As far as the cats go, I've got three foster cats at the moment. Not sure what breed. I've got the mom, and two kittens... The mom is a black and white long haired cat, while the kittens look like they'll be short haired. One is black and white like his mom, and the other is sort of a blackish tabby... Not the usual gray, she's more black. They are quite interested in my trains... Ran the tomato stripe local around, and Emily (The mom), was intent on watching and trying to figure out what it was... I put my F7 next to her, and she proceeded to swat it. I love cats... Don't think I love 'em quite as much as I love birds, though.

Did a little work on the layout today. Started to rip up the old 6% grade, trying to replace it.... Made it two years ago, and I did it terribly. I still remember I actually asked in this thread (Not this diner, but one of the old ones) what % the grade should be. I definitely need to re-do a decent bit of the the trackwork on the sidings... The mainline, however, is bulletproof. Big boy pulled a passenger train at 50 sMPH around 30 times without an issue. One siding has a weird electrical issue that I've got to fix... Oh well, as AC/DC says, "It's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock and roll," which is true in it's original meaning, and in my situation.

That's about it for now.



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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, April 27, 2009 9:11 PM

Another new place.  Man we keep moving up!!!

The in-laws are here.  The mother-in-law is leaving tomorrow, but the brother-in-law is talking about staying 1 - 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know if I can handle that.  He's a good guy, its the cocker spaniel I am getting fed up with.  I think she tried to bite the M-I-L.   The wife and I will talk to her brother and tell her if the dog is still going "crazy" he will have to sleep at grandmas.

The new job, well its one of those we will call you.  I do interviews very good, but this one was pretty weird.  The questions were like.......What kind of cars do you drive, do you rent or own your house, does your wife like her job?   I think that was getting to personal.

So....I guess I will keep looking.  

Well guys wish me luck with the in-laws/dog troubles.

Have a good night.


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by der5997 on Monday, April 27, 2009 9:48 PM

Just a quick bed-time chocolate and cookies please. The hulk drifted up-stream a mile or two this afternoon. Fisheries helicopter took a peek in the morning, I'm told. A tug is on its way from Port Hawksbury (Other way and more than twice as far a HalifaxConfused)  Can't see it from the road anymore because of where it is this evening. Took the photos by going through the bush to the shore and walking along. Cold wind. Hulk wasn't moving, but no anchor chain showing, just the bow hawswer by which it had been docked (Some-one went aboard by Zodiac after lunch - didn't stay to watch, had things to do in the basement, so don't know what if anything they did). One thing's for certain, no-one here wants it back in Sheet Harbour!


John, I’m getting old, what did I need axels for? 
  It was my mistake, I took thy name in vain!Black Eye  I meant to say Barry. I guess I was thinking about the hulk, and Coast Guard and that sort of thing, so typed your name instead of Barry's!

Must get to bed, Goodnight all,and God Bless. Prayers for all in need of healing, comfort and peace.Angel

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, April 27, 2009 10:28 PM

Good evening...

Tom W ..... I am really glad to see you in the diner. I've missed your posts here. I am very sorry to hear about your health problems. Prayers for you. ........ Your Prospector sounds like a really nice train

This evening, Shelley and I attended a fund raiser banquit for a Christian group that helps women with problem pregnancies. It is extremely worthwhile. The group helps women who choose life.instead of abortions. They also educate young people about abstinence. They have been highly effective, and many babies in this area have been saved.

Maybe tomorrow, I can work on the layout.




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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, April 27, 2009 11:32 PM

Good evening, man...this place sure does move a lot. I see the pie case made the did THAT catapault!

Thanks to JEFF for taking the initiative to move this thing...again. It is appreciated. And hey, maybe Bergie would've done it, but I think it says something to him, and the Kalmbach muckety-mucks when we're (through Jeff, and others) able to take care of ourselves.

Robby P.
I do interviews very good, but this one was pretty weird.  The questions were like.......What kind of cars do you drive, do you rent or own your house, does your wife like her job?   I think that was getting to personal.

ROBBY: Yeah, that is getting into "weird" territory. I've had positions where they ran credit checks on me as well as the usual background checks. Maybe they're trying to decide if you're likely to drive off with the merchandise?? Speaking of weird job interviews, I'm used to going in and trying to convince the boss why they should hire me. I had one where the boss was trying to convince me why I should hire on...just a little bit backwards there. Before I started my short career in office furniture installation, the boss said in my interview "I hate this job. Everybody on the crew hates this job. You'll hate this job too."

Just whatcha wanna hear when contemplating hiring-out right?

Hang in there Pal, there is always something out there.

In other news, UPRR is running an inspection special tomorrow, leaving Proviso around 0600, due into Clinton by/around 0800 then west to the Spine Line for a trip North. Rumors had Heritage units on it...last report was just a plain-Jane regular unit. UP 5490, I believe. Would've been nice to have UP 1995 (CNW Heritage) on the point, haven't seen her in a few years. A few years ago, an inspection special ran through with the one running DD40AX on the point. I saw the train (from the Post Office a few blocks away), but AFTER the power had gone by. Didn't even know about the rare unit until I saw Ames Railfan Yahoo group posts later that evening...Banged Head

To follow up on the "Vancouver Special" from the weekend, I haven't seen/heard anything more on it. I believe it was wind turbine tower components though. I can't imagine what else it could've been.

Chloe? If the grill is up and running, a cheeseburger and a 7-Up please, and thankyamuch.

There were a few others I was going to respond to tonight...but I'll be danged if I remember what it all was...

ChrisEight Ball


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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:57 AM

Well alittle bit cooler today.  Around 70, and some sun.

I showed the brother-in-law my layout and he really liked it.  Of course he gave some ideas, which I know won't work.   At least he thinks it neat, and says its coming along.

I might work on the layout a bit today.  Maybe even do some switching on it.

Chris, that is pretty weird to hear at a interview.  I think the hardest/the most nervous ones for was....The police interviews.  That had me at the edge of my seat.  If you can do good in those interviews, others will be a piece of cake.

 Well I guess I will go, I will be back in later.


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:01 AM

 Good morning.

It's 64 and cloudy in the Sportsman's Paradise. The high should be around 80 and there's a chance for thunderstorms.

Although we had several storms blow through during the daylight hours yesterday there was no rain here. There was however plenty of wind, thunder and lightning. After 9:30pm several more storms blew in with a lot more thunder and lightning and lots of rain. It rained all night and is still raining at this time. To say that it's slightly soggy outside is an understatement and a half. The power went off several times during the night, just enough to be aggravating. As far as layout work is concerned I busied myself in cleaning up the remains of a couple of recent projects. Amazing how much of a mess can be made while working on several structures. In the good news column I got notification in the mail yesterday from Social Security that I have a stimulus check coming in May. I've already made arrangements to obtain two Atlas locomotives, an SD24 and a GE U30C. In the 'What the heck is going on here' column I just saw a shadow move across one of the windows of a lighted freight station. It would seem the place was occupied! Armed with the Bengal bug spray I lifted the structure in question to find a large water bug making itself right at home. Considering the six-legged intruder as such it was duly sprayed. Shortly I'll collect the mortal remains and dispose of it outside. Pretty bad when it's so wet out that a water bug would come in looking for a warm dry place. I'll have to post the 'NO TRESPASSING' signs.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA  71446-6114      4/28/2009

Wind Chill64°F
Dew Point63°F

So Far Today
Rain Rate0.00"/h
Gust32mph SE

Today  High: 82    Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the lower 80s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.

Tonight  Low: 65    Partly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:19 AM

And a good morning to all of you.

Getting kinda wet out there this morning--we're supposed to see showers/periods of rain/thundershowers into the afternoon when the temperatures will fall to 6C and then go to 2C for a low tonight---that is after it clears up. Sunny tomorrow with highs of 14C. Smile,Wink, & Grin

We're off today----got word from bosses here that the meeting will be done on Wednesday instead. That way there is a cool off so the "Hot Heads" --as my immediate boss so politely put it--can reconsider their untennable position. Maybe we get some work done, otherwise--?Grumpy

Chloe, I'll have a large coffee and an egg benedict please. I'm going to the back corner booth---now that I see Someone just had to bring that pie catapault here!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:25 AM
Good morning all, The Soule household went to General Quarters last night with me the dog and 2 cats providing from REPAIR 5. (If you were in the service you just had flash back).

The cut off valve for the front outside hose spigot decided to blow a seal and started flooding the basement.  So instead of MRRing last night I had to sweat in a new ball valve and about 3 feet of copper pipe.

Terry, nice picture!

Der John, Thank goodness, I thought my memory was going, you know they say when you get old the second thing that goes is you memory!  Um, I forgot what the first thing was……


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 8:11 AM

Mornin' all. No storms here like predicted and instead of about 3 inches of rain we only got about and inch and 4 tenths. No complaints. 

Jeff- Good job running the switcher. Nothing got knocked off the shelves.

(singing)Tom's got a diesel, Tom's got a diesel. I knew he'd cave in.Smile,Wink, & Grin  Seriously though, good to see you again. Sorry to hear you had some health issues, but glad to hear you've got them takin' care of and are feeling UP to stopping in. (sorry couldn't resist Laugh)

you know they say when you get old the second thing that goes is you memory!  Um, I forgot what the first thing was……

Lee- How's your blood pressure? (ref. Tom's post Whistling)

Have a Great Day!



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 8:15 AM

Oh yeah Jeff, just curious. Whatcha planing to do with the bug. Statue at the park?


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 8:20 AM


Oh yeah Jeff, just curious. Whatcha planing to do with the bug. Statue at the park?

If you're referring to the water bug I discovered this morning it's remains have already been tossed outside.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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